From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Monday, February 27, 2006


If I master this, I will become individuated. I will achieve my life goal.

I got some kino from a girl friend today. All I had to do is make fun of another guy in the right moment when she noticed the same thing as I. This probably means something for a girl, like a deep connection.

I've got to nail down the sexual look. I need to maintain eye contact and make it obvious that I'm interested. I don't need to talk to them now I can just run away afterwards. If anything happens I've got my 3 openers and conversation topics ready.

So, tomorrow every girl I find attractive and that isn't or won't be related to me in any way in the future I make eye contact to create tension.

When thinking of witty openers, thinking in a frame might help. Like think what advice you can give or play a character, like an authority. When a girl sits down next to you in a bus say: "That's my reserved seat!".

Kill the bunny

You've got these claws and you're telling that you don't know how to kill the bunny?

I used to, in the past, when telling something watch how people react and get really nervous about it. Fuck that shit. I should use the skills that I have for reading peoples emotions and make a mental note of it but carry on with telling the story with a give a shit attitude. My story is most important, also not the story itself but the delivery.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mystery Method

Talk 2 times slower.

Mystery Method:
Focus On The Many - if you screw up, fix it with the next girl.
We constantly struggle to control our emotions: empower yourself to get into a TALKATIVE MOOD. That's the KEY EMOTION. Conveying Personality: you must be in the MOOD to CONVEY.
"Your body and your mind (these are not two separate things as your brain is a part of your body) ."
Your emotions help you. If they are there it means you need something. Lonely? Good. build a plan. "Can you imagine the MOTIVATION you would have to get laid? Your body would make you go out every DAY and try to get some."
"Humans too are not designed to live in a lonesome environment."
The Proximity Alert System. "While you can never be 100% certain, her repeated proximity should indicate a potential interest. She may be putting herself near you on purpose hoping that you might start something."
Alcohol does NOT loosen you up.
Work the room. Never sit and do nothing. Always talk to somebody.
SECRET = BE TALKATIVE - make them listen to whatever YOU have to say. Just go from one story straight into another one like a comedian does.
"get a microcassette player and tape ALL your approaches. Its also good because an approach is very formatted: it has a beginning AND an ending. So does a tape. So when you see the girl, you think "I want HER." You scan the situation and say, "OK, here goes" and you press record. And in you go. When it is over, you press stop. Its so perfect for your brain. "
DO NOT get eye contact and not approach and think you will use that eye contact later to approach her.
When you spot an attractive woman, your emotional state changes. You become AWARE. If you could CONTROL AWARE and LONELY you would become MASTER. For now HIDE it.
Mystery didn't have his first kiss until he was 21. He decided he must master this area of life for lifetime.
You MUST initiate immediately, when you get on a bus and there is a babe, sit near and immediately initiate the chat.
"Each phase may FEEL awkward but it looks normal. When a comedian finishes one topic and just goes into an entirely new unrelated topic, the audience doesn't care as long as the next topic is entertaining."

How to prepare yourself:
"First, find 3 openers and memorize them. Write down a list of openers (just the headings of each opener to remind you). Next, write down some routines (the question game, the music game, the photo routine, the bear in the woods story, etc - all on and then also memorize the kiss close and the # close. Memorize 3 NEGs too and you are good to go. With the material in your mind, you are prepared to work it in the field until you have the timing of the material down (again, just like a comedian.)"

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Think of what you can give, not what you can get.

Interview with Craig:
Always make an emotional impact on people. It doesn't matter if it is good or bad. If it is bad you will make them want you to want to like them, which is great. They must earn it. All alpha-males don't focus on you right away, if you ask them a question they will do whatever they are doing and they will have to repeat.
It's all a status game. When making a handshake establish dominance. Look right in the eyes and then turn around and get laid back.

I forget to read the paper with my daily tasks. I must bring it to attention atleast a couple times a day.

False belief: that I am bad at conversations.
-> Guess what? I am a great conversationalist! That is why I made many friends and that is why people like me. Not because I acted like a approval seeking pussy around them but because they have fun talking to me!
I expand my conversation circle every day after I made a commitment to do it. It's going OK, just keep progressing.

Getting selfconscious is just a mind-frame. I got in the trap today. If you want to go into the selfconscious frame just catch yourself doing it and reframe it to fun or open person or I give a fuck frame.

