I've been doing a lot of voice excercises lately. At last I am seeing the effects of this. Now I see that voice is state + training. Your body must learn how to talk and then you enter that state.
Good mini-state to be in. Remember how you think, act when you got a good line to say. Always act like that.
How a salesman cured himself of self-consiousness:
"by remembering how he FELT, and how he ACTED when he "was going to the kitchen eat with Ma and Pa".
He would imagine or pretend.
I want to imagine my great social interaction before new ones.
Remember how you feel at home in bed.
My comment on GUNWITCH METHOD:
If there was a little bunny running around near you, would you kill it? Of course not it's a cute little bunny rabbit, let's play with it! Now suppose you are in the wilderness and you haven't ate for 10 days. Would you still play with the rabbit or would you smack his fucken head with a rock and eat the mother fucker?!?!
The same is with girls. Social conditioning makes us stop the sexual urge. We think it is wrong so we don't let our testosterone drive us. No wonder we don't fuck girls if we aren't in the state to do it. Getting horny without fear or embarassment is a big part of a DJ.
"First eye contact between you and another male should ALWAYS be broken by
him first in a social situation to indicate dominance at a primal level and keep the
guy from doing the above jokes at your expense behaviors. This also makes you
feel less like giggling at his jokes, as you feel more dominant than him."
Instead of thinking about not laughing or giggling at someones insults or stupid jokes, think about the first encounter and establish a dominant position. The frame will work for you.
Do not make jokes to people that don't know you until you gain respect. <- this is the missing link, when I was thinking about is it good to send jokes all the time at a party. Respect produces laughter.
"The hover is simply that, you hover near the person until you catch them out the
corner of your eye looking at you, THEN you reciprocate eye contact and say
hello, this much in the same way you assume a rapport or assume a sexual state
FEELS to them as if they have given YOU the vibe first.
I wanna train hover behaviour tommorrow.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."