From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Monday, December 25, 2006


I've been watching "Reclaiming your true identity" with Tony Robbins. Wow what
a great guy he is. Vulnerability is power! I can walk anywhere and even feel
and act shy but it doesn't matter. It might work and if it doesn't there is
still a power within you and you can just not take shit from people. If they
feel that there is really power that is driving you they will respect you even
if you act weak.

Lately after a peak social encountering I dropped to a low. I am like I
always have been. As if nothing I did to improve myself ever did anything.
That is in terms of talking and doing what I want. Of course there are other
aspects that have improved I just was focused on these. There is little I can
do to change myself in terms of unblocking my mind to have a freeflow.
Sometimes you just are in a great state and everything flows. This probably
isn't even natural, you would have to take cocaine to be in this state
everyday. So what can I do about it? Nothing really but I can always do default things that will make me accomplish stuff instead of whining about my state. After I was really down at a party I came to these conclusions:

Default things to do when going to a social gathering:

1. Always have a goal.
This is the most important thing. It can be anything like talk to one person.
Say a joke. Look in the eyes of a woman for 3 secs. Commit yourself to the goal. Even if it is stupid train your neural networks to do what you want.

2. Don't think.
If you think too much that means you don't have a goal. You should be focused
on your goal and getting rid of excuses. Trying to change the state for the sake of changing your state is worthless. Focus on the goal, do action and the state will find you.

3. TAKE FUCKING RISKS YOU MOTHER FUCKER SHIT EATING PISS EATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!