I sat across this beatifully eyed girl in the bus today. I was terrified to look her deep in the eyes. Just the usual pretending I'm not interested. I was really scared about this and I got an adrenaline rush from it. It really felt great and I felt this emotional bond with her because I was trying to look at her. Really strange stuff. The good thing out of this experience is that, this fear is really fun, it's a rush. This what I'm really seeking in girls, I want adrenaline from them!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Trust the gut

Opening doors for girls is good. They talk to you first (thank you). But I must respond, it's so simple.

Wayne Dyer: Always visualize positively. Negative thoughts are causes of negative emotions. Create high energy by thoughts. It really works, I can nearly touch this energy that is sparking between me and people I noticed today.
Don't lie. Lying creates negative or neutral feedback in your muscles. Only true intention creates positive energy.

Trust your gut: this seems more and more a universal rule. Today I was considering to say something and I consciously felt my gut to see if this is the moment and it said yes and I did it and it worked great!

Today I was testing eye contact - If a girl looks down = she likes you. I had some fun with this. It gets you in the perfect mind frame.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

High energy

I have very high energy around me. It seems to affect everyone around me. The key is as Wayne Dyer teaches: positive thoughts attract good things in life. It's a concept of Jungs - 'synchronicity'. Nobody knows how this works, but it is there, just trust it and higher energy levels will come naturally to you.
I was cocky and funny with a girlfriend today. Maybe too cocky, it didn't seem to matter for her, she likes me anyway, also it seemed to impress my guyfriends which was amusing.
I can't get myself to cold approach, I can't see the perfect opportunity. This is a terrible mistake. I think I need to find a perfect opener or conversation topic. I keep thinking I don't have anything to say. I must get rid of this state because it is bullshit. I have decided that I must train approaching, conversations will come later. I won't have a conversation if I don't approach. So I will find an opener that will suit me and use it until I get comfortable with it. That is my only focus, to deliver it. Nothing else.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Default to action

Craig's 4 laws:
I If you believe it will work it will work.
II You must be cooler than her and she must know it.
III You must create emotion

Get yourself in the mood - get out of your head by talking to people.

Always remain higher status. The best way to achieve it is humour.

I'm back at the university. Today I was getting used to social situations again. It wasn't hard and I definitally don't get conscious about myself a lot like I used to. I must use my time that I'm spending there. When I'm with my friends I want to
try to lead them not only by being the authority but socially, being the most fun, creative, talkative. I will train statements with them. Also I want to initiate conversations and interactions with people I know but I don't talk to. Use all
people around you to train.
I'm starting to use words like "I will", "I want to" in this journal instead of "I must". We'll see if the power of commitment works.

New shy pattern: I think whether or not do something > I think that one of the options will raise my anxiety > I don't do it, I think I'm shy.
How to break from this pattern? Something I forgot about: SET DEFAULT TO ACTION. Don't think about it.

New stuff

Doing little courages works for overall confidence in the end. When I have that and I want to interact with girls I must change my frame. The shy frame, because that's basically what shyness is, is something that wants to dominate. You have to shut that down in the current moment and place yourself in the fun frame.

David D's Approaching Women:
My Problems:
- not knowing what to say or what to do
- don't want to bother her or her group
- fear of losing control
Know what you want (for now I want to create sexual tension and kiss a girl in the lips)
Psyching up just doesn't work.
The part of your brain that triggers fear wants you to consider your decision. Once you've decided that you're doing this no matter what, that part of the brain accepts that and starts helping you in achieving the goal.
Recognize your loops (patterns) so to avoid them. My loops (patterns):
> I see a woman I would be interested in > I pretend I'm not interested > I try to see if she looks at me > She leaves or I leave > I beat myself about it
Act naturally. Be yourself and it will be her that is nervous and her that is creating awkwardness.
Be overly comfortable. If you screw something up it is for your advantage, because she sees the more human side of you.
The universal mating signal. If she looks at you and then looks down. She is signalling lower status and that she is waiting for you to take control.
Only expect the best outcome (think about it right before doing something).
The riskier thing benefits more. Like start talking with the most attractive girl around first.

Write stuff to do or think on paper with you when you go out. I tend to forget about a lot of stuff and follow my patterns. Reading what to do will break the pattern, refocus you and give you ideas on what to do next.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Idea to test: Actors put their thumb in their palm not to laugh when playing. What if that causes you don't feel nervous? (Maybe make it an anchor)

"A brilliant conversationalist is the one who talks to you about yourself."

Book: The Power of NOW (You never lived in the past or future, stop thinking about it and live in the present moment).

