From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Biggest issue of all?
need to meditate upon it, maybe release it. When I know something will work, I don't use it. Why is that? It started with
DYD, I got so pumped up because here I had a "laid guide", I knew every step
to do to get a woman. Yet, I never used it. And the reason why is that I know
it will work. I really believe this stuff works. What happens then frightens
I believe I'm afraid what everyone will think about. That I could lose my family and friends, that they would not like the new me. I already did some work on accepting the fact that I might lose my friends in the process. I attach a lot of success to that, but what do I do next?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
"fuck fear based decisions"
I need to remind myself of my own golden quotes. I think I have to write them down and memorize them everyday. Here are the best:
Never NEED anything from anyone. If you want something from someone just TAKE IT, but be prepared to LOSE IT.
I am the creative force in the world and only from the position of "I am the master of my fate" can I make changes."
State can be changed directly bt action alone.
I was thinking about motivation. I don't do stuff often because I say "I don't really want this". Like thinking about approaching a girl. What bullshit. Of course I want to fuck her brains out. The reason why I'm not doing it is because I don't want the FEAR. I'm not doing it because of the fear not because I don't want to. SO WHEN I DON'T DO SOMETHING BECAUSE I'M AFRAID, I REALLY WANT TO DO IT, IF I SAY DIFFERENTLY I'M LYING.
Fear is not a reason to not do it! And fear is anykind of thinking: It won't work, I won't be able to, I expect, I don't feel like. Fuck expectancy and fuck fear based decisions!
Various thoughts
I learnt something today while learning to play a song on the guitar.The way you learn a song (and any other complex thing) is you use your conciousness in a role
of a teacher. Because it is not you that is playing. You are just teaching your hands to
play. When you hit a wrong note, you mentally backup and say "Wrong!" and go for it again,
repeat until it is done correctly. This way your neural networks are developed. You know that
they have learnt what you intended when you no longer have to conciously maintain your
playing. Your hands play by themselves.I realized today that, everything you do in life is a training process. For example: social
interactions. In every moment you make a decision, like to approach a person, to talk about
this, about that, to stand this way, to look there, to agree to their frame, to maintain your
frame... everytime you make a decision like that you are training your neural networks and
sooner or later you lose the awareness of what you taught them and they work on their own.
This is what I think is PERSONALITY. It is a sum of all the decisions you have made in your
life. It's just a set of trained neural networks, trained by YOU! The bad news is that you have a lot of bad training made, especially in your childhood. The
good news is you can retrain the neural networks.The way to do that is to start making new concious decisions. Know what your ideal self is
and make decisions based on what that person would do. Stick to them and notice that
everytime you make a decision that is not congruent with your ideal self you are reinforcing
the bad neural networks. Start building new better ones, each day, each minute, every moment.
Keep that image of yourself, right there, never let go, until you die.
Get into the state (sincerity, power)
"I think you are incredibly beautiful... I really wanna meet you"
"I know it's absurd cos I still don't know you. All I know about you is I think you are
really beatiful. And now I want to know what else you have."
Don't permit the bad thoughts. Interrupt them. Squash them:
Control the visuals. Look directly at the girl.Audio. Change the voice "Oh I like that girl, mmmmh I want to see what she's really like"."On the beach walk".
If you try to remember and hold states that you had in the past and experiences you are not
letting yourself experience anything new. Hence you won't make a step further.
Gain trust:Tell each other your ultimate fantasy.
As Thucydides says:
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."
Just awesome:
Monday, December 25, 2006
a great guy he is. Vulnerability is power! I can walk anywhere and even feel
and act shy but it doesn't matter. It might work and if it doesn't there is
still a power within you and you can just not take shit from people. If they
feel that there is really power that is driving you they will respect you even
if you act weak.
Lately after a peak social encountering I dropped to a low. I am like I
always have been. As if nothing I did to improve myself ever did anything.
That is in terms of talking and doing what I want. Of course there are other
aspects that have improved I just was focused on these. There is little I can
do to change myself in terms of unblocking my mind to have a freeflow.
Sometimes you just are in a great state and everything flows. This probably
isn't even natural, you would have to take cocaine to be in this state
everyday. So what can I do about it? Nothing really but I can always do default things that will make me accomplish stuff instead of whining about my state. After I was really down at a party I came to these conclusions:
Default things to do when going to a social gathering:
1. Always have a goal.
This is the most important thing. It can be anything like talk to one person.
Say a joke. Look in the eyes of a woman for 3 secs. Commit yourself to the goal. Even if it is stupid train your neural networks to do what you want.
2. Don't think.
If you think too much that means you don't have a goal. You should be focused
on your goal and getting rid of excuses. Trying to change the state for the sake of changing your state is worthless. Focus on the goal, do action and the state will find you.
3. TAKE FUCKING RISKS YOU MOTHER FUCKER SHIT EATING PISS EATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Real decisions
Radical HonestY:
"The source of our power to produce the results we want does not lie in our
beliefs, our hopes, or our time-consuming struggle to change. The person who
says he wants to lose weight, but says he just can't give up midnight snacks,
may believe he is in a struggle between "being good" and "giving in" to his
cravings, but in fact he has already chosen to keep snacking. The "struggle"
that he describes serves to hide this fact."
"The contradictions between our principles and our behavior are only
superficial, only invented for the sake of appearance and to avoid
acknowledging our terrifying power to make things happen."
