On being talkative:
1. Think back on your life to a good experience you had, like a holiday or a great night out or anything.
2. Write it down and look at how great it is.
3. In your next 5 conversations tell people that story.
When that goes well, repeat it again. Don't worry about trying to fit it in anywhere. Just start telling it. You can start with "Oh man, I was looking at some holiday pictures today and..."
Just push through those uncomfortable parts. Just say anything.
it doesn't matter WHAT you say
Don't let people interrupt you!!!! This was a big mistake of mine in the past. If someone said something loud enough while I was talking I stopped. Now I keep talking and they always listen to what I say!!!! ;-) Try this. It really helped me!!!
If someone interupted me I would let them speak for a moment and then be like 'Anyway...' (in a louder voice) and continue with what I was saying.
Talk about stuff that is interesting to you if there isn't anything to talk about!
I find that asking totally random questions works well, something like 'So whats your craziest dream?'
I'm also in your situation. Here are my tips from the top of my head:
1. Relax.
Studies have shown that the part of your brain that generates speech gets blocked when you are in a stressful situation. This has evolutionary advantages so you don't start talking when you're hiding and a giant puma is walking nearby. So relax by focusing on losing tension in your muscles.
2. Focus on destination.
You must know the destination of your conversation. Your brain is a powerful tool but it must know it's goal. So if you don't have nothing to say you probably haven't set any goals for the conversation. It can be anything, like making the person laugh or making him/her comfortable...
3. Comfort.
If you are comfortable you can do anything. If you are comfortable you can say anything. Think about this for a moment.
I think I found out today how to DO things. Basically the problem is language. The part of you that does stuff is like a child and it doesn't like when you give orders. Another thing is that by language and by defining "yourself" you attach wrong meanings. For examples you don't do something because you think "I don't do stuff like that" or "I'm too afraid to do it". Those are just words and they don't express what you REALLY feel about doing the thing right NOW. So the thing is, you should get in rapport with your brain, connect the left and right brain or whatever it is. And now when you want to do something simply ask: "How can I do this?" and act upon what you feel or visualize you should do. Ignore completely language. Act upon your emotions and imagination. I tested this today twice and I find myself doing something completely different than usual.
A part of making this blog was to remember new definitions of myself. But I think it requires too much memory, it doesn't help that much, I still think of myself from the past not from the successes from the time of this blog.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."