From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Thursday, April 26, 2007


After writing the last post I went and deeply investigated what ACCEPTING and IDENTIFYING means. I used my recent knowledge of the shifting consciousness and really identified with the problem. I imagine apporaching a girl, I identified with the voice. This time I think I really did it good. I feel I got rid of the "default no".

I had some major dreams last night. One dream after another with sexual themes. Me interacting with sexy girls. It feels great. I remember I was going this kind of transformation last year. Dreams are a sign that other parts of you are being integrated in what you want and know.

I saw nice blonde girl through the window today. I thought I was gonna jump out and grab her. Never felt like this, as if I was not thinking, just an animal living there in me. No. I AM THAT ANIMAL.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's all you

Powerful need destroyer:

Rich dad, poor dad:
"If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever
you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and
it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love,
friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do,
but; it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of
reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want. I want money, so I give
money, and it comes back in multiples. I want sales, so I help someone
else sell something, and sales come to me. I want contacts and I help
someone else get contacts, and like magic, contacts come to me. I heard
a saying years ago that went, "God does not need to receive, but humans
need to give.""

Actually yesterday I discovered a very fun way of thinking:When I look at a girl I say to myself:
"I wonder what makes her laugh?"


Core Transformation method:

"1) You identify a behavior/feeling/response you want to change
2) You find a 'part' of yourself that is responsible for the
3) You recognize that the part actually has a positive purpose and
ultimately wants to do you good or protect you
4) You make peace with the part and become friends with it
5) You uncover the part's purpose, probably after passing through
several layers of intent - you get to the 'core'
6) You ask the part to keep its purpose (which is positive) and change
the behavior/feeling/response associated with it, reaching the same
results by another, more ecological behavior/feeling/response
7) After the procedure things will begin to change, even though you may
not be immediately aware or it - your unconscious mind may not provide
you with that knowledge

"So this is where the common self-help idea comes from, that "until you
accept your faults, you can't change them." It's not because there's
some mystical power in acceptance, but because not accepting who you are
cuts you off from critical information you need to create effective
change. It divides your mind in an unhealthy way, since you now have a
"weak" or "evil" you that has been assigned the task of obtaining your
secret desires, while you disavow any knowledge or control of its

"And so, this is how you create the experience of inner conflict, and of
feeling compelled to do things that you "don't want to". Trust me, if
you're doing it, it's because you want to! All that's happening is that
you've redefined "you" so it doesn't include the stuff you don't want to
admit you want."

How to get things done:

""Start with a single action.... Follow the spread of your effort, obey
it, but don't become involved in it. Use your abilities with perspective
and detachment. Don't identify yourself with your task.""
All knowledge is flowing into me, that the meaninf of just doing it is,
not getting involved in the mental images presented to you. Accepting
all thoughts and letting them go.


What PJE wrote me a long time ago:

""""Am I close to your concept of the internal sysadmin?"""
Yes. A big part of contacting the sysadmin has to do with changing what
parts of your mind, body, and behavior constitute your "self". That is,
where you put your attention, and what you identify with.
When you "just did it", you removed your self-identification from the
administrative aspect and identified with the *experience* instead; this
is the formula for truly committed and focused action.
There is quite a lot that you can do by changing the scope, degree, and
target of your self-identification, as it is the essence of these
magics. Contact with the sysadmin is able to occur when you can include
the unconscious mind in your self-identification, and thereby achieve
*empathy with yourself*."

It's been nearly a year and just now I know what he was talking about.
I've been ongoing a similar change like the sysadmin PJE writes about.
This happens when you get a "wider" sense of identification. When you
identify with MORE of yourself. This seems silly, and I couldn't explain
it to somebody like me a year ago. I realized that there is a part of me
that is judging... me. So I took control of that part and asked "why
would I do that?". This sparks a process of change, because you start
controlling that part.

I guess my goal now will be to incorporate as much of myself into the
identification of myself. Do this by any means necessary.

"the more powerful the metaphor, the more powerful the interface"

I now even more understand how stupid microimanagment of yourself is. When you're micromanaging, you really haven't established rapport with the subconscious. Identify with it. It's all you.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Crown chakra

I went out and I think for 80% of the day I was focusing on the crown of
my head. Tapping into this source. I went out with the intention to do
20 hi's to girls. I did 0. I meditated on this problem for nearly an
hour. I was resolving chakras the whole time. What I realized is that I
don't have to say it, I might as well look at the girl and get into the
state of mind as if I was going to sy Hi. And this was nearly equally
hard. But I managed to do it. And it really is tricky, I see now that it
doesn't matter if I say the Hi. The thing that matters is what is going
inside my head. My head must be crystal clear. Because saying Hi to a
girl must be as easy as farting.


