For the last 3-4 for days I was imagining appoaching girls before bedtime.
Open IMMEDIATELY with the first person that will listen to you. Say anything! Hey, what's happening?
Thing I want to practice:
Walk up to people and make statements and then go away.
This will be a part of a two step process to eliminate fear of the first approach and entering a routine.
Barry White's basso profundo.
Use the new voice with strangers.
Insert pauses in your sentences. (1-3 pauses)
Train talking sentences! I forgot about this excercise.
A sequoia is always a sequoia, from a seedling to a big tower.
In the past months I was in a position of learning. Affirmations set you in the mindset of an already succesfull person. If I'm in the mindset of an unskilled person I will act like him. I feel now like a succesful person with women. All my thoughts and behaviours seem to attract women, I can sense it. The mindset of an already succesful person is the key. I can feel it now but can I step into this energy when I lack it?
Today I realized how it works. While practicing vocal I used attention in 3D. And I directly respond to that. Attention works in 3D. I wonder if it works in 4D?
From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."