This is my solution:
This is my only option. I now see how great men achieve everything. All is in the ability to control the body. Because any sort of fear or resistance is just a biological state. The conscious is there to nevermind it. All these months I have been resisting to do this, but deeply inside I always knew that I will just have to do it myself and it won't be pleasant.
I have the final equation for doing something that is out of your comfort zone:
Learning to Desensitize…..
"[...] Having gone through this highly negative experience, you are not in a hurry to repeat it and you may go as far as never approaching strangers. This is quite natural; all of us don’t like negative experiences. What my Grand Master has us do with his technique was to repeat such an experience until we were able to control the physiological reaction.
Some people call this ability to control your physiological reaction “Becoming Desensitized.” This is actually a misnomer, because you do not stop “feeling or sensing.” What you have actually done is learned to control the negative feelings you got from the physiological reaction. This is how the technique was executed:
You set an approach target of say 10 attempts, then head out to the field to carry out the approaches. As you make each approach, your buddy records your
actions from his perspective, and then after you are done with your approach
you record your details. Try to record what were you feeling, the thoughts that went through your head and what you saw the approach target do or reaction. He had us do this for a straight week (7days.)
I don’t endorse alcohol use, but back then in the first two days, I took a couple of shots of tequila to numb down the pain, after those two days I didn’t need the tequila.
I had GrassHopper go through the technique and got excellent results, now he doesn’t hesitate to make his approaches.I asked my Grand Master what was the logic behind his technique? He said that every time you have a new experience you form a new pattern in your brain. Depending on the nature of the experience, the impact on the body can be a mild or extreme physiological reaction. If the experience was an extremely pleasurable one, you will want to repeat it, if it was negative, you wouldn’t want to repeat it.
By learning to master your physiological reactions, you become master of your body. This in turn gives you the ability to dictate your success.
Remember: Practice, practice, practice!Practice is the foundation of our mastery and makes us fertile ground for our success.
I used this over the telephone the today, here are my results:
I wanted to ask how to cook something.
1 - it was a restaurant I put down the phone immediately
2 - it sounded like an old dude and I got intimidated
3 - a nice woman, I wasn't very smooth but I asked and got a laugh. Cool!
I will see how does telling rehearsed lines work, in a robot fashion. Also I
need to remember about the vacuum. It is critical on the phone.
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."