Experiment with this:
Imagine, feel and know that a task is already accomplished. Backwards remember the steps to get to the end. Focus your consciousness only on the accomplishment. Now start doing it and leave all to the universe.
Charisma Arts:
Learn to calibrate with strangers.
Notice how you do it with friends, notice other people calibrating and then apply it to strangers.
"Important: if you are "in your head," you won't perceive the delicate nuances of the world around you, and you cannot calibrate to them. Being in your head will assure your lack of calibration with others. Being unguarded and taking in all information around you is a necessary precondition of calibrating."
Experience people's energy.
"My mind goes into gear: should I talk to her? What could I say to capture her attention. Is there a floppsy around (if you don't know this term, read Wayne's book)? It's slightly chilly out, perhaps her legs are cold? No, that's no good: try as I might, I just can't get my focus away from those legs. It occurs to me to just focus on her vibe and see if I could calibrate to her energy. It feels good. I like her energy; I like being suddenly out of the tight confines of my head and fully experiencing the bright autumn day. All of the sudden, she smiles at me and said "Hi!" (yes, with an exclamation point)."
Relate to peoples emotions:
"You've both felt excitement, wonder, boredom, rage, tiredness, humiliation, confidence, anticipation, embarrassment, jealousy, happiness, shyness, euphoria, sadness, lust, contentment, fear, exhilaration, among many more. Chances are, you'll be able to relate to the very first thing someone says that has any emotional content."
"When approaching people, just assume that you already relate to them, because you do."
I want to think about different stories that would help me relate to people. One story for each emotion.
"And if you ever do find yourself unable to relate to someone, simply ask for emotions from them until you find one you can relate to. Two great default questions to always have ready are: 1. "What was that like?" and 2. "How did that make you feel?""
"Whenever you speak, be always answering the above two default questions for the benefit of your listeners."
"A great exercise, if this does not come naturally to you: When you're talking about a subject, try mentioning as few factual details as possible, and focus on talking about your emotional responses to the events, not to the events themselves. This gives others a way to relate to your story, but more importantly, to you."
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."