This post led to me an important realization. If I continue to behave
like this I will get the same results: shyness, mixed signals,
ignoring, etc... Basically her biology wants you, and that's what is
Here is a response to that thread:"Basically I think you should stop worrying about what she wants and just go after what you want.
I had that same situation, with girls being cold to me etc. ignoring
my presence, but my female friends would tell me that they look at me
all the time when im not paying attention etc.
Its not even shyness most of the time, i think its a defence mechanism
put on by the girl, she doesnt want to get hurt and wants you to
So my idea is to SOI her, let her know that your interested and make
the moves that YOU want to make without worrying about what she wants.
Anyway dude thats my advice i had this exact same type of shit happen
to me where they are warm then ignore me etc. and i laid them. It blew
my mind when i first figured it out too, and it is somewhat contrary
to popular asf theory but is true."