I had a major breakthrough today. I don't think I realize it but I did something I never ever did in my entire life. If this journal would have one purpose it would be to document what happened before the breakthrough.
So... I was really cool and relaxed today, I was in the present enjoying every bit of reality, people could sense it. I meditated in the morning, also sang and played the guitar. I couldn't speak to people until I got to the pool and talked with my friend. I got in a really talkative mood. I got into it just by stating "I want to talk to my friend". After that I proceeded into my dedicated time to approach strangers. I have to stress that I was really calm and comfortable. The sun was shining and I was walking pass the street. When I saw the bus stop I thought I want to approach someone here. I chickened out on the first girl I saw and then I saw another girl. She looked at me and smiled. I knew it was on. Instead of just walking pass her I stopped, faced her and asked her if some bus was already off. She aswered
and smiled. Then I had a thought that I want to cut this conversation and go. So I did that. There was no fear nothing. I was in the zone, but I have a bad programming and the negative thoughts get me out of the interaction. I want to let my brain know that I want to talk to this person no matter what. The brain didn't do anything wrong really, my intention was that this is a warm-up so, it didn't know it has to continue talking. So OK, I went on. At the next bus stop stood a young blond girl. I instantly approached her from the side. Allocated myself in front of her, turned my head and said "Hey". This was the second breakthrough, I never said that
before. She smiled. She smiled altough she didn't look like a smiley girl before. Then I asked something trivial and she didn't know the answer so I went on. I felt the eyes of people around the bus stop on me. I knew they knew I was trying to hit on her. This may not be true, but it felt... good. I know I am better than them because they just looked at her and I spoke to her. Next I did my backpack routine on a woman which led me to the conclusion that people are finite automatons. Maybe I'll write about this sometime. Then I changed location and went into the bookstore. There I couldn't do anything. Which led me to this conclusion:
Unless there exists a mind hack yet to be discovered by me which can make you do anything against the fear and personality issues I must train everything in the slightest detail. I made the breakthroughs today because I trained talking to people on the street for several weeks now. I started with asking for the time and ending with asking to do me a favour. I can do this easily now, but only on the street. If I want to do it in a different location I must train to do it from the beginning. I need to start from 0 everywhere I go. The whole learning process must take place again in every different place. Also eveytime I go there I must warm-up by doing stuff that I already know how to do and after that apply new stuff that I want to do. This is breaking it down to tiny little pieces. I see no other way around this now. It will be time consuming, it will take a couple of years, but hey... I'm not going anywhere. Also I might find the mind hack earlier...
So my plan is this:
Proceed with learning new social skills on the street.
Start learning from the beginning in mall areas.
If I'm looking for a girl to talk, find the small pearls or young girls so I have authority over them.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."