Your conscious mind as a battlefield were different subnets of your brain compete to win.
The winning subnet gets to control your action. It is not you that controls the action, the subnets do.
So what can you do? You can set the prize (goal) and rules (values) of the battle.
These are the only things you can do in this war. You set a goal for yourself and no matter who wins the goal will be accomplished.
You set rules so that you control how the goal will be achieved.
You have a goal of being lively at parties. Now in the battlefield two subnets fight for domination.
In the red corner - the subnet of having something interesting or funny to say.
In the blue corner - the subnet of escaping from embarassment and humiliation.
Now you must know what the real goal is. The real goal is not to be lively. The real goal is
to maintain or raise your social value. This is an external goal. And there is an internal goal of feeling joy about participating actively in a social activity.
Now that we know the real goal we see how the subnets work. Subnet 1 wants to get to the goal as fast as possible in the most reasonable way.
Subnet 2 doesn't want you to become a failure. If you say something innapropriate you might make a fool of yourself which will lower your social value.
That's why these two subnets compete because they have different means of accomplishing the goal.
But after living life like this for some time you come to realize that you know longer value the subnet of not making a fool of yourself.
An external knowledge comes, called experience and you see that this subnet is not going to get you to the goal. It worked pretty well, but now it has served its purpose
and you want to try different things. For example give the subnet 1 a chance and sing and tell jokes instead of sitting quietly.
So how do you change this? Of course consciously deciding about changing the outcome of a battle each time won't work. Every single time a battle arises (and that's probably a 1000
times during a party) you would have to be the judge, the Geneva convention of this war and determine its outcome. It is a pain and doesn't work.
So how do you let the other subnet dominate now? Remember what you can do in your battlefield? Change the rules.
You must change the rules so that you no longer value what the most dominating subnet gave you up to this point. If you dwell on the reasons why that subnet dominated you will see how you can change the rules.
The reason why you are keeping things cool and trying not to make a fool of yourself is because you are concerned about what other people think and what their reactions will be. The rules of
your battlefield are that: you value what other people think. And now when you stop that and change the rules so that you don't value what other people think and what their reactions will be
the outcome of the battle will be different. If you place the value on yourself, on being content with the fact that you were lively, that you told jokes and not that the jokes made people laugh the whole thing is flipped over.
Now not making a fool of yourself doesn't have good rules to dominate and is weakend. Thus you give the other subnet a chance to win because you value more your own well-being instead of imaginary well-being of other people.
Today I have gotten proof that my new strategy is working. I basically allow myself to do stuff and don't worry about what happens or what I do. Zen detachment. Assessing thoughts. Also 3 people started to talk to me first today! Talk about power of intention.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."