I came back from a Toastmasters meeting. On the outside I am a master but in the inside I'm a wreck. I realized I am extrmeely needy today. This reflects on my visual presence and people don't approach me. Also it is hard for me to approach them with this. Because it is uncomfortable. I got angry at this feeling and after decided to conquer it.
I'm going to meditate upon the feeling of need. Feel it and let go. This can take a couple hours even. But this method has proven to work.
Neediness is a void. Everything bad comes from it. It sucks your energy and peoples.
SLOW DOWN YOUR THOUGHT PROCESSES.MEDITATE.This is the only way to realize neediness and fight it realtime.
Give a second thought! Control the thought process! FIGHT IT!
Almost approached a girl in the bus with this:
Consider approaching, feel it.Imagine becoming better after, feel it.Stop thinking and just do it (dehypnotize yourself and move your body).