From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Friday, December 21, 2007

I talk like an enlightened person

Let's make something definite. If you have to consciously remind yourself that you
love yourself, you're not there. It should happen by itself.


I realized today that I am in fact creating the reality I am in. I am not the
consciosness.I am the not-conscious. That which cannot be spoken. It is accessed easiest by
feeling and indications.Practical part: Whatever is happening right now, whatever you are thinking about or doing it is a
manifestation of what you have wanted to create earlier. So to do something or
change your thinking, thik about the future, even in 10 seconds, what you want it
to be like. Imagine clearly pictures of what you want to happen, to do, to think.
Do this from a point of empty mindedness.

If you are blocked by a NO. Like the default no. Don't try to do it or overcome
it. Face the no directly and it will change.

Awareness is change.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I didn't think I would it would happen, but I met a girl that looks exactly like Eva Green today. She was with some kind of douche though. It hurts cause we had fun and she was obviously into me. Wow what a beautiful creature. I would tell her that immediately if we had 1 chance to be alone for a second. I would show her my interest at once.

If there is something there is something happening. If there is nothing there to feel nothing will happen. All you can do will be manufactured and feel bad. If there is something (both party attraction) it is pleasant for both. This is the secret of the Tao.

I have changed completely. I am a different person, the old self wouldn't do the things I did and thought and felt today.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Work on working yourself


Be real.
Be 100% or nothing - what if? Heart.
I am here to provide entertainment!

You have to pump up yourself first.
It won't come by itself.
DO stuff to entertain yourself first.
Keep allowing the energy to flow into you.
Work on working yourself.


If you try to apply a frame during interaction it will backfire. It's a self-hypnosis thing. You change that by doing. When you notice you're trying to do something mentally in your head stop that and sit back and do something else. She should come bavk to you when she sees you have power.


Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Trace back the behaviour - butterfly effect - in magic room.
Broke at least two important (not anymore) spells in my mind today when out. It
directly changed behaviour. My thinking twisted to me being the stimulus, whereas
I always was seeking a reaction. Felt horny as fuck today too.
Tucker Max:"1. Be emotionally honest: Even stupid people can usually see through bullshit,
and writing is no different. When you try and make yourself seem something that
you aren't people will see it eventually, even in your writing. I often find
myself at places thinking, "What should I put now?" and the answer to that is
ALWAYS, "The complete truth, no matter how stupid or awful or cynical (or cool or
awesome) it makes me look." For me, using the stark truth of my mind and my life
works on many levels. It shocks the reader, because very seldom do people tell the
truth, it endears the reader to me, because it gives them the sense they are in my
head, it can repel the reader because they don't like what they see, but
ultimately it makes the reader keep reading, because there is nothing more
enthralling than true emotional honesty. Everyone at their core is a voyeur of
some sort--when you open up and let people in, they will stop and look."
"To me this story displays some of the most common flaws of new writers:
1. Terribly overwritten2. Too much explaining, not enough showing3. Talks down to the reader4. Written in a style the author thinks he "supposed" to write in, not in his real voice"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Fuck, so simple:

Men and women want sex the same amount. It's that men think to pursue the sex, and

women think to be pursued. But the sex is always there.


I'm watching Marlond Brando lately and really focusing on the POTENTIAL.


I'm reading my posts from a year ago.

I decided then to go indirect, to control people. Now I see it was insecurity.

When I lost that I became honest, like now.

"To do this succesfully you must find a reason to make eye contact besides making

eye contact! Don't ever think about making eye contact! So how?
What you do is get yourself into the state of... WONDER. This is the state that

you were in as a child. Before you got any concepts in your head. Before there was

a spearation between you and other people. Before you knew that eyes look at you.


That is exactly, the POTENTIAL.

Stanislavsky question: “What would I do if I were…”

"You don't have direct control over your state but you have control over yourself!!!"

Sunday, November 25, 2007

You aren't your khaki

Oh my god I got it! Deep knowing in opposite of intelectual knowing of something is the end of searching for an answer.
If you know something intelectually but are not feeling, you are still unsure of, even though you "know" it.

The after emotion after releasing is still it. It needs to feel good and energy refreshed if it went well.


Just know that she has already made up her mind.


Once the body has decided to approach then YOU must do it. This is where you must stop all thinking because any more thoughts are just coming closer to failure. Just do it. You know how.


"Who are you??

The answer isn't found in what you DO.

You aren't your job. You aren't the contents of your wallet. You aren't your fucking khakis.

The point is that you have a dynamic and uncategorizable nature and relationship with the world.

Anything is possible. You are infinite and unlimited in potentiality.

An authentic relationship to your existence is one that is "grounded and humble and at ease with the unknown".

That's where REAL and DEEP confidence arises from."

Meditate on. This is true power.

The bad days and also the second day syndrome come from focusing on the wrong thing. They come from focusing on what WAS, on the BELIEFS that had formed previously and on EXPECTATION. Stop them immeditaly and remember what was prior to a great day.

It was probably focusing on this unlimited force and POTENTIAL right in front of you.


Mode ONE:
"Your level of self-confidence, and your ego, are not the same thing. Self-confidence has to do with your desire and ability to take action towards the achievement of a desired goal or objective. Your ego centers on how you perceive yourself, and how you believe you’re being perceived by others."

Differentiate yourself from the compliments and criticisms, you are just the POTENTIAL, nothing else. In that way you always are the same.

Mode ONE:
"Two of the most effective psychological tools that people use in order to manipulate others are compliments and criticisms. More specifically, they use insincere flattery and subjective criticisms."


You can't change an attitude by forcing and remembering the frame. The frame comes from a belief and understanding. What does the person know and believe in, what does he feel?


Talk to the person, not to the programming. Notice that it is a social bullshit layer. And you can cut through it, and you are actually doing good to the person.


Friday, November 16, 2007

You control it differently than what you believe

Ciaran : Shock and Awe

Mode One:
"“That is how I’ve always wanted a man … at least, one who I’m physically attracted to … to talk to me. But realistically, I would never expect most men to have the guts to … at least, not in their very first conversation with me…”"
"Jack literally has no fear whatsoever of opinionated insults or subjective criticisms directed at him by women. I mean, absolutely none. He has no fear of being rejected by women. I mean, absolutely none. He never attempts to lie to women in order to seduce them, and he never attempts to engage in “manipulative head games” in order to persuade the women into having sex with him. He is just very bold, self-confident, upfront and unapologetically straightforward, and he never behaves in an apologetic and/or defensive manner in response to harsh criticisms and insults of his behavior, or his raunchy, provocative manner of verbally expressing his sexual desires, interests, and intentions to women."

"Talk Dirty To Me, Part II


I figured out how to wake up.It happened in a dream. I became lucid and was thinking if this was a dream or not. All evidence showed that it is reality. So I accepted it (although it was completebullshit as I see it now). I started to piss. It didnt go out so I wanted to really piss, really do it. That's when the dream switched to me holding a banana or something. I was conscious of this switch and rewinded and held to it. So to wake up dont seek for evidence that it is not a dream. Your mind will tell you it is. Do something that is out of the reality. When it can't happen that is when the reality will start changing to make that thing seem that it is doing. Notice that switch and you'll fly above it.


There is no other option. Courage.


The problem is - I am seeking from outside validation and guidance what to do/act/behave. It must come from me. Only from my core. Once that happens all seeking for pick up knowledge will drop.


Start eye contact. Focus only on that, the rest is distractions. All flows from catching eye contact with a person.

Friday, November 09, 2007

the Sweet Spot

Something mind raping was happening last time I went for a walk in the city. EVERY woman could not control looking at me and being attracted. I dont think I looked that good, I did not focus on my BL or anything. What I did was focusing on the Pull in front of me. Asking what it wants. Feeling the heart. Being a follower of it. It is an animal-like state.


I think I got it?

There are 3 modes of focus.

- Front of yourself - "the sweet spot" - this is following your wanting
- Center - "the I am" - this is where you know your centre or core of your being, who you are
- Back - "the Reciever" - this changes your BL to recieve from other people what they can give you

1 mode of laziness - or no focus. You just consider everything unimportant.

Shyness- why in the hell would you even consider that feeling? Just know that it fucks you up and let it pass. If needed stop for a moment and wait for it to go.


Just as you have the power to not follow your wanting, you can choose not to follow a mind obstacle. It's important to learn different emotions. For example nervousness in the stomach is just an expectation of something big coming. But a really bad feeling there might be a sign that something is terribly wrong.

Friday, November 02, 2007

It's just not an option


Look into the left eye of the person. Look at the I Am.

Every waking moment of your life move towards the pleasure and release any feeling obstacles that prevent you from reaching it.

In 3 years I want to have the social life of a rock-star. In the meantime I have to prepare myself internally so that when it happens I don't pass on opportunities. I am OK with that happening at that age.


To PUA's: how did YOU decide to approach no matter what?

