Yesterday was an interesting day at a club.I was doing chakras and journeying for the past days and I felt really clear. Also two days earlier I listened to the confidence hypnosis tape. The tapes are just fucken it. Whenever I don't listen to them I just go down. They ARE REAL LISTEN TO THEM!!!
So my goal was to kiss a girl. I did it on the dance floor. It IS a push.Remember that post by Killswitch, all is in there. Follow your gut instincts and your heart. All else even the penis are unimportant. Use the penis as a force to pull you. Use your heart to guide you. Use the void or gut to push you into the girl. It is all what YOU want. Use the force. Itcan only be used if my thoughts are not working. They weren't really working yesterday and so I did it. Also I did a lot of sensing femininity around me, I was in love with myself and firls dancing. They noticed it and flocked around.
Technique for 2 girls dancing: grab them both.
Technique for 1 girl: push. She doesn;t know what she is doing or what she wants, she rejects you because that is the default response, override it by becoming awed at her beauty. But she must be attracted to you, for this to work.