From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You are your decisions

I'm writing in the context of people doing stuff for me ->
Stuff that worked I labelled as "I don't why?" or "Lucky". In fact it is how
the world works. So stop acting like the world SHOULD work and research how
it really works and apply what worked. A big part of this is not caring about
the outcome or work at all.
The 3 second rule i the only method for overcoming fear. So said MYSTERY


Effort or tyredness is really a feeling of I want to do this more, or I must.
So, fear is a feeling of I want to do this.


Comment for
Now how does the concept of "just doing it" work in the context of subnets?
I mean I've realized something today while trying to do something I want:
it's YOU that is making your decisions, but "you" is the sum of all your
decisions in your life time.
Let's say at some point in life you did something and that caused you an
awful lot of pain. So you make a decision "I won't do this again no matter
what!". And a strong decision like that is like locking yourself in a room
and throwing out the key. Later in life if you want to do that thing again
you just can't because you can't override that initial decision, no matter
what! Nothing can change it, that was YOUR decision!
So how do you just do it then? Or do you have to refactor yourself in a
situation like that?


I've been going out in the last two days, working 4-6 hours to get the
opinion opener working. I can't do it, but I have some insight. The last
night I was meditating on my new intention of being a man and doing
approaches. I'm gonna continue doing this. I will also make a session of
refactoring today, I found a new thing, a thing that was really holding me
back. I am really concerned about peoples reaction. I drank coffee today and
I was really high. That made me approach people and ask for time or
directions. I felt that I was doing it just because I was high. I got a bad
response and that made me realize that that was the reason I was holding
myself back. So I need to refactor it or use drugs to overcome it
(refactoring is better of course).
I tried 2 techniques that didn't work.
- Totally dissasociating and watching yourself do things.
Unfortunately yourself doesn't do anything if you don't make the decision
- Distracting you by not watching your target
Again, nothing is gonna happen if you don't make the decision

I realized that all the techniques (like visualizing the result) work only if there was a decision to do it. They really worked because there was a decision to go for it. It's not them that made the act. So I need to change my decision algorithm. The techniques help make the the doing better but they don't make it happen.

I approached one attractive girl today asking for a bus or sth. I felt fear while doing it and I did it while feeling it. Well, the thing is if fear is there I can just do it. If there was a decision to do it, nothing can stop me. Although fear is there for a reason and the approach wasn't really smooth. But the point is you can do it even if you feel fear.