Once the need to get laid overpowers the fear of the risk of rejection you have to approach.
one day youll snap and approach the next attractive girl youll see
I got to a point where I was real pissed off and thinking about this.
Things changed for me after a public relations job I had one summer at a super popular beach restaraunt. Now when I sarge a random chick, I just choose to click into this P.R. mentality.
Another thing that really clicked for me is embracing the perspective that "I'm everyone." It took all the fear out of talking to people.It comes down to just dropping your mind, and finding a good perspective that you'll be able to enjoy the experience with.
Initially it came from a sense of the absolute need in my miind to turn my life around as far as women go.
Ask yourself next time....."What's going to happen if you DON'T speak with her?".

---- ITS NOT AN OPTION ! (?)

Stop over-analyzing and take it as if its a huge game
I approach because I know that if I don't approach, than I will feel like a pvssy and regret it later on in life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

All of it

Unbelievable. I was dreaming today of 2 girls. We were going out of some movie or something and she was walking a little behind me, I commented out loud on the movie and she giggle. We exchanged some words and then departed. The rest of the dream was me searching for her again because I regretted that I didn't pursue her. I didnt show her my interest, I didnt do what I really wanted.Later that day I was going out of uni, 2 girls stood behind me and I commented on how crowdy i was at the entrance. They giggled, then I sort of acted uninterested and we split. Fuck.
This was either a prediction or this was evidence for my theory that I've written below. If it didnt happen in the dream it didnt happen in real life.
If it is possible in the dream, it will become real.
She wants to be seduced. Once she decides she wants you, she is waiting for you to induce the emotions in her.
Focus on the I Am. That is also the destination of your thinking about others. EVERYONE HAS A SOUL SPEAK TO IT. Only think about that, be lazy and enjoy the I am of others.

Work on chakras it's the only thing htere is. All thoughts arre mad of the same thing. Chakras are it. That's the only thing you should do. If you dont feel like doing it you wont do it.
Every moment of our life we are being trapped by the mind. When we lose focus and awareness we are living a dream. Just like in a dream we are uncoscnious most of the time in our "waking" life. The key is to be aware all the time. This is why highly meditative people dont have dreams. They cant because they never lose focus of their real self and reality.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Hmmm Marlon Brando...
It's as if attractiveness can be boiled down to not caring what others think and what you say do. That's all about it. Love who you are and say.


Some amazing dreams coming to me in the past 2 days. Started with Marlon Brando saying to me that all your experience and thought comes from the knowledge you have, nothing is as it is, it is all knowledge manifesting.

Then I was semi-lucid. The state where I am conscious enough to know that I'm conscious so I can dream or imagine within the dream. So I figured out how, basically how the mind model should look like. What should be happening inside of you.

It's called the self-releasing & fighting consciousness. Everything that comes up to you, you release as unimportant. Another name for this is "The Lazy Mind". There is just no importance to anything. But you also recognize fear based thought and track them down to the feeling. This is where you do the fighting. You decide not to bend over the fear but fight by whatever means. Usually it means feeling it even more or using Sedona for example.

Now the important thing that came in the dream. If you want to do a courage, something out of your comfort zone you must test it first in your mind. This comes from the understanding that it is not YOU that does stuff! So this is a fault proof method to check yourself if you'll do it. If not you work on it more. The key is to simulate the interaction in your head, but there must be no conscious effort in the imagining except for feeling the feelings and fighting them. This is absolutely key. The thoughts must just come to you like in a dream. This is probably best done in theta state or hypnosis or during trance. Because then the visions are dreamlike.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

In a dream

In a dream I have become conscious of one of the most important things about our relation with the
mind. You are a slave. Meditating on the I am before falling asleep is one of the greatest things
I have discovered. It allows for lucid dreaming and in those states all becomes clear on what the
mind is doing because you SEE that it is not real. I realized the mind is using you to gain power
and to convince itself for the truth of its claims. If you don't give this power to it, it will
drop. Unfortunatelly 90% of the time you will get used but with practice you can overcome this.
You must snap and see above it what has been happening.
Mental laziness - not giving power to any thought coming from the realization that no thought or
want is yours. You are just an observer.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Emotion is the interface

I have to set goals again, and write them down.


"the fact that she is your counterpart, seeing her will only give you more strength and power to
be a real man."

Voice projection:

- First is emotion

- then become muscles that articulate

- speak

It is not you that wants the chick. Let the wanting. Allow it to happen, that's all YOU need to

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The burning desire


"I think the key to being in the moment, when in the field, is to do exactly what your mind wants to do right at that exact moment. Look at the three second rule; you are supposed to approach because you decided you wanted to talk to them. This keeps the negative chatter from affecting what your inner desires really want to do. If you decided your not going to do something, then immediately change focus to what you do want to be doing."


Fuck I'm feeling it again, I have to write about it.

This is probably the most important thing ever happening inside of me. I feel glory and power and burning desire in my heart. It makes me feel so wonderful. Even now after I was rejected. I just feel I can conquer the world. Remember that post by Stephane.
OK how I do it?
I think about manowar, about fighting and having a true purpose to die for, I see or think about women what they are (zenlike), I let this feeling build up inside me. I let it pump me up. It is a pump.

Also this post:

"The reason why truly seeing a woman is good, in my opinion, is that it triggers your attractive masculine expression, i.e. "game." You are "on" or "in the zone." Often this is called being "money," as in "Dude, I met this girl. She was so beautiful, and we clicked, and dude....I was sooo money.""

Monday, October 01, 2007

Hope is not for you

Strange, it's like all the girls can't help feeling my power today. They can't control smiling, I didnt do anything about it though, wanting something and then not allowing yourself to do it drains your energy. It's better to do it.
I've had a satori experience again after reading Stephanes new post. Fucking brilliant, I felt so pumped up. This is what manowar teaches. Fuck THIS IS IT! Today I felt like this again. I felt a burning flame inside my chest. This is the most unbelievable feeling in the world. Nothing, shyness, bad mood, other people can get you. You feel you can conquer the world. I was blatant straight, asked the girl I picked up the other day out through a messenger. She rejected me. I felt horrible. My heart was in a cage. It felt bad but I knew it would happen. Still I was totally honest and acted with my heart and I feel love about myself. I embrace the pain it will only help me in achievment. Because the pain also comes from the heart. Do what it tells you. I destroy the tower made of thought in my head. It must go.I didnt approach today because still I was thinking. THERE IS NO FUCKEN USE IN THOUGHT!!! It is only there for survival. Hope is a construct of the mind because it wants to maintain. It wants to live and to reproduce. They are fucken false. It is not how you DO stuff. You DO from the heart or by JUST doing it. Not identifying with the mental pictures.

I gotta learn to let go of things. Sometimes I intuitively know things are gonna be fucked up. The times I just let things happen are times when it works.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Honesty and intuition

It's all about the state of animality. Having no human thought.

All in my notepad is money stuff. 
It works, finally. The trick is to disregard reason and follow your wanting. It is a pull.

For the first time in my life I picked up a girl in a dining place yesterday. I followed my wanting, the only thing I did consciously was not to let any negative thoughts arrive. Disregard them before they come, just because they are reason, only listen to your balls and heart.

I'm being totally cool and OK with everything. I'm honest and I speak from the heart, it's the manliest thing I ever did. I love myself.

Every bad feeling I get I embrace. I'm habitualizing the "fighting consciousness" idea. I dwell and think and FEEL the tensions I get. ALL bad feelings are conflicts of interests. They need to be resolved, they must be resolved in the now!

Also lately I've been surrounding myself by strong male archetypes, music, film. I'm really living it now, constantly thinking of bravery, honesty, glory, manliness. I take zinc and lift heavy. I feel testosterone. I believe it causes me to believe in myself and forget about reason.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A lot going on

ethereal :
All (unintentional) thoughts are coming from this primordial energy source underlying the thought, right prior to the thought coming into form. If you look within you can trace the thought back into that energy source from which it came from. For example, when a fearful thought comes up, it is coming from this fountain of fearful energy in your consciousness.

What you do is to just unhook yourself from attaching to that energy, through awareness. Keep your awareness on that energy, and just sit with it until it dissipates little by little. When that energy runs out, the thoughts that spawn from it will also cease automatically.


A lot has been going lately. I got more and more mentally unstable as I was struggling with my parents. It was the same time I wanted to quiet down my brain. I used all themethods in the book, being aware all the time, loving myself. All failed and seemed to go nowhere. Finally something snapped in me. I realized all thoughts are reasons. All reasons do nothing. Ultimately I am an emotional being. All my actions/inactions are determined on feelings. If the feeling hasn't changed nothing has changed.
I looked deep down in myself. I connected with the pain and went through doyletics down the most painful feeling. Each year seemed like a couple years and I struggled and cried. I understood what this feeling is about. I didn't ask it, I just understood. I never felt loved by my parents. I always wanted to be hugged but that never came. That feeling developed when I was 1. From that point I used all my energy and mental effort to determine why they don't hug me and how I can be hugged. Finally I understood it is their problem and really there is nothing I can do about it. It is not about me. They are sick people. I feel at peace now and all techniques work now.
Meditation on "I am" is fucken money. I actually lucid dreamed using it. I am always aware!!! There is no such thing as being uncosncious.
I'm start to reconnect and feel more desire now to be king and have lots of women. The feeling of wanting one woman is fading away and I want them all again. I'm waiting for that pull of sex energy. I realized yesterday when listening to player supreme that I must DO. It's all about doing. Reasoning is complete bollocks, I'm detachng myself from it day by day. Finally I will only be left with feelings and intuition. Only my heart will remain. Remain will only DO. DO, DO , DO.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Love yourself then meditate.

