Craig's 4 laws:
I If you believe it will work it will work.
II You must be cooler than her and she must know it.
III You must create emotion
Get yourself in the mood - get out of your head by talking to people.
Always remain higher status. The best way to achieve it is humour.
I'm back at the university. Today I was getting used to social situations again. It wasn't hard and I definitally don't get conscious about myself a lot like I used to. I must use my time that I'm spending there. When I'm with my friends I want to
try to lead them not only by being the authority but socially, being the most fun, creative, talkative. I will train statements with them. Also I want to initiate conversations and interactions with people I know but I don't talk to. Use all
people around you to train.
I'm starting to use words like "I will", "I want to" in this journal instead of "I must". We'll see if the power of commitment works.
New shy pattern: I think whether or not do something > I think that one of the options will raise my anxiety > I don't do it, I think I'm shy.
How to break from this pattern? Something I forgot about: SET DEFAULT TO ACTION. Don't think about it.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."