From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Looking back

I was re-reading my blog entries from the past 3 months. I was really in a
different state then I am in now. I don't even understand some stuff I did. One
thing really struck me. I think it is the greatest piece of wisdom I wrote
about doing things and achieving goals:


This came a day later after I read this depressing, sad but true line from PJE:
"The greatest secret of life is, in order to get something you can't need to have it."

The second piece if wisdom is: REVERSE SHYNESS.
It's my little technique which produced a tremendous change in me. I don't know really how I got it working but it changed my thinking. The basis for it is this paraphrased text from Gunwitch: "Realize that people think more about what you think of them than they think of you".

The third thing I got is something funny. I have a constant debate about who's in control of me. Is it ME or MYSELF. Conscious or subconsious. I still don't know but judging from my experience in the past months:
- conscious decisions make concrete changes (a lot is done by accepting that you will feel pain)
- unconscious acting makes best action (but it only works if I'm comfortable, and I'm comfortable only if the situation is not new)