I think loving myself is the key to everything. What is it? Finding pleasure in existence at this moment. Accepting all that is in me. All is from me! It's a loop.

Focusing on my emotions of pleasure/love. Accepting every reaction thought.

Would you think about this if u loved yourself?
What would you do if you just loved yourself?
Can you just love yourself?


Stop identifying with the bullshit in yourself and reconnect to the true self. Feel good.
If you're feeling bad there is a conflict there. Engage it with love.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Science of now

The body is a filter for the brain.

Nothing is a boundary between states. That will help other things not interfere.Get into states, not think about it. Thinking is a different state.

Science of the now (from
"Three types of activity force the wanderer to maintain a vigorous self-releasing consciousness.
The first is his continual movement. It is not just that hunting, fruit collection and shepherding require the scaling of large areas and great bodily and mental agility. It is also that the wild herds move according to season, feeding conditions and weather changes.
The second type of activity for the wanderer is his continuous scanning of both the immediate and the distant environment. This scanning requires an ability “to conceive unified multiplicity on its own terms”, as Heidegger puts it. For that to happen it becomes incumbent on the wanderer to highly develop his senses, to have them interpenetrate and to use this interpenetration as the basis for understanding. The wanderer doesn’t only see. He discerns. He doesn’t only hear. He listens. Thinking for him is only an elaboration of sensing. The more all rounded his sensing, the more well rounded his thinking. 16
Interpenetration of the senses - what neurologists call synaesthesia - allowed our wandering ancestor to communicate with the surrounding area far beyond what the senses are able to conceive today. He was able to notice almost imperceptible changes and to conceive local phenomena in relation to more complex situations. Anthropologists tell us that the Kalahari Bushmen, the Australian aborigines and some tribes in the Amazon jungle are able to sense the presence of animals, the committing of human acts and the significant weather changes over great distances.
The third activity necessary for maintaining the wanderer’s self-releasing consciousness is close inter-personal synergy. Whether the prey is small but fast and needs to be driven into an impasse, or large but dangerous and needs to be surrounded, the hunter is obliged to collaborate with his kin. The same goes - though to a lesser degree - for the fruit collector.
More importantly, inter-personal co-operation must be sensitive and self-evident. Shouting or gesticulating is prohibited, since it may either betray the presence of humans, or confound the necessary tactical moves. What is necessary, particularly for hunting and fruit collecting, is the ability to co-ordinate action automatically and silently. Not only every second counts, every move must be executed at the right moment - and with appropriate accuracy.
The result of these three activities is that our wandering ancestors developed not only highly refined and effective senses; they avoided all those conceptual crystallisations which would cut them from the present, delay their movements and distort their conceptions of the environment. They had elevated alertness to a true art. Alertness required of them to develop larger craniums than ours - and anthropologists have indeed discovered such larger craniums."
"In contrast to everyone in the whole self-help and pick-up community I won't make you do stuff like: "Stop thinking", "Realize that", "Know that", "Think as if", "Apply the frame of". All of this reinforces whatever is going bad inside your head. Thinking about thinking just makes you think more! Use your body to stop thinking. Make specific actions to stop thinking.This excercise will hopefully eliminate one of the biggest problems there is for people. What you do is look people in the eyes. Every person you meet during the day, at work, at home, shops, street look them deeply in the eyes. On a busy street don't even not look at somebody for a second. Constantly look at people. In a city you should get hundreds of eye contacts a day. This is something that already has reprogrammed my brain a couple months ago but now I'm moving this a step forward. The purpose of this task is not to look in the eyes but to stop thinking what they think of you. The reason why you are not looking people in the eyes is because you are concerned of what they think of you if they catch you looking. To do this succesfully you must find a reason to make eye contact besides making eye contact! Don't ever think about making eye contact! So how?What you do is get yourself into the state of... WONDER. This is the state that you were in as a child. Before you got any concepts in your head. Before there was a spearation between you and other people. Before you knew that eyes look at you. You get into this state because of the reason you are looking at the eyes. My reason is to simply find out what the color of their eyes is. That's it, that reason does it for me. I just look at peoples eyes and I forget about what they think about. Other reasons might be: making statistics about eye color, checking if they will look at you, noticing the shape of the eye, trying to figure out their emotion from their eyes, trying to make a reaction like smile, manipulating into doing something like facial expression etc.This takes practice and I will do this daily."

"How to get in the role?
"Stanislavski said that “Imagination creates things that can be or can happen.” An actor must develop her imagination and learn to think on any theme; this will help the actor to adapt easily to any role."

"An actor should not truthfully believe the reality of events on stage, but she should believe in the possibility of events. The “magic if” transforms the character’s aim into the actor’s aim. An actor must try to answer the question
“What would I do if I were…” "


I let go and listened to music.I had a wet dreams involving to very young girls and sex with them.I ate Zinc.I went out, looked people in the eyes. I ws opening my chakras while starring at people. I was hypnotized by my feeling great around them. I cried.I feel awesome and inspired.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Full moon

Moon study.Today is full moon.For the past 2-3 days I've been feeling like shit. I don't remember when I felt like this last time. I wonder is it because of the moon. Fortunately I broke out of it.

Here's a tip for next time:
- Be in the body, sense with skin.
- Find place with high energy (nature? friendly ppl?)
- Don't do musts and shoulds, be natural, do no-thing

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quotes and voice


Understand the need. Unerstand the effort. The conclusion can only be its futility.

Mystery to Spoon:We are all trapped by our humanity. I have the same amount of fear as you do. You're not a special snowflake.

"ANYTHING that you can't say NO to, is your MASTER. And YOU are it's SLAVE." -V.U.

Pook: "Don't try to be masculine but try to be who you are."

Primasounds:"With perseverance, guidance and instruction, it may eventually come, but it cannot be rushed. Its not really a matter of trying hard either, for it comes in letting go."

"As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said thousands of years ago: All is flow. Nothing remains the same. You can never step into the same river twice."


I've watched some videos of myself and I see that everything visual is in tact. I am commiting myself to better my voice. I know that I have the ability but I don't have the habits.The way I will do this is the 2 second pause for thought before speaking. This is the hardest thing but I will fight!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Level up

I haven't written about my past experiences. I was on a road trip. Everything seems to fall in place. I am finally a man, I have little weaknesses, I feel and act like a man,Girls just see me as some kind of god. I know it, they know it. No nervousness. Talking to people became spontaneous. I think I finally discovered how to do it. Just don't do it yourself. You are not in charge of the doing. Just do your chakras, let go of need and be spontaneous.I still cant find a girlfriend. I have stated it that I want one. It's probably just a matter of time, because I feel so unbelievable. It's like finally I have testosterone pumping through me. I want to pick up a fight with every man I encounter and I want to cherish every female I fancy.Funny thing is I haven't weight lifted for 2 weeks now. The other thing is I haven't watched porn or mastrubated in this time. I was gonna but I suspect this has smething to do with the high T level. Maybe something will snap in my brain when it sees there is no relief now.Another thing I think I have to attribute success to Hypnoticas approach cd.Another thing is probably working constantly on my throught chakras and tension feelings. They are not fully open yet, especially in the back.Another thing is probably my anima visualizations which I did a couple weeks ago. Couple days ago I had very intense visualizations when I was in a lucid dream. I want to do this today instead of masturbating.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Helplesness will help you

More info on it IS a pull:

Rion Williams:
Just see her as tasty bait if you want (I think you know what I mean). Womenwill cringe at this thought but it’s really about ‘starting’ the natural sexual a??raction process with her because you do have a lot of value you can offer her.\\

Remember, you cannot lie to your Guardian. It is not your words that count, but your honest assessment of the situation.

"In your hopelessness is the only hope, and in your desirelessness is your only fulfillment, and in your tremendous helplessness suddenly the whole existence starts helping you."

Cool blog:

The way to deal with fear is to allow it. If you find yourself incredibly nervous at the idea of saying hi to someone you don’t know, stop trying to eliminate the anxiety, and instead train yourself to take action in spite of it. When you shine your attention on negative thought patterns, and allow them to be, they lose their power to take hold of and control you, and they ultimately evaporate.

But even pushing through fear can be tough if you normally live within your comfort zone. To break out of this rut, start small. Motivation follows action. Here are some examples of how to smallchunk your way to a becoming a risk-taker, and experience the joy of living dangerously:Talk to one stranger a day. When you make a habit of talking to strangers you meet lots of new people, increase your social intelligence, and fully engage yourself in the world around you. The best way to meet the girl of your dreams is to walk up to her and say “Hi”."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It IS a pull

I could say that my recent experiences are just because this is like a cycle of good and then bad. But I'd like to think this is because I have been working daily on my chakras for the past 3 weeks and focusing on being in the moment. Meeting people is so easy once you get no bullshit from your brain.