From Power of Influence:
Consistency - if someone agrees to something he will be sure to finish it due to the rule. So, if taking a girl out be sure she acknowledges that she is going to have fun. If she says she is then she will do whatever it takes to have fun.

Posture Excercise: every place, every room you go if there is no one around and there is a clean wall stand up against it with your back. Make sure you are pressing with every bit of your body. Toilets are good places for this. If you do it
always in a toilet you will do this excercise at least 5 times a day.

Ali G

The gap between the words.
An idea to test. If you don't know what to say, consciously think about what is going on and what you want to communicate. Now fill your mind with the gap between the words. When you feel you are connected with the superconscience say everything it tells you immediately.

"People aren't judging you because they're too busy judging themselves"

The ultimate body language (Idea from MTV DisMissed)
Think Ali G.
The gangsta-player-smooth body language. Keep your arms to yourself, both hands on each other in front of you. When sitting, totally, I mean totally relaxed with arms and legs wide spread.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Awareness Radius:
A low AR is the mark of a high status person. It's because he believes that what ever he is currently doing is THE BEST. A person with a high AR is always looking around. He is not fully engaged in conversation because he always feels like someone else is having more fun. He is scanning the room for people to suck value (energy) from.

Thing to do: Just walk around a crowdy place. Really slow and laid back. Whenever you see a girl that is near you look at her and smile and say Hi. If she ignores you give a crap about it, if she responds just make a normal conversation like you'd be always doing this.

Story telling (Juggler):
-Hi, how are you?
-Great, how are you?
-(Get into a story)
The story must not be interesting itself. You are the thing that is interesting in the story. Your personality, the way you express yourself. It is not that you don't have anything to talk about, it is that you have too much stuff to talk about. If you know what is your goal you will narrow down your choices and know exactly what to say.
To do: Train talking about mundane things in a passionate/funny way.
Remember when you are on a conversational high, it seems that the both of you are communicating with the same rhythm, like verses in a song. Try talking with rhythm in every conversation and check the results?

I stopped using self-depricating humour a while ago but I really didn't understand why. I can use it if it is a hidden neg, you are communicating that you don't want to get along with her. Like "-what do you do? -I'm a lumberjack". This fits my style more than cocky-funny.

Idea for making the next step after being cocky-funny for some time (like a mini romantic comedy): say "At first I thought you are really stuck up but know I really feel there's more to you...".

Wayne Dyer:
The opposite of fear is faith.
When you feel fear, believe that you will do it. You can pray to get strength.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


The comedian is a character that is very hard to classify. He is not a player, but he can be. He is not a thug, but he can be. He is not a prince, but he can be. What is a comedian? A comedian is a person that can consistently make women laugh.
You don't have to be outgoing and extroverted to have strong humorous impact. Look Harrison Ford on Conan O'Brian.

I believe I am perfect and therefore I'm terrified to fail.
This is a very false belief and it might be the core of my social problems in life.

Tip: Smirk your eyes. It is impossible to express fear with your face if your eyes aren't wide open. You might look like you're taking a shit, but that's better.

Wayne Dyer: Live with the fact that you are mortal. Live like you have already died.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Keep talking

In order to have a meaningful conversation you must have an unmeaningful one first. I realized this when I was thinking about something. At first you can't even have a good convo with yourself, you have to warm up. Just talk about anything and force yourself to do it. Even say stuff that is just mechanic, everything will help.
So, I allow myself to have an umeaningful conversation. I allow myself to talk rubbish. I allow myself to talk about plain things. I allow myself to have awkward conversations. I allow myself not to express myself perfectly.

Warm Up Sets
This is hands down the best way to warm up. If you do nothing else DO THIS. Practice your conversation skills on everyone you meet. Open UGs just for the hell of it! Simply say hello and see how many people you can pull into a mini-convo. I notice that the days I am the most out-going with everyone, I find that girls approach ME. It's like you are building a storehouse of confidence when you meet people, and in the process you develop this attractive and open aura about you. It's hard to describe, you have to try this and experience it for yourself. On your way to the pub/club/etc. talk to as many people as you can. Flirt like crazy with lots of girls just for practice. It makes a huge difference!
It's about energy. People gather around people that emit energy. Energy is simply something you offer, like the things you are saying. The more you talk, the more interesting it is, the more emotional impact it has the more people with gather to