Prometheus Rising:
"1. If all you can know is your own brain programs operating,the whole universe you experience is inside your head. Try tohold onto that model for at least an hour. Note how often yourelapse into feeling the universe as outside you."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The meta-programmer

I've had one of the most profound realizations ever yesterday. I was reading Prometheus Rising, the chapter about meta-programming. It all just fell into place. I realized what I am, what my brain is, what self and why I won't ever really know what I AM.

Just pinpointing for remembering:
- consciousness shifts from one brain circuit to another, it is not fixed, it is a plastic form which blends into different part of the brain/body.
- brain circuits are somehow connected to chakras
- focusing on a chakras makes you go into the brain circuit (this is how you solve problems or go into a higher state of being, forehead chakra).
By going I mean the mirror of the brain shifts to focus on that part of the brain. That mirror is you. When you look into that part, the brain can fix itself. Exactly as PJE described months ago. Consciousness is like a flashlight in a dark attic. It is a tool of the brain to perform surgery on itself. I've been walking in the clouds for the whole day. This is really ground-breaking. And focusing on the chakras fucken works!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thought is your enemy

The whole week I have been grounding myself into Rions theory. I went to a toastmasters meeting and I just felt nothing. There was nothing there. I decided not to think about anything because of my recent realization that all thought is enemy. It works, not thinking. I approached two dudes. I just needed second thoughts to reassure myself about the intention. No mental battles at all.


3: I pluck weed in my garden. I water the flowers.
4: I pluck weed. I pluck some more weed. I pluck even more weed.
5: I pluck some weed. *Pause to think*.. I water the flowers."
Flow comes from PREDETERMINING what you want and will do to get it. Thinking: yes I want that girl will guarantee flow of action. This is so fucken important that I don't even feel like writing more.


Counterparts - the need managment system (more later)

Don't think is the solution because need creates thought. If there are no needs there are no thoughts. If there are no thoughts you're natural and unlimited.

Sunday, April 08, 2007



I think I posted this here once but never used it. But this is money and I want to practice it, how are you? lol:

"Okay, so here is my recommendation to you:Everyday in the evening, think of what you did that day and package it into a story.Practice it a few times and then go out and use the "How are you opener." That goes likethis:You: "How are you?"Her: "I'm fine..." or whatever.Her: "How are you?"Or if she doesn't reciprocate you say playfully, "Don't you think it's rude to not ask how Iam after I asked how you are?"Her: "Okay, how are you?"(Note: In general asking a question like this at the beginning of an interaction isdangerous. You leave yourself open for her to say flatly, "No, I don't." The key is toperform it very playfully. But there is still a chance of being burned here - just figure itinto your calculations.)You: "I'm great. Today I went shopping...." or "I laid on the couch..." or whatever you didthat day.Then the next night, re-write your stories based on what you did that day and so on. Younever use the same story twice and you get real good at telling stories."



"And I began it by asking her to go inside her mind andbody, and ask the feeling what it *wanted* for her."
"And she got an answer that surprised her -- and me! "Itwants to tell me that I'm useless.""
"So I said, "Great. I'm sure that you have a good reasonfor wanting that. What does thinking you're useless getyou, that's even better than that?"
And after further questions in this vein, an "outcomechain" emerged.
A part of herself wanted to tell her she was useless,so that she would become depressed...
Depressed enough to get ANGRY!
Angry enough to DO something to change things.
Change things enough, to feel productive andaccomplished.
Productive and accomplished enough, to feel whole andat one with herself.
And by the time we got to this point, Leslie's smilewas bigger than it had been in a week... or longer.
She could *start* by feeling whole and at one. Becausewhen she does that, she'll feel (and be!) moreproductive and accomplished. And she'll be more likelyto "do something to change things". Without needing tobe angry, or depressed. And certainly without needingto believe she's useless!"



"Other often-used physiological weapons to modify normal brain functions are fasting, radical or high sugar diets, physical discomforts, regulation of breathing, mantra chanting in meditation, the disclosure of awesome mysteries, special lighting and sound effects, programmed response to incense, or intoxicating drugs.'

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I'm getting into some unbelievable insights about the nature of the human kind. Rion Williams has opened my eyes. The natural, indpendent and social character is just it. It explains all. I finally deeply understand why we are animals. Not only is this knowledge it is something that is getting into the core of my being. I watched Madagaskar. The animals in the beginning are WE as people living in a society. We are domesticated. All approach anxiety comes from living in the social matrix. When you follow your instincts all falls down, it is the only condition in which you can attract a woman. When you PUA and do generally Mystery Method stuff it is another method layered on top of the social matrix, backward engineered. It is not real and that is why it will always feel bad for you and for the women. Natural is the way to go. Now it is not easy to connect to that natural being. Rion says that all you have to do is just understand this. I believe this is true but I also believe it is a biological/hormonal thing.