PJE describes it perfectly what I'm doing in his new posts:
"It seems I ran afoul of my own good intentions once again. I started pushing myself, instead of letting myself be pulled. I started thinking about all the things I "should" do, instead of thinking of them done."


I'd forget about the most important thing. It is like another big mindshift. I look back at posts a week ago and I see I didn't get it.
I finally accepted that I really want a girlfriend. All my going out, selfimproving, whatever, is just because I want to share intimacy with a female person. I want this badly but I always shoved it behind. I realized this like a year ago but then I forgot once I got some success. The Ego once again got in the way and said I want to pick-up girls , have tons of them! Bullshit I just want a girlfriend, and everytime I go out this is what I want. I have confessed this to myself and I see my brain rewiring because it is starting to work for me once I acknowledged what I really want. Things are starting to happen.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


OK I've had some wild experiences with the lowerworld.I don't think I actually got there but I learned how to make myself lucid dream while completely awake. I create dreams out of thin air.I used this to connect with my anima. The results are spectacular. Last night I opened my chakras. I discovered there are back chakras which are responsible for recieving. Wow! Why didn't anyone tell me about this! I feel awesome right now. I had a dream last night with a girl named Cz., it was so real, I had the most intense orgasm ever during it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Love is all around us


1. The World Is What You Think It Is.
2. There are no limits.
3. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.
4. Now Is The Moment Of Power.
5. To Love Is To Be Happy With (someone or something).
6. All Power Comes From Within.
7. Effectiveness Is The Measure Of Truth.

So simple, so true.



"all people who place money ahead of contribution are not to be trusted"

"With this list in mind, when I approach women, I am not trying to pass
their tests, I am seeing if THEY can pass MINE. I don't actually do any
deliberate "tests" by being unpleasant on purpose, I just chat with them
like a normal human being and FEEL THEIR ENERGY."

"It's time to move beyond thinking with our dicks. FEAR means you think
with your dick. I recommend bringing your consciousness back up to where
it always belonged, in the Heart. This is what being a man is IMO. The
dick must come in SECOND."

"There is no need to worry or even think about attraction anymore. You
see, NATURAL CHARM is already inside every human being, the moment their
Heart begins to open wide. It is already encoded into your DNA.
Attraction happens NATURALLY when you are standing in intengrity,
compassion, and holding true to your values such as humor, honesty,
respect, etc."


"Love is hidden inside human beings; it only needs to be released. The
question is not how to produce it, but only how to uncover it. There is
something that we have covered ourselves with that does not allow love
to surface."

"The problem is not how to cultivate love, but how to investigate and
find out why love is not able to manifest itself. What is the hindrance?
What is the difficulty? Where is the barrier?"

"No barrier of nature is really a barrier, that is why a river reaches
the ocean: cutting through the mountains it reaches the ocean."

"What are the man-made obstacles that we have contrived? The first thing
is that up until now, all of human culture has been against sex, against

"we never even give it a thought that it is sexual energy that
ultimately transforms and transmutes into love. The evolution of love is
nothing but transformed sex energy."we never even give it a thought that it is sexual energy that ultimately transforms and transmutes into love. The evolution of love is nothing
but transformed sex energy."

Monday, July 09, 2007

If you don't approach, you will die.

Use the force

Yesterday was an interesting day at a club.I was doing chakras and journeying for the past days and I felt really clear. Also two days earlier I listened to the confidence hypnosis tape. The tapes are just fucken it. Whenever I don't listen to them I just go down. They ARE REAL LISTEN TO THEM!!!

So my goal was to kiss a girl. I did it on the dance floor. It IS a push.Remember that post by Killswitch, all is in there. Follow your gut instincts and your heart. All else even the penis are unimportant. Use the penis as a force to pull you. Use your heart to guide you. Use the void or gut to push you into the girl. It is all what YOU want. Use the force. Itcan only be used if my thoughts are not working. They weren't really working yesterday and so I did it. Also I did a lot of sensing femininity around me, I was in love with myself and firls dancing. They noticed it and flocked around.

Technique for 2 girls dancing: grab them both.

Technique for 1 girl: push. She doesn;t know what she is doing or what she wants, she rejects you because that is the default response, override it by becoming awed at her beauty. But she must be attracted to you, for this to work.

The Way of the Shaman

"most important is that you must have no fear. If you see something frightening, you must not flee. You must run up and touch it"
"You must do that or one day soon you will die"
"Success in journeying and seeing depends on an attitude that lies between trying too hard and not trying hard enough"
Today will be my first lowerworld experience.


It was really easy to get into trance. I used shamanic drums playing behind my head.I didn't have any clear visions at all. But I see there is something there to be seen, it must be a matter of technique to break to that.One interesting thing is that once out of nowhere a white mandala showed. It was really unique. I tried flying into it but all my attempts failed as if I couldn't do it by forcing myself.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

All the things

All the things I have in life, I have achieved by small steps.
All the things I don't have in life, I want them now and I'm not willing to make a single step.


"What you can do in this state (actually I don't want to call this a state, what I am right now, writing this, is a state, that one feels more natural, not like a state of mind but more as just what I am, an animal without any state bullshit),"
In that sentence I wrote in Biological Mutation lies the secret to getting rid of Form. I will write about it.


I got back to feeling awesome. It's all related to chakras. I reread my article Introduction to the mind at work and it all clicked after a few days. I opened up my cock chakra. The thing is I don't have enough tools to do this effectively. Awareness doesn't seem to be the only thing. I opened the sacral chakra spontaneously. I might try something. I think you have to occupy your mind with something like reading, or mantras and then do the releasing.
I went out to a club yesterday, there were no chicks I digged. But I was feeling really great and did a couple courages. My new technique is chunk it down. Or do your best. And of course feeling pleasant in my chakras.


I got back from a toastmasters meeting. Chakras are awesome. Work on them!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

I am the walrus, I am the egg-man

"What you can do in this state (actually I don't want to call this a state, what I am right now, writing this, is a state, that one feels more natural, not like a state of mind but more as just what I am, an animal without any state bullshit),"
In that sentence I wrote in Biological Mutation lies the secret to getting rid of Form. I will write about it.


I got back to feeling awesome. It's all related to chakras. I reread my article Introduction to the mind at work and it all clicked after a few days. I opened up my cock chakra. The thing is I don't have enough tools to do this effectively. Awareness doesn't seem to be the only thing. I opened the sacral chakra spontaneously. I might try something. I think you have to occupy your mind with something like reading, or mantras and then do the releasing.
I went out to a club yesterday, there were no chicks I digged. But I was feeling really great and did a couple courages. My new technique is chunk it down. Or do your best. And of course feeling pleasant in my chakras.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Be cool about it

I got out today out of frustration to approach 10 girls. I used every
trick in the book. I failed.I realized why.I was thinking.
The problem is I am administering the process. I want to approach
myself, when in fact as proved, it is not me that does this. I must
detach myself from the process first. Just let go, make it flow.

I haven't yet tested this thoroughly but I will. So it is not about controlling the thought process, like I stated in my previous post. It is wrong. If you are trying to control it, you are it. As the mind and its content are functionally identical. Don't identify with the thoughts by not thinking.

Second thing I learned is: my mind really is my enemy.All thoughts, ideas, images that come to my head are false and steer me away from my goal. I have come to the conclusion that all thought is a society virus implanted in the head. It takes courage and patience to cure yourself out of this.
This is why being really mad at this voice works. Like I did a couple months ago. I shouted SHUT UP! at myself. I was furious about some of my thoughts. Now they are just a memory. I must do the same with approach thoughts. They are fucking me up.

So how do I approach?


Do it without doing it.

Or in other words, BE COOL ABOUT IT.

Administer your body, how you move, how you are seen. But go to the head only to dismiss all thoughts. Dismiss them as your enemy. Stop being the slave. Own your body and mind. Kill the enemy.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The black hole of need

I came back from a Toastmasters meeting. On the outside I am a master but in the inside I'm a wreck. I realized I am extrmeely needy today. This reflects on my visual presence and people don't approach me. Also it is hard for me to approach them with this. Because it is uncomfortable. I got angry at this feeling and after decided to conquer it.

I'm going to meditate upon the feeling of need. Feel it and let go. This can take a couple hours even. But this method has proven to work.

Neediness is a void. Everything bad comes from it. It sucks your energy and peoples.

SLOW DOWN YOUR THOUGHT PROCESSES.MEDITATE.This is the only way to realize neediness and fight it realtime.



Give a second thought! Control the thought process! FIGHT IT!

Almost approached a girl in the bus with this:
Consider approaching, feel it.Imagine becoming better after, feel it.Stop thinking and just do it (dehypnotize yourself and move your body).

