From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Monday, February 27, 2006


If I master this, I will become individuated. I will achieve my life goal.

I got some kino from a girl friend today. All I had to do is make fun of another guy in the right moment when she noticed the same thing as I. This probably means something for a girl, like a deep connection.

I've got to nail down the sexual look. I need to maintain eye contact and make it obvious that I'm interested. I don't need to talk to them now I can just run away afterwards. If anything happens I've got my 3 openers and conversation topics ready.

So, tomorrow every girl I find attractive and that isn't or won't be related to me in any way in the future I make eye contact to create tension.

When thinking of witty openers, thinking in a frame might help. Like think what advice you can give or play a character, like an authority. When a girl sits down next to you in a bus say: "That's my reserved seat!".