From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Saturday, June 30, 2007

I am the walrus, I am the egg-man

"What you can do in this state (actually I don't want to call this a state, what I am right now, writing this, is a state, that one feels more natural, not like a state of mind but more as just what I am, an animal without any state bullshit),"
In that sentence I wrote in Biological Mutation lies the secret to getting rid of Form. I will write about it.


I got back to feeling awesome. It's all related to chakras. I reread my article Introduction to the mind at work and it all clicked after a few days. I opened up my cock chakra. The thing is I don't have enough tools to do this effectively. Awareness doesn't seem to be the only thing. I opened the sacral chakra spontaneously. I might try something. I think you have to occupy your mind with something like reading, or mantras and then do the releasing.
I went out to a club yesterday, there were no chicks I digged. But I was feeling really great and did a couple courages. My new technique is chunk it down. Or do your best. And of course feeling pleasant in my chakras.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Be cool about it

I got out today out of frustration to approach 10 girls. I used every
trick in the book. I failed.I realized why.I was thinking.
The problem is I am administering the process. I want to approach
myself, when in fact as proved, it is not me that does this. I must
detach myself from the process first. Just let go, make it flow.

I haven't yet tested this thoroughly but I will. So it is not about controlling the thought process, like I stated in my previous post. It is wrong. If you are trying to control it, you are it. As the mind and its content are functionally identical. Don't identify with the thoughts by not thinking.

Second thing I learned is: my mind really is my enemy.All thoughts, ideas, images that come to my head are false and steer me away from my goal. I have come to the conclusion that all thought is a society virus implanted in the head. It takes courage and patience to cure yourself out of this.
This is why being really mad at this voice works. Like I did a couple months ago. I shouted SHUT UP! at myself. I was furious about some of my thoughts. Now they are just a memory. I must do the same with approach thoughts. They are fucking me up.

So how do I approach?


Do it without doing it.

Or in other words, BE COOL ABOUT IT.

Administer your body, how you move, how you are seen. But go to the head only to dismiss all thoughts. Dismiss them as your enemy. Stop being the slave. Own your body and mind. Kill the enemy.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The black hole of need

I came back from a Toastmasters meeting. On the outside I am a master but in the inside I'm a wreck. I realized I am extrmeely needy today. This reflects on my visual presence and people don't approach me. Also it is hard for me to approach them with this. Because it is uncomfortable. I got angry at this feeling and after decided to conquer it.

I'm going to meditate upon the feeling of need. Feel it and let go. This can take a couple hours even. But this method has proven to work.

Neediness is a void. Everything bad comes from it. It sucks your energy and peoples.

SLOW DOWN YOUR THOUGHT PROCESSES.MEDITATE.This is the only way to realize neediness and fight it realtime.



Give a second thought! Control the thought process! FIGHT IT!

Almost approached a girl in the bus with this:
Consider approaching, feel it.Imagine becoming better after, feel it.Stop thinking and just do it (dehypnotize yourself and move your body).

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I haven't been writing or doing anything. After a recent failure after going out I just had to let go. My brain must process everything again without me interfering all the time.