Fasting can uncover your instincts.
Not masturbating will unleash the beast within you.
Lifting weights will turn you into the lion king.
Be around desirable women will force you to be alpha.

So what I'm doing now is totally dropping independent character development (no more memorizing comedy lines). I have to totally focus on my natural self. Once that is unleashed I can develop other traits which will become 10000 better after being grounded in the natural.

I'm trying out Killswitches technique to react only after counting 1-2. This is hard, I can't remember to do it.



Rion Williams:
"When I go into and the establishment, a restaurant or a nightclub, I automaticallythink to myself that this is my reality and I am here now. I extend my mental energy out into the room, covering all corners in every inch of the room that I am in."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The need

There is a time in your life when you are absolutely at your peak socially. You can handle people, you are great with girls. That time is when you are a child. But you lose it. You become adult, or you degrade into a fearful/shy child. What happens to you, when is the line crossed?

When it comes to girls, it happens the first day you notice their beauty and their sexuality. It might be when their boobs come out, or when they start dressing sexy, or when they start wearing make-up. It might also happen when you change, when you develop curiosity for women, when hormones start changing the way you think. Suddenly you start thinking differently. You start WANTING girls. Even if you don't consciously know this yet you are forming a NEED for women. And this is the root of all social problems. There is in you, a natural character. The one that you were born with. It is complete and perfect. It is part of the DNA memory, it is your role for society, it is your DESTINY. But on top of that forms your FALSE SELF. The false self is formed from fear and from need. It is formed in your intellectual brain. It is a self that is created out of your understanding of the social matrix at the time. It is false by definition. You can't possibly know everything about the world. So your attempt to create a persona based on your analysis is wrong right from the beginning. Unfortunately this is the misery of humans beings - too much brain power. Basically rational thinking causes problems. When a need forms inside of you, you intellectualize and start seeking knowledge on how to fullful that need. If you come from a really bad reality where women are on the pedestal, this understaning will destroy your sex life. It will be non-existent, like mine.

There comes in time a new understanding. You realize that your previous beliefs were wrong. You adopt new understandings. You dwell into a new world were picking-up women is reality. I had this more than a year ago when I discovered David DeAngelo's ebook. Reality changed. I could meet women. But still I was operating on a false persona. That is why I had to constantly refine my theories. Every couple of weeks I discovered a new dating system and I constantly flushed old beliefs and installed new ones. I had complete reality shifts every couple of months. None of which freed me from "myself". Until now. I discovered Rion Williams and my reality is completely new. Fine it is still an "understanding", but I realize now what is my natural character and why it works. I also realize that women have this natural character in them also.

The secret to " just being yourself" is this:
Destroy the need. Free from desperation. Find ways of letting go and your natural character will shine.

As always Pook had it right.

You, right now

Mode One:

"Here’s my primary principle for a successful “Mode One” styled verbal seduction: Never argue with, apologize for, or try to defend yourself against, harsh, subjective/opinionated criticisms. Just listen to them, accept them, and then throw them out of your mind. They mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you get into a debate or argument about your behavior (good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate), you decrease your chances of rendering a woman speechless."

"The other concept I learned through my Mode One experiences and seductions? No woman can directly, or ‘intellectually,’ prevent you from causing her to become sexually aroused. Any woman can prevent you from having sex with them, but they cannot prevent you from getting their pussies wet. A woman’s pussy getting wet is not an ‘intellectual’ decision. It’s a hormonal reaction to a man’s looks, demeanor, behavior, and/or words. Among other reasons, GOD would never allow the desire to have sex to be totally intellectual. That would conceivably, and potentially, prevent the reproduction of the human race."
"the top four ways you can get a feel for a woman’s sense of sexuality is by looking into her eyes, listening to the way she talks, observing the way she walks, and paying attention to the type of clothes she wears."



You, now

"When alone with girl, nothing beats SHUTTING UP, for avoiding 'the voice' and similar fuck-ups.
What I have learned to do to avoid using 'the voice' when feeling needy/insecure, is ROTATE AWAY from the other person and FALL SILENT.'

"The first thing I did, and this made such a difference in my life that I have spent the last year posting about what I have learned from doing this, is really SLOWED DOWN my thought process while in conversation. I briefly imposed a rule on myself, and I still use this rule when I am feeling weak, to always wait 2 seconds before responding in any way in a conversation. I just count "1,2" in my head and then respond."

