From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


This is a session of note writing from I'm feeling wonderful applying this stuff and it does work:

So he then goes on to say that you need to establish "lifelines", which are the signals that indicate when you should come out of the committed state.

provide the self that made the decision with a more-attractive alternative

The brain doesn't create crazy behavioral patterns for no reason; there is always something good that every network was meant to do for us.
you have to be able to convince the self who created the network, before you can change the network. You literally have to go back and identify with yourself as the creator of the behavior you hate, before you can change it, because that's the only way to "dwell in those circuits".

attention and identification, which I cannot emphasize enough. With them, you can do anything, but without them, almost nothing.

if there is a reason, there is no choice

what can I get done right now?

A resolution to change a damaging behavior for the sake of a positive benefit is the most shallow kind of decision and the quickest to collapse in the face of pressure.

We rationalize that "this time" will be different, but it will not be different unless we are different, and we will only be different if we are different in every moment.
This is why shallow resolutions fail; our conscious minds are entirely too flighty and easily distracted to focus on behaving differently in every single moment of every single day. To succeed, we need to get more of our minds involved, by changing the fundamental equations beneath our behaviors.

There's No Such Thing As “Going To” - whenever you say "I'm going to", you're lying

Effective managers can change an organization just by changing what gets measured and how the scores are calculated. When you begin to manage your mind, you'll see that the fractal equations controlling your "organization" are the rules that assign values to outcomes.

-- change the value of the outcome

This is why congruent decisions are absolutely essential to change. You have to be willing to give up whatever goodies you're getting from your "misbehavior" -- either you change the rules such that you no longer value what you used to get, or you change them such that you actually value something else more.

axioms are allowed to override anything, including all your evolutionary programming and short-term pleasure seeking.

decision without reason
no reason = axiom

consider the negative impacts of the change they were contemplating
What are you going to give up by changing? What's the worst thing that can happen? What might it cost you to change?

--I'm trying to predict future behaviour of people. It is fear based, I need to focus on MY emotions to make a decision instead.

emotions create the quickest decisions (fear - pleasure)

1.Envision desirable result(s) (not process! - think meta, not result of talking to 1 girl but being a social person)
2.Experience feelings in direct response to the envisioned result
3.Make a decision to have the result

motivaton --- chunking up

"Solving" the problem of housecleaning is an intellectual exercise that provides detachment from the frustration and ugliness and imperfection of the real-life situation.

Demons - use animal metaphors

Feel doing the action. Consciousness can veto the action.
Imagine destination, feel doing it, blink your eye and go.

Expand self-definition to people you are encountering. Self-definition is fluid.

Replace pleasure of comfortness with pleasure of having a fun interaction.

Wen I'm alone I am comfortable and can think of any kind of interaction and be creative and fun about it. When I'm physically near the person I can't do it. The reason is I'm starting to feel empathy. I'm expanding my thinking to the other person. Instead of defeating this empathy, I want to use it for my benefit. Use it for thinking what to talk about and how to relate to the person.