From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Success mind-set

If you don't know what to say, think about changing your frame.
- Clinton: the charming auto-ironic knight
- Teddy: the ironic dope
- Migel: the seducer

Pretend you want to talk to the person and they will start first or somebody else will sense your vibe.

Failing mind-set:
I will go there and they will look like this and then I will say this like this and they will react like this.
Result: Fear and not doing it.

Success mind-set:
I can do this right now let's see who's with me?
Result: Things happen.


Yesterday I did a major session of refactoring. I refactor the neural net and then imagine as real as possible a potential new experience with the new me. This is something that should pay off in the long run. I'm already noticing changes. I'm more assertive without even noticing it. I always had to take consciouss control of my behaviour change but this is happening automatic.
I realized I'm laughing a lot much more with people. I hope I really have a good time and I'm not crazy ;).