Thursday, June 07, 2007


I haven't been writing or doing anything. After a recent failure after going out I just had to let go. My brain must process everything again without me interfering all the time.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bio-survival circuit

"What do I want most, approach or feel comfortable?"
Decide from the heart. Or as I see it, it is a place behind the throught. The beginning of the spine. That is the true emotional center in my oppinion. That place tells you what you want most.


Bah! So simple:
PJE:"Step 1: Choose what you want most. Step 2: Find a way to get it!
Most importantly, do not allow any thoughts of "how" to distract you in step 1. When you're deciding what you want, "how" is completely and utterly irrelevant."


Watching Apocalypto got me into the bio-survival circuit. In this circuit the only thing that matters is if you can fight the person you meet or not. Nothing can hurt you in this circuit. Only physical harm is real. Words don't matter. Words matter in the emotional circuit, after need is created. Need is created from living in societies. We want something from the other person. That is when we agree that what they tell us is true. If you get rid of the need or don't have any at all, revert to the bio-survival circuit. If you are strong and big enough you will be king of the world.No thought can enter the mind which is true. The rational circuit ceases to exist. It is only used to communicate ideas, like I am doing now. The rational circuit cannot find any proof against you. It is a harmless servant. There is no need when you know you can just get it. You just see how to get it and there is no fear. If there is risk of not getting it you just accept that you can lose it. You won't think twice if you lose it. There is no need. The king only wants order. There is nothing he needs for himself, he is satisfied. He has wisdom and knows life. He knows when he can gain and when he can lose. He accepts loss aswell as gains. It is all the same in the face of no-need.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The default NO

I got sick and tired of not being able to approach. I've got so much inner game stuff complete. I've reached enlightenment like 10 times now. But it isn't really helping this one thing. There just isn't any neurology inside of me to DO IT. I have to create it. I dedicated this whole week to thinking only about this problem. This is my new way of solving things. I just focus all my thoughts on this. So far 3 nights I've been pondering about this.
There is still "the default no". It is a distinct feeling in my throat.Today I was asking this part what does it want. The answer I got was "peace". And it hit me. I just want to be comfortable. Approaching somebody means literally chaos. Random feelings, thoughts, possible new adventures and problems. I don't want that. Unless I find a way to be peaceful and still do it I won't approach.
It's all about learning to deal with the emotions and possible pain. I can pump iron with ease although it is painful because I've learnt how to overcome and deal with it. But I never learnt how to deal with emotions that come from approaching a strange girl. That's why it is hard.
The disitinction between something had and easy is just how much neurology there is in your brain to deal with it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Life with benefits

"The reason the absolutely hottest girls become lesbians is because the absolutely hottest girls are the only ones that truly see everyone's dick sucking nature, because we live in a time without true war and without a real need for true manhood."
Jiddu Krishnamurti:"Have you ever tried to be without effort? If I understand that all effort is futile, that all effort is a further projection of the mind, of the "I", of the thinker, if I realize the truth of that, what happens? If I see very clearly the label "poison" on a bottle, I leave it alone. There is no effort not to be attracted to it. Similarly - and in this lies the greatest difficulty - , if I realize that any effort on my part is detrimental, if I see the truth of that, then I am free of effort."


For example the penis wants to fuck. Need comes when YOU think that it is YOU that wants to fuck! Simple.


I finally understood what PJE meant by "choose what matters most".It's about the benefit. BEcause only benefit counts in life. The cost is not important. The rational mind does costs.So if you want anything in life you can't mind having it.What does that mean? Don't rationalize it, don't analyze the costs. Just choose it as the benefit for yourself.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Biological mutation

I have finally broke through. The last piece of th puzzle has been set. This is the end of one road and a beginning of something new. I have been transformed. Biologically.I don't post here recently cause I write a lot of stuff on mASF. The posts there are a chronical to what I am up to now.

No such thing as unselfishness

"The universe is so constructed as to be able to see itself,"

Spencer Brown once noted.


There is no such thing as unselfishness!
It is not a matter of proving whether people are selfish or not. The question doesn't even arise once you understand your logical brains tendency to divide things, create abstract, dualities, twos, pairs. It is natural for the brain make not-statements. Selfish, not-selfish. But it is entirely illusional. It is abstract. In reality there is no such thing as not-selfish. It is just the brain creting a concept to dwell upon. So notice when your brain creates abstracts. Notice the language you use. Unselfish is such a void term that it was derived from the word selfish.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I nearly slipped the edge of sanity today. I now understand why occult stuff is so dangerous. Or why you have to open up all your chakras in specific order. I thought I was prepared for it. I think it has to do with my stuff about Introduction to the Mind at Work. It is so powerful this what I have discovered. I nearly totally lost it today. Jekyll brought me back, I started reading his articles on madness. Thank goodness. I'm back in reality now.

I think I would not have realized this if not a series of events that lead me to stay at home eventually. As if a guide was preventing me from leaving the house. I got a nose bleed early in the morning so I got later than I wanted to. Then when I was about to leave the house for a bus I got the bleeding again. Later I left the house 2 minutes too late, cause I had to reply to a post. Whatever I think of this, I might take a note that it was synchronicity.

Some interesting thoughts:
The other night I was dreaming about this archetypal girl. She looked like Larry David's wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm. I remember Larry said the actress "just knew how to take care of him". That is exactly the archetype that was dominating in that dream. It was that girl. The girl that just... knows me. Today while delusioned, I had visions of this anima. A naked girl would come to me and take me by hand and lead. I realized this has been my dream all my life. It is probably one of the main reasons why I never did anything about girls, because this vision was so dominating. I dream that a girl will just come to me and know what to do about me. That she'll just silently take my hand and lead me. If a girl like that appeared in reality I swear to God I would marry her. That is the woman of my dreams. But I can't think about this any more. It's a pathway to madness.

Throat by Ijji

MY goal:
I will get used to the relaxed arch posture and will focus on opening fully my throat chakra.I will catch myself whenever I'm not doing this when talking or not talking while amongst people.Whenever I'm walking alone I will practice humming through my open throat.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Whatever feels good for me, is good for the mating process.

I failed to realize this because all my life I have been thinking how to please others. This is the way people with high EQ work. They just follow their good feelings.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


After writing the last post I went and deeply investigated what ACCEPTING and IDENTIFYING means. I used my recent knowledge of the shifting consciousness and really identified with the problem. I imagine apporaching a girl, I identified with the voice. This time I think I really did it good. I feel I got rid of the "default no".

I had some major dreams last night. One dream after another with sexual themes. Me interacting with sexy girls. It feels great. I remember I was going this kind of transformation last year. Dreams are a sign that other parts of you are being integrated in what you want and know.

I saw nice blonde girl through the window today. I thought I was gonna jump out and grab her. Never felt like this, as if I was not thinking, just an animal living there in me. No. I AM THAT ANIMAL.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

It's all you

Powerful need destroyer:

Rich dad, poor dad:
"If I could leave one single idea with you, it is that idea. Whenever
you feel "short" or in "need" of something, give what you want first and
it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love,
friendship. I know it is often the last thing a person may want to do,
but; it has always worked for me. I just trust that the principle of
reciprocity it is true, and I give what I want. I want money, so I give
money, and it comes back in multiples. I want sales, so I help someone
else sell something, and sales come to me. I want contacts and I help
someone else get contacts, and like magic, contacts come to me. I heard
a saying years ago that went, "God does not need to receive, but humans
need to give.""

Actually yesterday I discovered a very fun way of thinking:When I look at a girl I say to myself:
"I wonder what makes her laugh?"


Core Transformation method:

"1) You identify a behavior/feeling/response you want to change
2) You find a 'part' of yourself that is responsible for the
3) You recognize that the part actually has a positive purpose and
ultimately wants to do you good or protect you
4) You make peace with the part and become friends with it
5) You uncover the part's purpose, probably after passing through
several layers of intent - you get to the 'core'
6) You ask the part to keep its purpose (which is positive) and change
the behavior/feeling/response associated with it, reaching the same
results by another, more ecological behavior/feeling/response
7) After the procedure things will begin to change, even though you may
not be immediately aware or it - your unconscious mind may not provide
you with that knowledge

"So this is where the common self-help idea comes from, that "until you
accept your faults, you can't change them." It's not because there's
some mystical power in acceptance, but because not accepting who you are
cuts you off from critical information you need to create effective
change. It divides your mind in an unhealthy way, since you now have a
"weak" or "evil" you that has been assigned the task of obtaining your
secret desires, while you disavow any knowledge or control of its

"And so, this is how you create the experience of inner conflict, and of
feeling compelled to do things that you "don't want to". Trust me, if
you're doing it, it's because you want to! All that's happening is that
you've redefined "you" so it doesn't include the stuff you don't want to
admit you want."

How to get things done:

""Start with a single action.... Follow the spread of your effort, obey
it, but don't become involved in it. Use your abilities with perspective
and detachment. Don't identify yourself with your task.""
All knowledge is flowing into me, that the meaninf of just doing it is,
not getting involved in the mental images presented to you. Accepting
all thoughts and letting them go.


