Radical HonestY:
"The source of our power to produce the results we want does not lie in our
beliefs, our hopes, or our time-consuming struggle to change. The person who
says he wants to lose weight, but says he just can't give up midnight snacks,
may believe he is in a struggle between "being good" and "giving in" to his
cravings, but in fact he has already chosen to keep snacking. The "struggle"
that he describes serves to hide this fact."
"The contradictions between our principles and our behavior are only
superficial, only invented for the sake of appearance and to avoid
acknowledging our terrifying power to make things happen."
I need to DECIDE to approach women with my whole being because that is the
only thing there is. There is no struggle or approach anxiety. I decide way
before to approach or not. I must make a commitment. Real decisions are felt, like a deep sense of KNOWING. All decisions that
change life are like that. Until I know with my WHOLE SELF that I will
approach a girl I won't ever do it. Commit or die. I create my life, there is
only ME.When I recall real decisions they consist of:- not ever considering a different possibility ever again- a memorable reason that motivates usually a fear of loss- need to change because nothing is working as you want it to
In short:
Whenever I made a real decision in life I would be previously struggling with
some aspect of life. It would cause pain and there would be always fear. Once
the decision was made, suddenly everything was clear and the fear was not
there. The whole being knew what it was going to do. When I stop feeling
nervous about going out and meeting women I will know that I have DECIDED and there is no going back.
These decisions where always made in a split second. After reading or hearing a sentence. Just a snap decision and there is KNOWING about a real decision.
I will stop lying to myself. Until I feel a deep sense of knowing that I've commited I won't be playing the "trying" "struggling" game.