Secrets of the Alpha Male:
"You are not put here to discover yourself… you are here to CREATE yourself."
"Anger is excitement. Love is excitement. Envy is excitement. Lust is excitement.
Greed is excitement. Take all the cardinal sins and make them your high-octane,
spitfire, explosive POWER to do what you want with your life.
The only thing that separates us Alpha Men from the Sheep of the world is our
action orientation, and that starts with our internal level of excitement. Harness it and
use it for yourself."
Resons from the book!:
"- People who just won’t stop talking
- Women who just won’t stop talking"
Shyness leads to controling the ANGER. I need to let go of it. I'll try to find the reason for holding it back tonight.
Carry notes with you, about stuff that pissed you off. Use it for motivation.
Tao of Stevie:
This something to play around with: (I might be good at this)
"Have fun playing around with themes. Be enthusiastic. Once you have a decent
mastery of how they can work to help your conversation and patterning you will find you rarely run out of things to say. With mastery you can take almost any idea that
you create or she gives you and link it to a useful theme, which in turn can be linked
to a more intimate (Stage 3) way of speaking."
Don't use "what's up?" in the initial meeting - launch into something like you have just stopped talking.
"I’ll spend maybe half an hour doing my warm up, sometimes a little more, sometimes
a little less. Here is an example of a story I’ll tell during a warm up so as to give you a
concrete example of what I am talking about. I’ll go into a shop and ask the assistant
“Hi (smile) I ‘m wondering about your opening hours, because I know some shops
have different opening hours on different days ... ""
"There was a cute HB in the line ahead of me. I used
the 3 seconds rule and said the first thing that came to me. It is better to say
something than to say nothing. I asked her if she was in the line. She was, so I
decided to tell her a brief story to show my personality to her. I told her how
sometimes I can’t tell if someone is in the line or not, that a few days ago I
was in the line for the ATM and there were loads of people ahead of me and I
stood waiting for ages until I realised they were all waiting for this one guy
who was using it and had now finished and were chatting near the machine for
10 minutes! She laughed."
"... when you stay focused on the "mmmm" feeling, you don't really notice the obstacles that much. They're just noise, a blip on the radar screen. A minor distraction or annoyance."
" thoughts lead to feelings lead to actions"
"... when you learn to use your feelings correctly, you'll realize a bad feeling means it's time to change your thinking."
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."