There is a time in your life when you are absolutely at your peak socially. You can handle people, you are great with girls. That time is when you are a child. But you lose it. You become adult, or you degrade into a fearful/shy child. What happens to you, when is the line crossed?
When it comes to girls, it happens the first day you notice their beauty and their sexuality. It might be when their boobs come out, or when they start dressing sexy, or when they start wearing make-up. It might also happen when you change, when you develop curiosity for women, when hormones start changing the way you think. Suddenly you start thinking differently. You start WANTING girls. Even if you don't consciously know this yet you are forming a NEED for women. And this is the root of all social problems. There is in you, a natural character. The one that you were born with. It is complete and perfect. It is part of the DNA memory, it is your role for society, it is your DESTINY. But on top of that forms your FALSE SELF. The false self is formed from fear and from need. It is formed in your intellectual brain. It is a self that is created out of your understanding of the social matrix at the time. It is false by definition. You can't possibly know everything about the world. So your attempt to create a persona based on your analysis is wrong right from the beginning. Unfortunately this is the misery of humans beings - too much brain power. Basically rational thinking causes problems. When a need forms inside of you, you intellectualize and start seeking knowledge on how to fullful that need. If you come from a really bad reality where women are on the pedestal, this understaning will destroy your sex life. It will be non-existent, like mine.
There comes in time a new understanding. You realize that your previous beliefs were wrong. You adopt new understandings. You dwell into a new world were picking-up women is reality. I had this more than a year ago when I discovered David DeAngelo's ebook. Reality changed. I could meet women. But still I was operating on a false persona. That is why I had to constantly refine my theories. Every couple of weeks I discovered a new dating system and I constantly flushed old beliefs and installed new ones. I had complete reality shifts every couple of months. None of which freed me from "myself". Until now. I discovered Rion Williams and my reality is completely new. Fine it is still an "understanding", but I realize now what is my natural character and why it works. I also realize that women have this natural character in them also.
The secret to " just being yourself" is this:
Destroy the need. Free from desperation. Find ways of letting go and your natural character will shine.
As always Pook had it right.