From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Thursday, October 19, 2006



I have been studying this guy for a couple of months. He is really messing with my head.

"U.G.: Conditioning is tradition. The Sanskrit word for it is samskara. Tradition is what you are -- what you call you. No matter how you may modify it, it continues. In life everything is temporary, and the attempt to give continuity to conditioning -- which is based upon thought -- is pathological in nature. You treat the psychological and the pathological as if they were two different things. Actually there is only the pathological there. Your samskara, the conditioning that makes you feel separate from yourself and the world, is pathological.
Where is this conditioning you talk of ...? Where are the thoughts located? They are not in the brain. Thoughts are not manufactured by the brain. It is, rather, that the brain is like an antenna, picking up thoughts on a common wavelength, a common thought-sphere.
All your actions, whether thinking of God or beating a child, spring from the same source -- thinking. The thoughts themselves cannot do any harm. It is when you attempt to use, censor, and control those thoughts to get something that your problems begin. You have no recourse but to use thought to get what you want in this world. But when you seek to get what does not exist -- God, bliss, love, etc. -- through thought, you only succeed in pitting one thought against another, creating misery for yourself and the world.
When the thought structure, pressed into the service of fear and hope, cannot achieve what it wants, or cannot be certain, it introduces what you call "faith". Where is the need for belief, or its alter-ego faith? When your beliefs have gotten you nowhere, you are told you must cultivate faith. In other words, you must have hope. Whether you are seeking God, or bliss, peace of mind, or, more tangibly, happiness, you end up relying on hope, belief, and faith. These dependencies are the tokens of your failure to get the results you desire."

A day earlier before reading this I had a vision. I was thinking about consciousness and that it is an attachment to the brain. Something new that evolution picked up. In quantum physics there is something like the Observer. The very fact that there is an observer changes physical properties of molecules. Now I imagined that there are like "observers" floating around the universe and each brain of a human captures an observer like this and that becomes "you", consciousness of humans. An observer is like an object, but without properties. Something like gravity. It is something that is there. The organism uses gravity to balance itself and also it uses observers for

I have no better explation of this. That was just my vision. Einstein probably imagined things like this before he went on calculating equations.
And now I read U.G. and I'm thinking that there might be just one conciousness. It is like a radio signal and the rain just taps into it. The signal is thoughts. Or one long, never-ending thought. The super-consciousness of all human beings.
There are two interesting facts about this. One is that you can have all the esources you can imagine, all the thoughts of every human that has ever existed and the ability to create everything from that. Two, there is nothing more than this wave signal, there is no "you", it is an illusion and you don't have to care to "succeed" because it is not your problem. This illusion is the attachment. It's like a hook used by the brain. It makes up an illusion that you control your actions through thoughts, because if it wouldn't seem like that it would lose the signal. This is what happens to enlightened people like U.G.. They lose the attachment to the consciousness.

So what's the conclusion from this thinking? Don't attach excessive meaning to anything because it is not your problem. This organism knows how to live and how to survive.

"The body, which is only interested in survival and procreation, treats both pain and pleasure alike. It is YOU who insist on stopping pain and extending pleasure. The body's response to both pleasure and pain is the same -- it groans"