From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Being yourself

These 2 articles changed my decisions lately :
I realized I know too much and it is compromising me. I need to focus my attention on something else and let my social skills develop on their own now. I need to start from the very basics. If I'm not willing to get through the pain of learning I won't ever do anything. All the learning comes from fear that I need to be perfect first. I need to be perfect so I don't get hurt. And as I'm sitting here now, after a workout yesterday, my whole body is aching. I am in pain, I can barely move. I ate a lot of proteins and it wasn't very pleasant. I do all this IN SPITE of all the negative things. I don't even know if I'm gonna get to the end of the road of body building. The only thing I have is an image of my ideal self in my head. It is my road sign. Why can't I use this in pick-up? Why am I not willing to get through the pain in this part of my life while I can easily do it in others? It certainly isn't the pain that is stopping me. What IS!?

On another note:
I met this guy while standing in line today. He spoke to me which was unusual. I started observing him and I realized he is exactly the type of person I want to be. He was this social, cool, be-friend everybody guy. He had a constant smile on his face. His body language was totally relaxed. He looked at everybody as if they were his friends. He would talk like he was the center of attention bringing everybody to attention with his eye contact. He would talk EXACTLY the same way to EVERYBODY, to his girlfriend, to the guy in the shop, to me. He was just BEING HIMSELF with EVERYBODY. He ASSUMED that EVERYBODY LIKES HIM. That's it.

So getting back to the first part of this post.
I need to focus on being myself around everybody I meet during the day. Once I'm comfortable with that I can start adding technology that is already in my head.