From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All of it

Unbelievable. I was dreaming today of 2 girls. We were going out of some movie or something and she was walking a little behind me, I commented out loud on the movie and she giggle. We exchanged some words and then departed. The rest of the dream was me searching for her again because I regretted that I didn't pursue her. I didnt show her my interest, I didnt do what I really wanted.Later that day I was going out of uni, 2 girls stood behind me and I commented on how crowdy i was at the entrance. They giggled, then I sort of acted uninterested and we split. Fuck.
This was either a prediction or this was evidence for my theory that I've written below. If it didnt happen in the dream it didnt happen in real life.
If it is possible in the dream, it will become real.
She wants to be seduced. Once she decides she wants you, she is waiting for you to induce the emotions in her.
Focus on the I Am. That is also the destination of your thinking about others. EVERYONE HAS A SOUL SPEAK TO IT. Only think about that, be lazy and enjoy the I am of others.

Work on chakras it's the only thing htere is. All thoughts arre mad of the same thing. Chakras are it. That's the only thing you should do. If you dont feel like doing it you wont do it.
Every moment of our life we are being trapped by the mind. When we lose focus and awareness we are living a dream. Just like in a dream we are uncoscnious most of the time in our "waking" life. The key is to be aware all the time. This is why highly meditative people dont have dreams. They cant because they never lose focus of their real self and reality.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Hmmm Marlon Brando...
It's as if attractiveness can be boiled down to not caring what others think and what you say do. That's all about it. Love who you are and say.


Some amazing dreams coming to me in the past 2 days. Started with Marlon Brando saying to me that all your experience and thought comes from the knowledge you have, nothing is as it is, it is all knowledge manifesting.

Then I was semi-lucid. The state where I am conscious enough to know that I'm conscious so I can dream or imagine within the dream. So I figured out how, basically how the mind model should look like. What should be happening inside of you.

It's called the self-releasing & fighting consciousness. Everything that comes up to you, you release as unimportant. Another name for this is "The Lazy Mind". There is just no importance to anything. But you also recognize fear based thought and track them down to the feeling. This is where you do the fighting. You decide not to bend over the fear but fight by whatever means. Usually it means feeling it even more or using Sedona for example.

Now the important thing that came in the dream. If you want to do a courage, something out of your comfort zone you must test it first in your mind. This comes from the understanding that it is not YOU that does stuff! So this is a fault proof method to check yourself if you'll do it. If not you work on it more. The key is to simulate the interaction in your head, but there must be no conscious effort in the imagining except for feeling the feelings and fighting them. This is absolutely key. The thoughts must just come to you like in a dream. This is probably best done in theta state or hypnosis or during trance. Because then the visions are dreamlike.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

In a dream

In a dream I have become conscious of one of the most important things about our relation with the
mind. You are a slave. Meditating on the I am before falling asleep is one of the greatest things
I have discovered. It allows for lucid dreaming and in those states all becomes clear on what the
mind is doing because you SEE that it is not real. I realized the mind is using you to gain power
and to convince itself for the truth of its claims. If you don't give this power to it, it will
drop. Unfortunatelly 90% of the time you will get used but with practice you can overcome this.
You must snap and see above it what has been happening.
Mental laziness - not giving power to any thought coming from the realization that no thought or
want is yours. You are just an observer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Emotion is the interface

I have to set goals again, and write them down.


"the fact that she is your counterpart, seeing her will only give you more strength and power to
be a real man."

Voice projection:

- First is emotion

- then become muscles that articulate

- speak

It is not you that wants the chick. Let the wanting. Allow it to happen, that's all YOU need to

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The burning desire


"I think the key to being in the moment, when in the field, is to do exactly what your mind wants to do right at that exact moment. Look at the three second rule; you are supposed to approach because you decided you wanted to talk to them. This keeps the negative chatter from affecting what your inner desires really want to do. If you decided your not going to do something, then immediately change focus to what you do want to be doing."


Fuck I'm feeling it again, I have to write about it.

This is probably the most important thing ever happening inside of me. I feel glory and power and burning desire in my heart. It makes me feel so wonderful. Even now after I was rejected. I just feel I can conquer the world. Remember that post by Stephane.
OK how I do it?
I think about manowar, about fighting and having a true purpose to die for, I see or think about women what they are (zenlike), I let this feeling build up inside me. I let it pump me up. It is a pump.

Also this post:

"The reason why truly seeing a woman is good, in my opinion, is that it triggers your attractive masculine expression, i.e. "game." You are "on" or "in the zone." Often this is called being "money," as in "Dude, I met this girl. She was so beautiful, and we clicked, and dude....I was sooo money.""

Monday, October 01, 2007

Hope is not for you

Strange, it's like all the girls can't help feeling my power today. They can't control smiling, I didnt do anything about it though, wanting something and then not allowing yourself to do it drains your energy. It's better to do it.
I've had a satori experience again after reading Stephanes new post. Fucking brilliant, I felt so pumped up. This is what manowar teaches. Fuck THIS IS IT! Today I felt like this again. I felt a burning flame inside my chest. This is the most unbelievable feeling in the world. Nothing, shyness, bad mood, other people can get you. You feel you can conquer the world. I was blatant straight, asked the girl I picked up the other day out through a messenger. She rejected me. I felt horrible. My heart was in a cage. It felt bad but I knew it would happen. Still I was totally honest and acted with my heart and I feel love about myself. I embrace the pain it will only help me in achievment. Because the pain also comes from the heart. Do what it tells you. I destroy the tower made of thought in my head. It must go.I didnt approach today because still I was thinking. THERE IS NO FUCKEN USE IN THOUGHT!!! It is only there for survival. Hope is a construct of the mind because it wants to maintain. It wants to live and to reproduce. They are fucken false. It is not how you DO stuff. You DO from the heart or by JUST doing it. Not identifying with the mental pictures.

I gotta learn to let go of things. Sometimes I intuitively know things are gonna be fucked up. The times I just let things happen are times when it works.