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Evolution of lust

I talked with a friend about the mating mind of human beings. He is reading a book about it and we had a great conversation about the topic of why women pick men and vice versa. This is really something fun to talk about and I've come up with really funny pick up lines.
I trained a lot in speaking what I have in mind and it payed off. I had a beer and I was completely relaxed and I talked the way I would talk to myself. Pretty much, not ideal but I'm on the right road.
Also I am completely relaxed to say funny stuff to a cashier girl. I finally can do this. Now I have different problems about this. I get a smile, that's good but they don't respond. Either they don't feel like it, they get intimidated by me or something else. It might be because I come across as this big guy with lots of hair and a beard. My masculinity might be frightening. Which isn't a bad thing because I'm miles across the enemy lines in this case. I'm just focusing on not giving
away my power to anyone. I always had a problem with giving away my power to strangers especially shop people. I noticed that I never have a problem with coming from a higher status place when they say hello first. I wait for them, I'll stare
them down if they don't talk first. If I could a get a girl to say something to me first I would win the prize easily.

Monday, February 06, 2006


I recovered from sickness and was out on the streets again. I felt really confident and I had a very high "I give a fuck" attitude. To the point that I didn't bother talking to anyone, altohugh I had opportunities with nice girls. However I spoke to the lecturer during an exam exactly how I wanted to. Although I fucked up the exam I felt really good because I did courage and that gave me extra points of confidence. That's all there is to it. Do any kind of courage during the day and you'll get confidence. If you fail to do the right thing even or especially on minimal moments you'll feel more and more down. So everytime you feel like this is what I am supposed to do I - do it without thinking.


Juggler's tips:
If your look can intimidate (like being tall) you can tone down your alphaness very much. Also, talking with your hands can be intimidating if you have large arms. Keep your hands at waist level.
Enter a venue LOOKING FOR OPENERS rather than looking for targets. To look for creative pretenses to talk to anyone. Kids, UG's, dudes, old people, families. Whoever.
Statements make the strongest openers. "I like..." for example is something he uses.
No "hen-pecking". Another example that you should lead with your hips, in all situations! Juggler views physical closeness itself as actually more important than kino.
In conversation make statements. A statement provides value, a question asks the other person to provide value. Questions are asked only like you would ask someone you knew for years or playful questions.

I've got to try this out. For the past couple of years I've been focusing on questions in my conversation, now I have this mastered. So starting tomorrow I will focus on statements.

You should never feel responsible for her reaction.
Very important realization: THERE CAN BE LULLS IN CONVERSATION!
God this is so simple! Why didn't I think about this earlier -> if you don't know what to say in mid conversation just make a statement "I like..."/"I don't like". Millions of things come to be said after that.
Never make advancments on low points of a conversation, get to a higher level by creating value with statements.
If you are worried about your nervousness coming out, get physically tired and then try to speak as smoothly as possible (like train an opener: "This club was built on an indian burial ground").

Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's knowledge!

Cliff's interviews with dating experts:
- PlayboyLA
Many DJ's start off as shy or frustrated with women. I am in a position to become a master PUA.
He travelled the world and did street theatre forcing himself to be social. That made his appearance look "smooth", because he is relaxed in social situations.
"James Bond, Jack Nicholson and Bill Clinton - all have a devilish sense to them - something deep and unattainable - as well as that smirky sense of humor".
Vocal projection. Learn to speak loudly, it will help in noisy environments. It will give me more confidence to speak.
Pasha's advice who lives in a harem: "If you get a women to open up to you and trust you as a man, you will fuck that woman"
I don't know you very well = I don't trust you enough
Start developing social intelligence:
- start saying ANYTHING to ANYONE
- the art of conversation = leaving a person better than when you started the convo.

Brian Tracy - Doubling Your Brain Power
There is something called the superconscience. I especially need it when having conversations. I can speak freely if I'm speaking from the superconsience. You can access it if you know how. This is how:
- relax and free your mind
- make a clear statement or question of what you want to achieve
- trust the superconscience and await the arrival of the information
- when it comes immediatelly do what it tells you, don't let the conscience interfer

Saturday, February 04, 2006

More theory

Never too much knowledge!

DD Tyler C. Interview:
Frame of you are the prize. Position yourself in a position where you are interviewing her and checking if she's good for you. Project that through words and especially body language. Isn't this what flirting is all about? It is a playful method of selecting sexual partners. I definitly have to apply this frame in everyday life since I know what it is about and I've seen people doing it.