" That is because you now feel a lot freer, there is a lot more space in your world : places you can look unabashedly, counters and desks you can lean on comfortably, and more importantly, signals you can send with your eyes and your facial expressions. You now FEEL entitled to these things, and your world becomes larger."

Monday, April 02, 2007

Going home

I went out to do the Hypnotica 3-second task. The intention was to approach 20 girls. I decided I feel kind of funny and I'll apporach 20 strangers at random, for a warm-up. I approached 5. I could do it well for a moment. I used the Goal Action Purpose technique and it worked but then I lost it. I got tired and just relaxed for about 1.5 hours. I learned that it's best not to force myself. I can only do things in a good state. I need to meditate today on this. Here is a list of things I noted to do next time, to actually accomplish the real goal. I have to seek out girls and deliberatly approach them with something. Not just asking for time or sth. But commit to approaching them. Everytime I think about this I fear of what people will think when they see me, or I fear that I will meet this girl again. I need to solve these conflicts. Do it as described below by PJE.

- write specific task, commit to it

- get into GOD MODE/X MODE

- if I think what others are thinking about me, reverse, be curious about THEM

- release expectations (I realized that when I say enough and decide to go home I enter X MODE)

- every single approach: determine WHERE, WHO (for example: the most pretty girl there), WHAT to say/do.

- write this stuff down and FUCKEN READ IT FROM TIME TO TIME


Truths that nobody will tell you:

You have to actually do stuff and be active in talking to have stuff to talk about. You don't have stuff to talk about by thinking about it. If you find yourself in a place that you don't have nothing to say, you are just not conditioned to talk. Go back to doing, not thinking.

People pickup your emotion. If you're afraid they will be mean to you. It's very primitive.

Not thinking is the key to all problems.


Our brains are NOT designed to do things "on purpose"!

"The Six Master Keys, for example, are a catalog of the most useful workarounds:

Picking a single primary purpose (so it's easy to remember, and conflicts between goals are minimized

Having a motivating vision (so the mind's goal-seeking centers are engaged)

Making a tangible, external commitment (to leverage the mind's natural tendency to make what's outside us more important than what's inside us)

Creating a concrete, specific action plan (to engage the brain's "now/not now" response mechanism to actually do something at the appropriate time(s))

Pre-visualizing the conflicts that might come up (so that the brain's tendency to select the most familiar path is neutralized by making the right choice more familiar)

Setting up a structure to provide repetition (to offset the brain's tendency to be distracted by new things, while forgetting about older ones -- like your plans to change!)"

"So, if an "annoying person" bothers us at work, our brain wants us to go to the "annoyed" room. And until something else comes along that puts us in a different room, it doesn't care if we just stay there, in the "being annoyed" room."

"Remember: every room in your mental "house" has an outside door. These doors are your senses. Whatever you experience as coming "in" from the outside world, has the power to lift you out of one room and transport you to another!"

"In other words, it is not enough to say or hear the name of what you want. You must picture what you want. Hear the sounds of what you want. Feel the feelings of what you want."

"But even this is not enough. In addition to sensing what you want, you must also be able to: Sense where you are!
For example, the feeling elimination technique I teach requires that you sense the physical tension in your body that defines the feeling you want to get rid of. Unless you can accept and feel that feeling, you will not be able to get rid of it. In a sense, it's like you're sticking your head into another room in the house, while keeping your body penned up where it is!"

"First, you imagine (see and hear) and then you feel. Feeling is the bridge to the body, where all action occurs."

This works! While playing guitar too!

"How to Change Your State or Mood

So no matter what mental "room" you're currently in, you can actually "teleport" yourself to any other room, as long as you use this pattern:

First, determine where you want to be -- not where you don't.

Pick something specific, rather than thinking, "I'd rather feel anything else than this."

Second, imagine already being there. See and hear yourself calm, or energetic, or creative, or confident, or whatever it is you want to be. See and hear yourself with such clarity that you find your body responding to what you imagine.

Third, feel yourself being it. Overlap your imagined self with your body, wherever you are now, and allow your body to shape itself accordingly. Notice how your breathing, posture, and muscle tone change in response.

Finally, the more often you practice moving to specific states, the easier it will become."

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Bill Cosby:

"Intelectuals are people that go study things that people do naturally"


Overcoming Conditioned Pattern, Repetition and Habit

"Mere superficial reading, discussion or thinking about pattern or pattern interrupt as an intellectual behaviour merely perpetuates pattern continuity in the form of word: the description is not the described.Body will interrupt destructive pattern - if allowed the opportunity to observe it directly (kinesthetically) - and intervene directly."

"Discussing it and thinking about it doesn't make any difference; the only way you will actually expand your awareness is by doing. You learn by observing, not by thinking or talking, and observing repetition provides a relatively easy initiation."