1. The World Is What You Think It Is.
2. There are no limits.
3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.
4. Now Is The Moment Of Power.
5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or something).
6. All Power Comes From Within.
7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.
So simple, so true.
"all people who place money ahead of contribution are not to be trusted"
"With this list in mind, when I approach women, I am not trying to pass
their tests, I am seeing if THEY can pass MINE. I don't actually do any
deliberate "tests" by being unpleasant on purpose, I just chat with them
like a normal human being and FEEL THEIR ENERGY."
"It's time to move beyond thinking with our dicks. FEAR means you think
with your dick. I recommend bringing your consciousness back up to where
it always belonged, in the Heart. This is what being a man is IMO. The
dick must come in SECOND."
"There is no need to worry or even think about attraction anymore. You
see, NATURAL CHARM is already inside every human being, the moment their
Heart begins to open wide. It is already encoded into your DNA.
Attraction happens NATURALLY when you are standing in intengrity,
compassion, and holding true to your values such as humor, honesty,
respect, etc."
"Love is hidden inside human beings; it only needs to be released. The
question is not how to produce it, but only how to uncover it. There is
something that we have covered ourselves with that does not allow love
to surface."
"The problem is not how to cultivate love, but how to investigate and
find out why love is not able to manifest itself. What is the hindrance?
What is the difficulty? Where is the barrier?"
"No barrier of nature is really a barrier, that is why a river reaches
the ocean: cutting through the mountains it reaches the ocean."
"What are the man-made obstacles that we have contrived? The first thing
is that up until now, all of human culture has been against sex, against
"we never even give it a thought that it is sexual energy that
ultimately transforms and transmutes into love. The evolution of love is
nothing but transformed sex energy."we never even give it a thought that it is sexual energy that ultimately transforms and transmutes into love. The evolution of love is nothing
but transformed sex energy."