From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Natural state of being - the Questioner theory

Here I present my most revolutionary theory yet. I was out two days ago, I
tried approaching 6 strangers with extreme focus and ask them something. I did
it, not without trouble, but what I learned is remarkable.

Throughout this whole year I have been studying what conciousness really is.
What am I? What do I do? I have realized the duality of my nature. I have
gotten from a phase of thinking I am a rider on a horse to a phase where I am
the master of everything I do, every decision and action to where I am now, a
way of thinking that there is no free will, maybe just 10%. What is that 10%?
What are you and what can you really do? How can you do anything you want?
That question is essential. I am one step closer to the Truth. Here it is.

What am I really? I am the Questioner.
What can I really do? I can only ask questions.

That's it, that's my theory about the nature of reality, conciousness and
everything. The reason why I am here, why I am in this body, in this mind is
to ask questions. The real function of conciousness is to get feedback from
the mind and body and question that. I don't even make decisions. I get
decisions on my output and then I can only question that decision. Now why
does it seem that I have free will? Because if I ask the right question, the
decision can be changed but it is not me that changes the decision, it is the
mind that changes the decisions because of a realization from the question.

So can I really do anything, like physically, move my hand, walk? No. I just
"sit there" and observe. I can then question certain actions or in-actions and
it seems like I am "in control".I am not the thinker either. When I ask a question, I am not the one thinking about the answer. It is just the computer that is giving out data from the
query. It seems like I am doing the thinking because I question the data, so further data is analyzed based upon the questions I make.So really I am in control and I am not. I can't do anything unless I ask the right question. It's like in the movie Labirynth, to get anywhere in this
world you must know how to ask proper questions.

How does this fit with goals theory. It seems that I evaluate actions and decisions according to my set goals. That's how I value things, according to goals. If my goal is to be comfortable I won't speak to anyone in a social venue. Am I doing the goal setting and valuing? No. Goals are decisions on what to do and values are "realizations" about certain things. Both are in the
mind. You do not hold that.So what to do if you want something? I'll answer this in a moment because I'm really not sure right now.

What do we do when we are young children and learn to speak? We start asking questions, loads of them. And even when we don't speak we are naturally CURIOUS. Exploring the world is asking questions. When the mind has no idea what you are it doesn't block you. Once you get the knowledge what you are, the false knowledge, that you are a spirit or whatever, or that you are one with the body or that you have free will the problem arises. The natural state
of being is not knowing and questioning. This is what happened to U.G. Krishnamurti after his calamity. He didn't know anything and all he did was walk around and ask questions what's that, how come, why? This is a natural thing for the mind. The questioner is a simple design mechanism and it works. But because of the complexity of the mind it starts to attach false meaning to whatever it is doing and thus causing the questioner to ask wrong questions like: "I have to go talk to that girl". Which isn't even a question but the mind does what it can and just outputs a feeling of effort and fear. The feedback loop malfunctions and the whole body is stuck.
To make things naturally progress an appropriate question is needed, like: "How can I talk to her?" "what about?" "Do I really need to talk to her?" "Maybe some other time?" "Will there be another time?" "How can I make this easier?" "Can I just say hello?". That's what should be happening in a natural state of being, a state where the questioner does its job. This doesn't mean that it will let you do whatever you want. If the body would do whatever you ask for it would not be a state of natural being. You might ask a question "do I really want to talk to her?" and the answer will be "no I don't even like her" which will be a realization for the mind to stop even thinking about her. So you never know what can happen once you start questioning but the important thing is things might happen.

So what to do if you want something? Wanting something is valueing a specific goal. Where is that goal? In your mind, the mind holds it. Where is value? In your mind. Everything is in your mind. You just ask questions. Before writing this I still had illusions. You see, it is not you that wants something. If you want to talk to the girl it is just the penis that wants to have sex with
her. The attachment to the thought that it is YOU that wants that is false. You just ask questions. You do not want anything except to get to know WHY. Now an important question arrises. Where do the questions come from? From the mind. Questions are not necessarily language structures if you would not have language you still would be able to question. A state of curiosity is the root of a question. The sentence is just something that comes after the question.
It is a part of the output. The sentence is just an output for further evaluation of the questioner. So the questions aren't yours? If the mind creates the questions, then what do you do and why are you the questioner if you don't create the questions?

When you "notice" a question of yours, what are you doing? Remember what you
do? You only question. So you are questioning the question. But what you are
questioning isn't the real questioning. It is an illusion that the question
was even there...

Whatever you expierience in your conciousness was create in the mind. Everything. Nothing that is there is yours. You just question. This is critical to understand. You are NOT the questions, you question!

The problem with understanding this is the illusion that there are such things as questions. The illusion that there are separate questions that we ask. That we drift from one state of curiosity to another. That we ask a question then do something else. That is not what is happening in the natural state of being. The natural state of being is... to be interested and curious ALL THE TIME. There is no separation. It is like a big never-ending stream of curiosity. It is one whole Question. It is the mind feeded with false beliefs about the conciousness and its function that creates the idea of separate thoughts and no-thoughts of questions and no-questions. As I said the natural state of being is not knowing. When you're curious, you look around and see a girl and your mind says "I can't do it today" the mind makes an imaginary separation and ends the state of curiosity. When all you must ever do is be curious and don't stop asking questions about why you want to talk to her and why will it be great.The state of knowing blocks the mind. How to free the mind? Learn and meditate. The mind must unlearn through learning. It must learn that it must unlearn and then it must start all over again by meditating, by asking questions about asking questions about asking questions. Curiosity is bliss. Long live questioning.

I thought for a long time, especially after interacting with Zen that the only function of conciousness is to be aware. That it is like a self-reflecting mirror for the mind. That is true, but the mirror isn't of any value if you don't start asking questions what you see in the mirror. The mind must ask questions about what it sees in the mirror.

So not to get too philosophical about this (oops too late). There is a theoretical part of this and a practical one. The theoretical part is that your natural state of being is not knowing and being curious the whole time you're concious, everything else, whateber you experience is false, is an illusion and is not yours. The practical part is what you can do in every day life to make it better. On the simplest level, get rid of everything that blocks you until you find the state of curiosity. Then just ask questions, simple language based sentences: why, when, how, who, how many. It is not the natural state of being but it is helluva lot closer to it than your normal way of thinking that you are in control over everything and have free will. Just ask questions. All the time, about everything you experience. Never stop the questioning.