From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bio-survival circuit

"What do I want most, approach or feel comfortable?"
Decide from the heart. Or as I see it, it is a place behind the throught. The beginning of the spine. That is the true emotional center in my oppinion. That place tells you what you want most.


Bah! So simple:
PJE:"Step 1: Choose what you want most. Step 2: Find a way to get it!
Most importantly, do not allow any thoughts of "how" to distract you in step 1. When you're deciding what you want, "how" is completely and utterly irrelevant."


Watching Apocalypto got me into the bio-survival circuit. In this circuit the only thing that matters is if you can fight the person you meet or not. Nothing can hurt you in this circuit. Only physical harm is real. Words don't matter. Words matter in the emotional circuit, after need is created. Need is created from living in societies. We want something from the other person. That is when we agree that what they tell us is true. If you get rid of the need or don't have any at all, revert to the bio-survival circuit. If you are strong and big enough you will be king of the world.No thought can enter the mind which is true. The rational circuit ceases to exist. It is only used to communicate ideas, like I am doing now. The rational circuit cannot find any proof against you. It is a harmless servant. There is no need when you know you can just get it. You just see how to get it and there is no fear. If there is risk of not getting it you just accept that you can lose it. You won't think twice if you lose it. There is no need. The king only wants order. There is nothing he needs for himself, he is satisfied. He has wisdom and knows life. He knows when he can gain and when he can lose. He accepts loss aswell as gains. It is all the same in the face of no-need.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The default NO

I got sick and tired of not being able to approach. I've got so much inner game stuff complete. I've reached enlightenment like 10 times now. But it isn't really helping this one thing. There just isn't any neurology inside of me to DO IT. I have to create it. I dedicated this whole week to thinking only about this problem. This is my new way of solving things. I just focus all my thoughts on this. So far 3 nights I've been pondering about this.
There is still "the default no". It is a distinct feeling in my throat.Today I was asking this part what does it want. The answer I got was "peace". And it hit me. I just want to be comfortable. Approaching somebody means literally chaos. Random feelings, thoughts, possible new adventures and problems. I don't want that. Unless I find a way to be peaceful and still do it I won't approach.
It's all about learning to deal with the emotions and possible pain. I can pump iron with ease although it is painful because I've learnt how to overcome and deal with it. But I never learnt how to deal with emotions that come from approaching a strange girl. That's why it is hard.
The disitinction between something had and easy is just how much neurology there is in your brain to deal with it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Life with benefits

"The reason the absolutely hottest girls become lesbians is because the absolutely hottest girls are the only ones that truly see everyone's dick sucking nature, because we live in a time without true war and without a real need for true manhood."
Jiddu Krishnamurti:"Have you ever tried to be without effort? If I understand that all effort is futile, that all effort is a further projection of the mind, of the "I", of the thinker, if I realize the truth of that, what happens? If I see very clearly the label "poison" on a bottle, I leave it alone. There is no effort not to be attracted to it. Similarly - and in this lies the greatest difficulty - , if I realize that any effort on my part is detrimental, if I see the truth of that, then I am free of effort."


For example the penis wants to fuck. Need comes when YOU think that it is YOU that wants to fuck! Simple.


I finally understood what PJE meant by "choose what matters most".It's about the benefit. BEcause only benefit counts in life. The cost is not important. The rational mind does costs.So if you want anything in life you can't mind having it.What does that mean? Don't rationalize it, don't analyze the costs. Just choose it as the benefit for yourself.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Biological mutation

I have finally broke through. The last piece of th puzzle has been set. This is the end of one road and a beginning of something new. I have been transformed. Biologically.I don't post here recently cause I write a lot of stuff on mASF. The posts there are a chronical to what I am up to now.

No such thing as unselfishness

"The universe is so constructed as to be able to see itself,"

Spencer Brown once noted.


There is no such thing as unselfishness!
It is not a matter of proving whether people are selfish or not. The question doesn't even arise once you understand your logical brains tendency to divide things, create abstract, dualities, twos, pairs. It is natural for the brain make not-statements. Selfish, not-selfish. But it is entirely illusional. It is abstract. In reality there is no such thing as not-selfish. It is just the brain creting a concept to dwell upon. So notice when your brain creates abstracts. Notice the language you use. Unselfish is such a void term that it was derived from the word selfish.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I nearly slipped the edge of sanity today. I now understand why occult stuff is so dangerous. Or why you have to open up all your chakras in specific order. I thought I was prepared for it. I think it has to do with my stuff about Introduction to the Mind at Work. It is so powerful this what I have discovered. I nearly totally lost it today. Jekyll brought me back, I started reading his articles on madness. Thank goodness. I'm back in reality now.

I think I would not have realized this if not a series of events that lead me to stay at home eventually. As if a guide was preventing me from leaving the house. I got a nose bleed early in the morning so I got later than I wanted to. Then when I was about to leave the house for a bus I got the bleeding again. Later I left the house 2 minutes too late, cause I had to reply to a post. Whatever I think of this, I might take a note that it was synchronicity.

Some interesting thoughts:
The other night I was dreaming about this archetypal girl. She looked like Larry David's wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm. I remember Larry said the actress "just knew how to take care of him". That is exactly the archetype that was dominating in that dream. It was that girl. The girl that just... knows me. Today while delusioned, I had visions of this anima. A naked girl would come to me and take me by hand and lead. I realized this has been my dream all my life. It is probably one of the main reasons why I never did anything about girls, because this vision was so dominating. I dream that a girl will just come to me and know what to do about me. That she'll just silently take my hand and lead me. If a girl like that appeared in reality I swear to God I would marry her. That is the woman of my dreams. But I can't think about this any more. It's a pathway to madness.

Throat by Ijji

MY goal:
I will get used to the relaxed arch posture and will focus on opening fully my throat chakra.I will catch myself whenever I'm not doing this when talking or not talking while amongst people.Whenever I'm walking alone I will practice humming through my open throat.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Whatever feels good for me, is good for the mating process.

I failed to realize this because all my life I have been thinking how to please others. This is the way people with high EQ work. They just follow their good feelings.