Yesterday I just watched a comedy at night and went to sleep. In the morning I listened to a Sedona tape about Success. Also I'm excercising pushups everyday.
Today I feel superhuman. In the morning I felt sort of OK. Then I missed a couple of occasions to approach girls and I felt a little down.
I went to read a book about neuroscience and used some techniques from sedona to feel good again. Everytime I read this book I have a breakthrough in thinking. Today was a tremendous breakthrough.
A load has been taken off of me. Finally I realized I have NO CONTROL.
All the self-help and all the stuff that I discovered on my own have one thing in common. They make a ground for the command mode to enter. I can't make myself do something. I have no will power. Will power does not control you. It is an illusion. You must convince yourself to do something, not drag yourself and do it.
And the thing I really realized today is once you have convinced yourself you aren't in control either, it just goes on and does and you have nothing to do with it from that point.
So all day I have been training my new behaviours. Just thinking about interacting with people, on my movements, on my expressions, on my frame of mind. And it works wonders. I don't even have to think now to follow a girls eyes. This is my path. This isn't a hack, this will take time, but this is how it works.
Now I feel in DEEP RAPPORT with my brain and whole body. It let's me do things 10 times better because I was really good for it all day.
2 important techniques that I think about during these days:
- I refactor myself and realize I don't care about what people think or will do
- I allow myself to do something and not expect a result, in opposite to forcing with will
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."