From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Be your best self

"When you think you lack words, what you really lack are ideas. Ideas come in the form of frames. When the frames are there, the words come readily."
-- George Lankoff [p23, Don't Think of An Elephant]

Stay in the set until they reject you.

Do not hold your tongue to be “polite” do not try to avoid “dominating the conversation”. Some call this loosening up, others call it “the gift of gab”.

Whatever you call it, LET WHAT IS INSIDE YOU COME OUT.

The greatest power as an influencer is to represent such an authority of speech and powerful model of how things work that it draws in the listener to your model of how things work or should work.

"Unless she is very unaware of
the way the world works, she realizes you are making the first move because you
are the man she is the woman, this is the way shit works.
Around 5 of 10 women you approach are going to be receptive to it, no shit,
about 5 of 10. You fuck things up and you might bore them, turn them off, repulse
them, not attract them to you, not excite them etc, but that’s what the rest of this
course is for. It’s going to be maybe 1 in 10 that’s going to have some strange
reaction. Maybe the other 4 will be a bit standoffish because they aren’t attracted
"Trick three: Do not masturbate at all until you have approached 25 women in all.
Another words you get NO sexual release from any outlet aside from a woman
until you have approached 25 women. If you have fear of approaching women
when you are not drunk or in a social setting you may need to do this last one
also for approaching women while sober and in non bar and club environments.
Even better once you have gotten used to not masturbating regular you can
stimulate yourself but not release first thing in the morning or at night before bed
also. This is called the “Stalin’s” trick and it works great,"
"Women who you are most attracted to are usually most attracted to you as well."
"Women who you are most attracted to are usually most attracted to you as well.
This may seem counter intuitive and I won’t get in to evolutionary psychology
here, but really the women you find absolutely “MUST HAVE” tend to wind up
seeing you as more attractive than other women also."


R “relaxation of mind pace and body through
familiarity with female interactions and realizing others care more what I think of
them than they even think of me”

"THE thing you must realize to overcome this in the beginning of your meeting
new women is that no one is thinking about you. Yep, they are not thinking about
you, not at all."
"Actually thinking that you need to relax your mind and body can actually cause
the opposite reaction inside your mind, so field work/ effort/ interactions are a
major key in this are to get you past this. After a bit of meeting, talking to and
especially after having gotten results with women this will be easy to do if you
simply pay attention to it and realize the above statement that others always are
trying to impress you/ “others care more what I think of them than they even think
of me”."

This is turning the world inside out. Might be good cause it uses the same neural networks but backwards.

"YOUR MISSION: Approach 25 more women while the entire time hardly thinking
anything but “all she is thinking about is what I think of her” anytime your internal
monologue turns on."




Go to a mall, and basically ask every hot girl you see for the time..

Here's the kicker, after about an hour of this we wanted to take it to the next level..sooooo we put our watches on and continued... some girls didn't even noticed, but for the one's who did, we fed them a few rehearsed DHV stories behind the watch..

"it doesn't work but it holds sentimental value because:" examples included everything from "a gift from my ninety year old neighbor who is now passed, for always taking care of her puppy" to "received it as a reward for pulling 2 kids and a chiwawa out of a burning building a few years back" regardless, they were all bull shit stories.. but 9 times out of 10 the girl was so amazed that u could see the awestruck look on her face... most of the time we just left it at that and walked on (because we were on assignment) but twice my buddy managed to keep a conversation going and got a number (im still trying :)