From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Sunday, June 11, 2006


I went to a club last night and I had a blast. My blood pressure was high all day. Before going I had a coffee, did 3 warm-ups by asking girls at us stops questions. Then we had drinks. I didn't analyze much because I was a bit drunk so I'll just mention the differences between this clubbing and the one I had a couple months ago. I went in a talkative mood and I was cocky with girls that wanted something from me. Then it occured that I should push and then pull. Stuff they did is:
- ask for cigarrette
- selling some kind of promotion
- asking if she can smoke here
I didn't do a single approach I was too afraid to use any opener. I need to train an opener during the day then I will use it, because on top of that fear is the fear of being not heard. Which is bullshit because you can talk in a club.
I didn't have any fear of walking and observing people. From one occasion a group of girls sitting at a table saw me. One of them was getting married and they wanted me to dance with her. In 10 seconds I was dancing with 20 girls around me. Wow and I didn't really feel anything. My mind was clear and I had no fear of anything. I could do with all the girls everything. But that's it I had no confidence to do anything else that night so I just had fun dancing. I can do it in front of girls without any fear and taking an active part. Big progress!

I've been watching today PUA videos. I really feel I can do this stuff when I watch these guys. I will make a habit of watching these videos everyday so it gets into my subconsiouss.


Tyler D on habit:
A big part of this is that I have NO OUTCOME for a very long time. My only outcome is to get my ass out of the house and to wherever I'm supposed to be. My criteria for success isn't how well I did. It's IF I SHOWED UP and did what I was supposed to do. My expectations of myself are very low.