In the morning I used EMOFree technique a couple of times with the topic of:
- talking to strangers anxiety
- loosing control
later during the day
- social anixety
I felt very socially anxious during the first half of the day. Although I felt very confident and sexually aware. The anxiety was totally out of the blue, cause I overcome it, but it was a pain all day until I met a friend with whom I have great rapport but whom I don't really like. Talking with him seemed to destroy the anxiety.
I received great eye contact with an HB in a shop, which never looked at me before. It must be my cap (it's a chick magnet). I felt like she is the best person in the world, just because she looked and smiled at me. If I felt like that, for sure I can do that to other people and they will think that way.
I asked something a woman in the tram. I'm glad I finally spoke to someone in that place. The belief that people don't hear me in a loud environment is BS. It was funny, because before I did it I didn't feel fear. But I wanted to feel fear so I could learn to overcome it. The fear was never present there. EMOFree works whether I like it or not.
Either the fear is there or not if you believe you'll do it you will do it for sure.
I must work on voice control. More mature voice comes when I feel higher status. But it works both ways, so always remember to control the voice, that will also remind me of the high status frame.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."