What PJE wrote me a long time ago:

""""Am I close to your concept of the internal sysadmin?"""
Yes. A big part of contacting the sysadmin has to do with changing what
parts of your mind, body, and behavior constitute your "self". That is,
where you put your attention, and what you identify with.
When you "just did it", you removed your self-identification from the
administrative aspect and identified with the *experience* instead; this
is the formula for truly committed and focused action.
There is quite a lot that you can do by changing the scope, degree, and
target of your self-identification, as it is the essence of these
magics. Contact with the sysadmin is able to occur when you can include
the unconscious mind in your self-identification, and thereby achieve
*empathy with yourself*."

It's been nearly a year and just now I know what he was talking about.
I've been ongoing a similar change like the sysadmin PJE writes about.
This happens when you get a "wider" sense of identification. When you
identify with MORE of yourself. This seems silly, and I couldn't explain
it to somebody like me a year ago. I realized that there is a part of me
that is judging... me. So I took control of that part and asked "why
would I do that?". This sparks a process of change, because you start
controlling that part.

I guess my goal now will be to incorporate as much of myself into the
identification of myself. Do this by any means necessary.

"the more powerful the metaphor, the more powerful the interface"

I now even more understand how stupid microimanagment of yourself is. When you're micromanaging, you really haven't established rapport with the subconscious. Identify with it. It's all you.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Crown chakra

I went out and I think for 80% of the day I was focusing on the crown of
my head. Tapping into this source. I went out with the intention to do
20 hi's to girls. I did 0. I meditated on this problem for nearly an
hour. I was resolving chakras the whole time. What I realized is that I
don't have to say it, I might as well look at the girl and get into the
state of mind as if I was going to sy Hi. And this was nearly equally
hard. But I managed to do it. And it really is tricky, I see now that it
doesn't matter if I say the Hi. The thing that matters is what is going
inside my head. My head must be crystal clear. Because saying Hi to a
girl must be as easy as farting.


Prometheus Rising:
"1. If all you can know is your own brain programs operating,the whole universe you experience is inside your head. Try tohold onto that model for at least an hour. Note how often yourelapse into feeling the universe as outside you."

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The meta-programmer

I've had one of the most profound realizations ever yesterday. I was reading Prometheus Rising, the chapter about meta-programming. It all just fell into place. I realized what I am, what my brain is, what self and why I won't ever really know what I AM.

Just pinpointing for remembering:
- consciousness shifts from one brain circuit to another, it is not fixed, it is a plastic form which blends into different part of the brain/body.
- brain circuits are somehow connected to chakras
- focusing on a chakras makes you go into the brain circuit (this is how you solve problems or go into a higher state of being, forehead chakra).
By going I mean the mirror of the brain shifts to focus on that part of the brain. That mirror is you. When you look into that part, the brain can fix itself. Exactly as PJE described months ago. Consciousness is like a flashlight in a dark attic. It is a tool of the brain to perform surgery on itself. I've been walking in the clouds for the whole day. This is really ground-breaking. And focusing on the chakras fucken works!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Thought is your enemy

The whole week I have been grounding myself into Rions theory. I went to a toastmasters meeting and I just felt nothing. There was nothing there. I decided not to think about anything because of my recent realization that all thought is enemy. It works, not thinking. I approached two dudes. I just needed second thoughts to reassure myself about the intention. No mental battles at all.


3: I pluck weed in my garden. I water the flowers.
4: I pluck weed. I pluck some more weed. I pluck even more weed.
5: I pluck some weed. *Pause to think*.. I water the flowers."
Flow comes from PREDETERMINING what you want and will do to get it. Thinking: yes I want that girl will guarantee flow of action. This is so fucken important that I don't even feel like writing more.


Counterparts - the need managment system (more later)

Don't think is the solution because need creates thought. If there are no needs there are no thoughts. If there are no thoughts you're natural and unlimited.

Sunday, April 08, 2007



I think I posted this here once but never used it. But this is money and I want to practice it, how are you? lol:

"Okay, so here is my recommendation to you:Everyday in the evening, think of what you did that day and package it into a story.Practice it a few times and then go out and use the "How are you opener." That goes likethis:You: "How are you?"Her: "I'm fine..." or whatever.Her: "How are you?"Or if she doesn't reciprocate you say playfully, "Don't you think it's rude to not ask how Iam after I asked how you are?"Her: "Okay, how are you?"(Note: In general asking a question like this at the beginning of an interaction isdangerous. You leave yourself open for her to say flatly, "No, I don't." The key is toperform it very playfully. But there is still a chance of being burned here - just figure itinto your calculations.)You: "I'm great. Today I went shopping...." or "I laid on the couch..." or whatever you didthat day.Then the next night, re-write your stories based on what you did that day and so on. Younever use the same story twice and you get real good at telling stories."



"And I began it by asking her to go inside her mind andbody, and ask the feeling what it *wanted* for her."
"And she got an answer that surprised her -- and me! "Itwants to tell me that I'm useless.""
"So I said, "Great. I'm sure that you have a good reasonfor wanting that. What does thinking you're useless getyou, that's even better than that?"
And after further questions in this vein, an "outcomechain" emerged.
A part of herself wanted to tell her she was useless,so that she would become depressed...
Depressed enough to get ANGRY!
Angry enough to DO something to change things.
Change things enough, to feel productive andaccomplished.
Productive and accomplished enough, to feel whole andat one with herself.
And by the time we got to this point, Leslie's smilewas bigger than it had been in a week... or longer.
She could *start* by feeling whole and at one. Becausewhen she does that, she'll feel (and be!) moreproductive and accomplished. And she'll be more likelyto "do something to change things". Without needing tobe angry, or depressed. And certainly without needingto believe she's useless!"



"Other often-used physiological weapons to modify normal brain functions are fasting, radical or high sugar diets, physical discomforts, regulation of breathing, mantra chanting in meditation, the disclosure of awesome mysteries, special lighting and sound effects, programmed response to incense, or intoxicating drugs.'

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I'm getting into some unbelievable insights about the nature of the human kind. Rion Williams has opened my eyes. The natural, indpendent and social character is just it. It explains all. I finally deeply understand why we are animals. Not only is this knowledge it is something that is getting into the core of my being. I watched Madagaskar. The animals in the beginning are WE as people living in a society. We are domesticated. All approach anxiety comes from living in the social matrix. When you follow your instincts all falls down, it is the only condition in which you can attract a woman. When you PUA and do generally Mystery Method stuff it is another method layered on top of the social matrix, backward engineered. It is not real and that is why it will always feel bad for you and for the women. Natural is the way to go. Now it is not easy to connect to that natural being. Rion says that all you have to do is just understand this. I believe this is true but I also believe it is a biological/hormonal thing.

Fasting can uncover your instincts.
Not masturbating will unleash the beast within you.
Lifting weights will turn you into the lion king.
Be around desirable women will force you to be alpha.

So what I'm doing now is totally dropping independent character development (no more memorizing comedy lines). I have to totally focus on my natural self. Once that is unleashed I can develop other traits which will become 10000 better after being grounded in the natural.

I'm trying out Killswitches technique to react only after counting 1-2. This is hard, I can't remember to do it.



Rion Williams:
"When I go into and the establishment, a restaurant or a nightclub, I automaticallythink to myself that this is my reality and I am here now. I extend my mental energy out into the room, covering all corners in every inch of the room that I am in."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The need

There is a time in your life when you are absolutely at your peak socially. You can handle people, you are great with girls. That time is when you are a child. But you lose it. You become adult, or you degrade into a fearful/shy child. What happens to you, when is the line crossed?

When it comes to girls, it happens the first day you notice their beauty and their sexuality. It might be when their boobs come out, or when they start dressing sexy, or when they start wearing make-up. It might also happen when you change, when you develop curiosity for women, when hormones start changing the way you think. Suddenly you start thinking differently. You start WANTING girls. Even if you don't consciously know this yet you are forming a NEED for women. And this is the root of all social problems. There is in you, a natural character. The one that you were born with. It is complete and perfect. It is part of the DNA memory, it is your role for society, it is your DESTINY. But on top of that forms your FALSE SELF. The false self is formed from fear and from need. It is formed in your intellectual brain. It is a self that is created out of your understanding of the social matrix at the time. It is false by definition. You can't possibly know everything about the world. So your attempt to create a persona based on your analysis is wrong right from the beginning. Unfortunately this is the misery of humans beings - too much brain power. Basically rational thinking causes problems. When a need forms inside of you, you intellectualize and start seeking knowledge on how to fullful that need. If you come from a really bad reality where women are on the pedestal, this understaning will destroy your sex life. It will be non-existent, like mine.

