From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Saturday, April 12, 2008


A LOT to write. But I need to start writing again, so lets begin with the most recent.

Re-establish yourself as the domineer.

This means that all esteem and horniness problems with girls come from acting to pleasure HER. This is totally against nature because she needs a man that can dominate and penetrate her for his own pleasure. This is the code. If you try to fake it, you get problems. Become the dominant one. Really think about what you want. And then don't fake it by acting like you're the dominant one using the lines thought in the dominant frame. You must feel it in the entire body. The testoreone. The knowing exactly what you want and then stating it. Without reaction seeking, just saying it and going for it. I am king.


All is good until she says something. I believe I'm faking it?