RKTek - A Few Things I've Learned
Do not pursue women, never. That does not mean you can't sarge. Arrange 2 dates, with kiss-close on second. The rest is up to her. Stay emotionally equal all the time.
"- Most men in today’s world, are chumps. Hollywood movies, literature, art, the media, all will be working against you. If you do it correctly, your friends will call you a woman hater or that you’re too demanding. If you break it off with a woman because she’s a self-centered b*tch, but she looks like Kylie Minogue, they’ll say you’re nuts. If you do it correctly women will initially seem to scorn you. But if you do it correctly, women will have a little voice inside that piques their curiosity and find you irresistible in spite of themselves, and they’ll pursue, but they’ll also test you relentlessly to see if yours is just an act. If you do it right, you’ll find yourself doing things your way and seeming to swim against the popular culture and current."
Insecure men date beatiful women. Complete-centered men date women they like and are liked by.
At all times, a woman must believe that you can walk away from the relationship and not look back.
Listen to your gut.
It is a process.

Tip from Fash:
What really helped me was developing the mentality of:
"Hey, I'm a fun and exiting guy, and by going up to her, I'm giving HER the opportunity to get to know ME! If she turns me down, then it's her loss! There are plenty more women who won't be so stupid to turn me down"

DD David Shade Interview:
Women are sexual beings. You feel more masculine thanks to a woman and a woman feels more feminine thanks to you.
Steps to have sex:
1. She needs to feel that you are in control, she must trust you and she must respect you.
2. She needs to feel that you are emotionally connected.
3. You need to guide every action.
If she rejects you then she is losing the extreme pleasure she could have from you. Period.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I've been sick for the last couple of days so I can just learn new stuff by reading and listening. Here are my thoughts:

You really have to learn to say WHATEVER is on your mind. That is the msot important thing ever. DO not think about what the reactions will be from your words. Just voice your goddamn opinion.

David D. Patty Contenta Interview:
Watch your body language. Stand firmly on the ground. Alignment is important. Imagine there is a string on your chest and lift it, everything falls into place after that. Make your hips lead, it works in dancing, it works everyday.

Lover archetypes:
I've come up with three archetypes that woman fantasize about. I'm sure there are more, but recently these are the ones I thought about. These archetypes can be combined, some woman might want a mixture of these.
- The untamed bad boy/warrior.
Woman ho are fascinated by this archetype enjoy movies like: "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" (Dark Cloud), "The Assignment" (Carlos).
- The poet/artist.
Movies: "Moulin rouge" (Christian)
- The mild guardian.
Movies: "The proffesional" (Jean Reno, is basically like this).
Throughout life women that want the second archetype seem to be most attracted to me. Also from the third, but that is something I need to work on more. As for the first one, that is what I want to be. I've got to find ways to improve this.

Behave like you find all women attractive and that all women find you attractive. Because a woman doesn’t think for herself (remember that society is the book of women) she will only find you of value if she thinks other women find you to be of

Good opinion opener and something to really think about:
Would money have any value in the world, if there weren't no women?

MRS ALLONBY: He should never run down other pretty women. That would show he had no taste, or make one suspect that he had too much. No; he should be nice about them all, but say that somehow they don’t attract him.
LADY STUTFIELD: Yes, that is always very, very pleasant to hear about other women.
That is what my grandfather always does. My grandma was a very pretty HB in her time.

Tip: Good frame to be in when talking to a girl: she is shy or intimidated by you. Not only can this frame help you talk but is probably true. Especially if you are good-looking. The most beatiful women are also the most insecure.

When you're looking you don't see.

David D. Alex Interview:
Fear motivates you. Everyone feels it but the cool guys enjoy it. I like fear and overcoming it too. But sometimes I have a feeling that it is something else that is stopping me from meeting women. Probably different kinds of fears, like EMOFree suggests.
"Be yourself". Are you the guy that does anything a woman asks for or are you the guy that ignores his mom when she asks you a favour? Think about who you really are and what works best in relationships with people. People love each other for their
flaws not for their perfection.
Make decisions! (Lead with your hips and with your voice)
If you say "I don't know", say after that "I don't care about it".
You are the selector. It seems that the fun frame works best for master PUA's. It tells the woman that you are just here for fun and you can leave any minute. That is exciting.
"If YOU take off a woman's pants, she feels sexy... but if she has to take off HER OWN pants, she feels like a slut".
Alex doesn't ask girls out. He talks about fun stuff he is doing and waits, even for a couple calls, for the woman to ask him out. He ends the talk with "I'll talk to you later", not "Call me later". He doesn't give away his POWER.
Tell a woman what she has to wear when going out with you.