Mode One:
"Here’s my primary principle for a successful “Mode One” styled verbal seduction: Never argue with, apologize for, or try to defend yourself against, harsh, subjective/opinionated criticisms. Just listen to them, accept them, and then throw them out of your mind. They mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you get into a debate or argument about your behavior (good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate), you decrease your chances of rendering a woman speechless."
"The other concept I learned through my Mode One experiences and seductions? No woman can directly, or ‘intellectually,’ prevent you from causing her to become sexually aroused. Any woman can prevent you from having sex with them, but they cannot prevent you from getting their pussies wet. A woman’s pussy getting wet is not an ‘intellectual’ decision. It’s a hormonal reaction to a man’s looks, demeanor, behavior, and/or words. Among other reasons, GOD would never allow the desire to have sex to be totally intellectual. That would conceivably, and potentially, prevent the reproduction of the human race."
"the top four ways you can get a feel for a woman’s sense of sexuality is by looking into her eyes, listening to the way she talks, observing the way she walks, and paying attention to the type of clothes she wears."
You, now
"When alone with girl, nothing beats SHUTTING UP, for avoiding 'the voice' and similar fuck-ups.
What I have learned to do to avoid using 'the voice' when feeling needy/insecure, is ROTATE AWAY from the other person and FALL SILENT.'
"The first thing I did, and this made such a difference in my life that I have spent the last year posting about what I have learned from doing this, is really SLOWED DOWN my thought process while in conversation. I briefly imposed a rule on myself, and I still use this rule when I am feeling weak, to always wait 2 seconds before responding in any way in a conversation. I just count "1,2" in my head and then respond."
" That is because you now feel a lot freer, there is a lot more space in your world : places you can look unabashedly, counters and desks you can lean on comfortably, and more importantly, signals you can send with your eyes and your facial expressions. You now FEEL entitled to these things, and your world becomes larger."