I need to DECIDE to approach women with my whole being because that is the
only thing there is. There is no struggle or approach anxiety. I decide way
before to approach or not. I must make a commitment. Real decisions are felt, like a deep sense of KNOWING. All decisions that
change life are like that. Until I know with my WHOLE SELF that I will
approach a girl I won't ever do it. Commit or die. I create my life, there is
only ME.When I recall real decisions they consist of:- not ever considering a different possibility ever again- a memorable reason that motivates usually a fear of loss- need to change because nothing is working as you want it to
In short:
Whenever I made a real decision in life I would be previously struggling with
some aspect of life. It would cause pain and there would be always fear. Once
the decision was made, suddenly everything was clear and the fear was not
there. The whole being knew what it was going to do. When I stop feeling
nervous about going out and meeting women I will know that I have DECIDED and there is no going back.
These decisions where always made in a split second. After reading or hearing a sentence. Just a snap decision and there is KNOWING about a real decision.
I will stop lying to myself. Until I feel a deep sense of knowing that I've commited I won't be playing the "trying" "struggling" game.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
AFC thinking
The belief that there is one person that will 'match' you and all your skills will impress her instead of being generally attractive.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
"If you wanna fuck women, you can't be shy"
"Talk dirty to me" is the number 1 porn movie. Jack is my role-model.If I don't behave like him towards women there is no hope for me.
Yesterday I did emotional releasing on the topic of: becoming succesful and having a girl in my life. It was a deep issue, I hope it worked.I tried also to reframe comfort zones as painful zones. It happens that they are pain zones, so the reframe was wrong.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Review of last outings
Things that helped me: I stood for about 30 minutes and just observed people, got in touch with myself and my goals. After that it was easier. I found an attractive girl and danced around her letting her know I'm interested. Nothing happened cause she left. I have to get into this state quicker in the future. Actions, actions, actions. State can be changed by actions alone. And I really need to focus on my intentions. I need to remember my goals. My friends are really distracting me. I am the most important person here, I need to remember or find a way to not be distracted.
Yesterday I went out. I asked one dude about the bus. It was special because I decided to do it at this bus stop. When I approached it, nearly all the people went away. But I focused on my goal and decided to commit to it. I found one random dude and asked him. I wouldn't do it earlier if there wasn't a right person. Two things mattered here: habit (I approached 10 people earlier,
previous post), commitment (decision to do it no matter what). This is how I want to train myself. I will train my brain to do what I want. I will make a decision to do something at a place and I will stay there until I do what I intended to. If I do this a lot of times finally I will have emotions of guilt that will prevent me from not doing it! Great. This requires discipline and
time. I need to really think about what specifically I want to do and why then I can to stop thinking :).
Saturday, December 09, 2006
For about 3 songs I was conciously feeling the bad feeling that I had for a
couple of days and then came the happy tune and I was smiling. I slept like a
baby and today I finally felt GOOD. So it was not a chemical problem, because I have endorphins pumping in me now. The problem was an emotional imprint. It's like you have to clear out all the negative emotions that are locked inside you (kinda like Dianetics).
I decided also yesterday to approach 10 people and ask some crap. I did it today. I was maybe at square one but the recovery process is faster. I can't do courage based on past experiences, you
make courage at every moment and you have to deal with it in the NOW. You
don't have to remember past experiences, they help you perform unconciously
which is great. I am very relaxed when talking to strangers. The technqiue
from my previous post works, the purpose is very important. There are just 2 problems:
I feel that not all people are worth approaching. I really believed that until I found it is a limiting belief. I can't judge people based on looks and besides filtering people out doesn't help me in any way, I have to learn to deal with everyone.
Second problem: I feel the need to act out what I asked. Like when I ask for the bus, after that I pretend to be really interested. Bullshit I only wanted to ask the person, fuck what he/she thinks about me asking!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Square one
have this strange depression-like anxiety. I'm feeling really wierd. On the
thinking level everything is normal. I have no neurotic thought patterns. Also
I get everything done and it looks normal outside. But on the inside I feel bad and
desperate. I realize it's just a feeling and I believe it's a chemical
inbalance. It might be because of my recent illness something is missing
biologically in me or it might be a lack of sth social. I haven't been really
social lately, I haven't seen my friends in a long time, that might be it too.
Anyways decided to see what stage I'm at and ask 3 people for the time or sth.
I couldn't do it. Back to square one I guess.I realized that I can beat feelings I just have to have a good plan. This is what worked before and I will use it again. Social situations have too many
random variables that's why you have to make it as clear as possible. I'll try making it clear like this:
Goal: Ask first friendly person X in location Y about Z
Purpose: I want to meet people at place Y, this will help me feel more comfortable
So goal and purpose. When I recall times when I didn't do my goals I really didn't have a purpose in them. I need to work on the purpose to motivate myself.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Fear destroyer
one venue to feel how it is and check out what people are coming in. Coffee
shops are the definite place to meet girls. I just have to make the decision to
go in there and talk to them. I just gotta do the courage, that's it.I stood near a really nice, attractive girl today in the bus. I did nothing. I
didn't plan to. I thought that after listening to Shark's CD's my behaviour
would become automatic and I would be fearless. It's the same as always, I
just have new beliefs and plans on what will work. I felt really regretful
after she went off. One of Shark's techniques is the fear destroyer. Remind
yourself of past failures, when you didn't approach girls. Feel the regret. It
is there for a reason. I will feel it as deeply as possible, the next time I'm
in a situation like this. It doesn't matter if I plan to pick-up this girl or
not. Just realize that your life will be misery if you keep doing nothing.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Cure for neediness
If you want something from someone just TAKE IT, but be prepared to LOSE IT.
That is the cure for neediness.
"Paying attention to the experience of feeling in the body while angry
is the key to learning how to use anger rather than have anger use you. That awareness of feeling in the body is what causes anger to change from a destructive force to a usable power."
The same with fear yeah?