There comes in time a new understanding. You realize that your previous beliefs were wrong. You adopt new understandings. You dwell into a new world were picking-up women is reality. I had this more than a year ago when I discovered David DeAngelo's ebook. Reality changed. I could meet women. But still I was operating on a false persona. That is why I had to constantly refine my theories. Every couple of weeks I discovered a new dating system and I constantly flushed old beliefs and installed new ones. I had complete reality shifts every couple of months. None of which freed me from "myself". Until now. I discovered Rion Williams and my reality is completely new. Fine it is still an "understanding", but I realize now what is my natural character and why it works. I also realize that women have this natural character in them also.

The secret to " just being yourself" is this:
Destroy the need. Free from desperation. Find ways of letting go and your natural character will shine.

As always Pook had it right.

You, right now

Mode One:

"Here’s my primary principle for a successful “Mode One” styled verbal seduction: Never argue with, apologize for, or try to defend yourself against, harsh, subjective/opinionated criticisms. Just listen to them, accept them, and then throw them out of your mind. They mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you get into a debate or argument about your behavior (good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate), you decrease your chances of rendering a woman speechless."

"The other concept I learned through my Mode One experiences and seductions? No woman can directly, or ‘intellectually,’ prevent you from causing her to become sexually aroused. Any woman can prevent you from having sex with them, but they cannot prevent you from getting their pussies wet. A woman’s pussy getting wet is not an ‘intellectual’ decision. It’s a hormonal reaction to a man’s looks, demeanor, behavior, and/or words. Among other reasons, GOD would never allow the desire to have sex to be totally intellectual. That would conceivably, and potentially, prevent the reproduction of the human race."
"the top four ways you can get a feel for a woman’s sense of sexuality is by looking into her eyes, listening to the way she talks, observing the way she walks, and paying attention to the type of clothes she wears."



You, now

"When alone with girl, nothing beats SHUTTING UP, for avoiding 'the voice' and similar fuck-ups.
What I have learned to do to avoid using 'the voice' when feeling needy/insecure, is ROTATE AWAY from the other person and FALL SILENT.'

"The first thing I did, and this made such a difference in my life that I have spent the last year posting about what I have learned from doing this, is really SLOWED DOWN my thought process while in conversation. I briefly imposed a rule on myself, and I still use this rule when I am feeling weak, to always wait 2 seconds before responding in any way in a conversation. I just count "1,2" in my head and then respond."

" That is because you now feel a lot freer, there is a lot more space in your world : places you can look unabashedly, counters and desks you can lean on comfortably, and more importantly, signals you can send with your eyes and your facial expressions. You now FEEL entitled to these things, and your world becomes larger."

Monday, April 02, 2007

Going home

I went out to do the Hypnotica 3-second task. The intention was to approach 20 girls. I decided I feel kind of funny and I'll apporach 20 strangers at random, for a warm-up. I approached 5. I could do it well for a moment. I used the Goal Action Purpose technique and it worked but then I lost it. I got tired and just relaxed for about 1.5 hours. I learned that it's best not to force myself. I can only do things in a good state. I need to meditate today on this. Here is a list of things I noted to do next time, to actually accomplish the real goal. I have to seek out girls and deliberatly approach them with something. Not just asking for time or sth. But commit to approaching them. Everytime I think about this I fear of what people will think when they see me, or I fear that I will meet this girl again. I need to solve these conflicts. Do it as described below by PJE.

- write specific task, commit to it

- get into GOD MODE/X MODE

- if I think what others are thinking about me, reverse, be curious about THEM

- release expectations (I realized that when I say enough and decide to go home I enter X MODE)

- every single approach: determine WHERE, WHO (for example: the most pretty girl there), WHAT to say/do.

- write this stuff down and FUCKEN READ IT FROM TIME TO TIME


Truths that nobody will tell you:

You have to actually do stuff and be active in talking to have stuff to talk about. You don't have stuff to talk about by thinking about it. If you find yourself in a place that you don't have nothing to say, you are just not conditioned to talk. Go back to doing, not thinking.

People pickup your emotion. If you're afraid they will be mean to you. It's very primitive.

Not thinking is the key to all problems.


Our brains are NOT designed to do things "on purpose"!

"The Six Master Keys, for example, are a catalog of the most useful workarounds:

Picking a single primary purpose (so it's easy to remember, and conflicts between goals are minimized

Having a motivating vision (so the mind's goal-seeking centers are engaged)

Making a tangible, external commitment (to leverage the mind's natural tendency to make what's outside us more important than what's inside us)

Creating a concrete, specific action plan (to engage the brain's "now/not now" response mechanism to actually do something at the appropriate time(s))

Pre-visualizing the conflicts that might come up (so that the brain's tendency to select the most familiar path is neutralized by making the right choice more familiar)

Setting up a structure to provide repetition (to offset the brain's tendency to be distracted by new things, while forgetting about older ones -- like your plans to change!)"

"So, if an "annoying person" bothers us at work, our brain wants us to go to the "annoyed" room. And until something else comes along that puts us in a different room, it doesn't care if we just stay there, in the "being annoyed" room."

"Remember: every room in your mental "house" has an outside door. These doors are your senses. Whatever you experience as coming "in" from the outside world, has the power to lift you out of one room and transport you to another!"

"In other words, it is not enough to say or hear the name of what you want. You must picture what you want. Hear the sounds of what you want. Feel the feelings of what you want."

"But even this is not enough. In addition to sensing what you want, you must also be able to: Sense where you are!
For example, the feeling elimination technique I teach requires that you sense the physical tension in your body that defines the feeling you want to get rid of. Unless you can accept and feel that feeling, you will not be able to get rid of it. In a sense, it's like you're sticking your head into another room in the house, while keeping your body penned up where it is!"

"First, you imagine (see and hear) and then you feel. Feeling is the bridge to the body, where all action occurs."

This works! While playing guitar too!

"How to Change Your State or Mood

So no matter what mental "room" you're currently in, you can actually "teleport" yourself to any other room, as long as you use this pattern:

First, determine where you want to be -- not where you don't.

Pick something specific, rather than thinking, "I'd rather feel anything else than this."

Second, imagine already being there. See and hear yourself calm, or energetic, or creative, or confident, or whatever it is you want to be. See and hear yourself with such clarity that you find your body responding to what you imagine.

Third, feel yourself being it. Overlap your imagined self with your body, wherever you are now, and allow your body to shape itself accordingly. Notice how your breathing, posture, and muscle tone change in response.

Finally, the more often you practice moving to specific states, the easier it will become."

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Bill Cosby:

"Intelectuals are people that go study things that people do naturally"


Overcoming Conditioned Pattern, Repetition and Habit

"Mere superficial reading, discussion or thinking about pattern or pattern interrupt as an intellectual behaviour merely perpetuates pattern continuity in the form of word: the description is not the described.Body will interrupt destructive pattern - if allowed the opportunity to observe it directly (kinesthetically) - and intervene directly."

"Discussing it and thinking about it doesn't make any difference; the only way you will actually expand your awareness is by doing. You learn by observing, not by thinking or talking, and observing repetition provides a relatively easy initiation."

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Don't believe his lies

I got rejected today viciously trying to resolve something at my university. This was set up in a way that I had 0 chance of success. I still believed I could do it. I failed. So I thought. My mind started telling how stupid I was, how I failed, how wrong I did it, how bad I looked in the eyes of people. Suddenly I stepped out and saw what that was. It was a tiny frightened voice that was squeaking nonsense! I thought: those are lies! And a sudden illumination flashed through me. All my thoughts about rejection are false! They are lies. If someone rejects me, the rejection is true only if I believe the point for rejection was valid! I reject myself! The only person that can reject me, or further abuse me, is ME! If and only if I believe my own lies will I be hurt. For example: I walk up to a girl. The conversation stalls and I feel stupid. I believe I had to impress her. I have rejected myself! I feel stupid because I BELIEVE I had to impress her. It is me that is rejecting! Fuck this is so freeing! DON'T BELIEVE HIS LIES!

I've been doing Hypnotica meditations. I think that is the source of my knowledge about this. Also, I see a very important thing. You must do something in order to understand it. If I were to teach somebody what is rejection I would first give him the theory about rejection and then arrange a situation where he was to be rejected. From that comes true understanding.

Hypnotica gave me an excercize on decision making. The 3 second rule. I have to do 7 days, 20 approaches to girls I like. I have to train my neurology, reprogram myself. I don't see any alternative, this is how I become a person that approaches girls. This will be hard. Fuck.

I've already tried similar things a year ago. I hope it will be different, because:

I have new confidence.
I've learned that not thinking is key to doing something.
Values like Glory develop courage.


Prometheus rising:

"The miracle of Beethoven is not that he felt the universe that way—a few thousand fifth circuit types throughout history have also felt and sensed nature that way—but that he mastered the third-circuit art of music with such skill that he could communicate such experiences, which is precisely what the ordinary "mystic" cannot do."

