I almost forgot to write about my greatest realization, maybe ever.Yesterday I was reading a book. I was feeling good. But then came a fragment that was sort of depressing and I started to feel a little depressed. This is OK because books are meant to evoke emotions but what happened was something really stupid. I realized, I think, the greatest design flaw in our mind of all time. In the moment when I was feeling down I started thinking about my life. The thoughts that came out of it were crap thoughts! I was thinking badly about my life suddenly! And the more I dwelled on it the worse it got. Until I realized what I have done because I remembered feeling and thinking about my life being great just a few seconds ago. We can easily recall emotions. The design flaw is that we can attach nonsense meaning to those emotions. The bad feeling was evoked because of a story in the book and my mind started associating the feeling with my life in general. If I have not stopped that I would feel depressed today because that feeling would make my thinking of how bad my life is reality!
So the key to overriding this design flaw is to observe emotions and notice what meaning I attach to them. This is the key to maintaining a good mood forever.