I went out today with no real intention. There was an intention of doing 5 opinion approaches for Stylelife's day 5 but I couldn't make it. I expected this to happen. After a high there is a low. I felt bad today. I got OK after drinking coffee and focusing on my attention. Again I don't know what really works, the coffee or the awareness radius. Attention is all. Attention is the only technique. Imagine a 3D cursor locking onto people. That is your attention. If the cursor goes on you, you are self-conscious. I saw today that girls notice my AR. They keep passing by me and smiing if I lock onto them. OR even lock into something else. Attention is key. Attention is all there is. Attention is all I can ever do. The night before I was imagining how I can overcome fear. I came to the same conclusions as NLP methods. Basically you DO something after a series of choices. The argument with the biggest priority wins. To make the biggest priority just make the picture in your head bigger. It worked just once today. An attractive girl passed by and I stopped her to
ask for directions. The good thing about it was that I had a thought and a little fear before doing it. If I learn to manage fear I won't have to rely on my STATE and NOT THINKING to do things. One more thing to remember: Don't tell your inner CHILD what to do. I wanted to speak in a manly way to shop people and the child was terrfied and it didn't let me even walk into the shops. Just let go. Make an intention of the desired effect. Rehearse it. But don't force to do it. Just accept that you won't do it now. Just allow the CHILD to do whatever it FEELS is best.
Also: I was training card tricks today. I used Bruce Lee's technique or rather attention. It's magic.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."