From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Monday, October 22, 2007


Hmmm Marlon Brando...
It's as if attractiveness can be boiled down to not caring what others think and what you say do. That's all about it. Love who you are and say.


Some amazing dreams coming to me in the past 2 days. Started with Marlon Brando saying to me that all your experience and thought comes from the knowledge you have, nothing is as it is, it is all knowledge manifesting.

Then I was semi-lucid. The state where I am conscious enough to know that I'm conscious so I can dream or imagine within the dream. So I figured out how, basically how the mind model should look like. What should be happening inside of you.

It's called the self-releasing & fighting consciousness. Everything that comes up to you, you release as unimportant. Another name for this is "The Lazy Mind". There is just no importance to anything. But you also recognize fear based thought and track them down to the feeling. This is where you do the fighting. You decide not to bend over the fear but fight by whatever means. Usually it means feeling it even more or using Sedona for example.

Now the important thing that came in the dream. If you want to do a courage, something out of your comfort zone you must test it first in your mind. This comes from the understanding that it is not YOU that does stuff! So this is a fault proof method to check yourself if you'll do it. If not you work on it more. The key is to simulate the interaction in your head, but there must be no conscious effort in the imagining except for feeling the feelings and fighting them. This is absolutely key. The thoughts must just come to you like in a dream. This is probably best done in theta state or hypnosis or during trance. Because then the visions are dreamlike.