From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Trace back the behaviour - butterfly effect - in magic room.
Broke at least two important (not anymore) spells in my mind today when out. It
directly changed behaviour. My thinking twisted to me being the stimulus, whereas
I always was seeking a reaction. Felt horny as fuck today too.
Tucker Max:"1. Be emotionally honest: Even stupid people can usually see through bullshit,
and writing is no different. When you try and make yourself seem something that
you aren't people will see it eventually, even in your writing. I often find
myself at places thinking, "What should I put now?" and the answer to that is
ALWAYS, "The complete truth, no matter how stupid or awful or cynical (or cool or
awesome) it makes me look." For me, using the stark truth of my mind and my life
works on many levels. It shocks the reader, because very seldom do people tell the
truth, it endears the reader to me, because it gives them the sense they are in my
head, it can repel the reader because they don't like what they see, but
ultimately it makes the reader keep reading, because there is nothing more
enthralling than true emotional honesty. Everyone at their core is a voyeur of
some sort--when you open up and let people in, they will stop and look."
"To me this story displays some of the most common flaws of new writers:
1. Terribly overwritten2. Too much explaining, not enough showing3. Talks down to the reader4. Written in a style the author thinks he "supposed" to write in, not in his real voice"