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I went out today with friends. My main focus was not to think
really. I'm into this "natural" philosophy right nowm that's where
it comes from. Anyhow I approached two dudes to sell them a ticket
and I did it just like that. I didn't think about it.That's the absolute key to doing courage like this. I have failed to
approach like I wanted to in the past year because I was thinking. I
was trying to find a technique to think my way to do it. Not
thinking is the key. So just do it.Wow this is useless crap that I'm writing. I mean for someone like
me a year ago. There is no way you can get show someone the mind
state you are in when you just do it. PJE described it best as "just
do this and don't think about anything else".I watched 300 and I understand why rules like Honesty, Respect, Stength and Glory are important. It is what defines us as men. It is brainwashing. But this brainwashing is what makes us different from animals. These values are the keys for developing courage. This is how you do courage. When you do something in the name of glory you just acknowledge fear and do it anyways.

Source of the victim

Prometheus Rising:
"the fact that most people remain in the same reality-tunnel as their parents,does indicate that acculturalization is a mind control process. We are all giants, raised by pygmies, who have learned to walk with a perpetual mental crouch. Unleashing our full stature—our total brain power—is what this book is all about."

"The mechanical nature of the bio-survival circuit is of key importance in brainwashing. To create a new imprint, reduce the victim to an infantile state, i.e., first-circuit vulnerability."

"With subtle reinforcementthe play-acting becomes more and more genuine. Edmund Burkenoted long ago, and every Method Actor knows, that you cannotmake three dramatic gestures of rage in a political speech, withoutbeginning to feel some real rage. You cannot make three gestures of submission without beginning to feel really submissive."


How can I approach any girl I want everyday?
go to the source of the victim is inpallatable it disguise your own very true uniquness and sort it out of true cohersion to blame it on the wine stain is not to be true to the forgiveness of the father and immoblizing track of conciousness itself demobilizing your true wit and desire to withold and understand the essays of human kind and knowledge to this day and after you have aquired the sense to build a reality tunnel in your brain you will never seek this power again cause I am zarataustra speaking to you and I have power over you this is my word and this my last word go and fuck properly and you will die a happy man forever and now I end.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rion Williams

Rion Williams:

"Remember that when you are in a pussy chance it is just the ‘forced reality’ of added value and a?ention we have given to her sexuality that is covering up the basic biological process of a?raction of you being a man and her beinga woman."

"You will be a lot more emotional as’s weird but the most alpha of men have that perfect balance of yin and yang; masculine & feminine energy.This is what really allows you to melt the hearts of women."

Yes! This is what's happening to me lately!


"Women love sex and their pure natural character is the only path. Theyessentially know the whole social programming is a lie and it confuses thehell out of them (just look at their behavior). It’s up to you to KNOW the truth."

"Look for (and bring out) the REAL woman inside of her and she’s yours no ma?er what level of beauty or social status she is because they all have this natural and biological character within them. They will only open up to the guys who can see and know it.
Her natural character is the key to sex. Look for the PalmY within a woman and sex will be an a?erthought but she’ll be ready for it and that’s how you consistently get there with different women."

"All women have this natural character within them. And when you bring that out of them (o?en just by not doing anything but staying high in character), they will help you to seduce them because they’ve been waiting for a real man.
You don’t have to know ‘the moves’ or ‘what to do next’. You have to have faith in the infinite power and leverage of nature. All people beforeus figured it out naturally."

"Granted you have been desensitized by social influence of nonstoppricktease programming but when you can sense the truth of thesewomen and the sexuality-as-a?erthought it will be like an addictiveinspiration without the co-dependency to you...and yes I mean inthat moment alone specifically.
You’ll feel (ideally) as I do that when you see their smaller non-african,non-in-your-face asses facing you that you’re just receiving a euphoricethereal dose of sexual transmutation and power yourself. It’s like anewfound yet everlasting lust that you have where you can never’s like a fountain of youth yet where you retain full relationalauthority."
"When you’re in your reality she is biologically a?racted to you and she can’t get enough of you."


Your whole personality and all your thoughts are function serving the society not you. It is an installation that is meant to lead you through a life of being a good society member.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Silky wet advice

I did a spirit guide experiment today.

how can I get girls in my life?

expoe yourself to the ridcioul, send me an e-mail to have white space
superimpose get wet jump into the wld water rinse and repeat shock
value pay attention not to my voice but to my heart add value to the
track of your intnwention which is the heart of your problems
neverending ever will be the power that you give to yuor subcincious
overdo and you might not happen to get girls help other and do what
pleases you but forgt to say and you will not have the voice to
sdstand in front of the cinema when he hour is silky wet advice is
given to you use it with care


" Don’t be afraid to tell people to “Fuck off” when need be. It is an
important skill to acquire. As they say, speak your piece, even if
your voice shakes."

Juggler:Her: "What do you do for a living?"
Me: "I'm a trash collector."
hahahaha. Yeah, that's funny, I guess. But by not answering I'm
avoiding the question and trying to hide an aspect of myself - not
good for my confidence. I want to feel it is okay to be me first and
foremost and actively broadcast that to the world. Also, if I am
dodging the question I am subtly undermining her trust in me.
Now that I'm all mature and sh*t this is the the sort of thing I say:
Her: "What do you do for a living?"
Me: "Funny you should ask. I used to tell people I was a trash
collector but for some reason they would never believe me. I guess
I'm a bad liar. The truth is I'm a horse jockey. No just kidding. I
wish I was a horse jockey. I actually write about, lecture on and
teach interaction skills. Which some people find ironic coming from me
cause sometimes I can be down right not-talkative. Matter of fact
it's taking a bit of my courage to talk to you right now."
Her: "Really? You seem comfortable."
Me: "Yeah, I am, mostly but you're pretty sexy when you flip your hair
like that."
Her: "What? Like this?" (she does it)
Me: "No. Don't do it. I can't be held responsible for my actions."
Honesty is much more fun. "

"Great comedians often leave their audience feeling they have heard
some simple but poignant truths."

" It's funnier to be real than to be funny."

"Always strive for the most honesty. It's actually funnier than made
up stuff once you commit to it and gives you a base to keep being
And, by using the truth that is your life, you get in the habit of
using yourself and staying in the 'I' perspective. You don't have to
be quick witted. Pick up should not be a riddle to be solved. You
just got to give in and believe in what I am telling you."



"1) You want something;
2) You take action to achieve what you want;
3) You experience the RESISTANCE;
4) You take action to overcome the resistance and achieve what you

When you experience resistance, don't worry about it. It's just the
way it's supposed to be, and it cannot be otherwise. Resistance is
normal. Resistance is the law of the Universe."

"Here is my favorite description of the Hero.
Hero: a man brave longer."

"When such man sees a woman he likes - on a street, in a coffee shop,
on a train, in a bar - he immediately feels the strong urge to get to
know her. Such urge is perfectly natural. I would like you to notice
that it contains the great element of curiosity, which is, as I have
mentioned elsewhere, a fundamental underlying emotion of the human
mating dance.
Then a marvelous thing happens: the body of that man does its best to
prepare him for the ritual. The natural chemicals rush suddenly into
his blood stream to tune up his brain; to make him more flirtatious,
and more resourceful; to boost his energy level; to make his skin
glow; to make him more agile, younger-looking, more attractive, and
more vigorous; to guarantee his ability to please a woman. His mind is
ready to come up with the best things to say and do, to give the woman
the most ingenious reasons why she absolutely must get to know that
man. He is bursting, trembling with energy like a tightly loaded
spring ready to be released, like a racing car at the start line, like
a space rocket seconds before the launch.
What he experiences is a unique and very strong form of SEXUAL
TENSION. This tension builds up incredibly fast, so two or three
seconds later it reaches the almost unbearable level. The man is ready
to approach the woman at his best.
And then this ignorant fool ruins everything. Instead of accepting
gratefully the powerful help given to him by his own body, he chooses
to misinterpret his extreme sexual tension as something very
different: fear.

He chooses to be afraid.

As soon as such choice is made, it is all over."

Monday, March 19, 2007

The bad paradigm
This post led to me an important realization. If I continue to behave
like this I will get the same results: shyness, mixed signals,
ignoring, etc... Basically her biology wants you, and that's what is

Here is a response to that thread:"Basically I think you should stop worrying about what she wants and just go after what you want.

I had that same situation, with girls being cold to me etc. ignoring
my presence, but my female friends would tell me that they look at me
all the time when im not paying attention etc.
Its not even shyness most of the time, i think its a defence mechanism
put on by the girl, she doesnt want to get hurt and wants you to
So my idea is to SOI her, let her know that your interested and make
the moves that YOU want to make without worrying about what she wants.
Anyway dude thats my advice i had this exact same type of shit happen
to me where they are warm then ignore me etc. and i laid them. It blew
my mind when i first figured it out too, and it is somewhat contrary
to popular asf theory but is true."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Step I - Writing your goals

Hypnotica "Collection of confidence"
Step I - Writing your goals.

I have power. I have power in interactions with people. I am cool and confident,
always. I feel great around people. People are a source of inspiration and
motivation for me. I get blowjobs from beautiful women. Girls want to suck my
cock, I let them do it. I get extreme pleasure from women. I constantly have
sex, whenever I want to. Women notice my desires and go along with them. I am in
love with the women I sleep with. Women are in love with me. I am completely
relaxed, spontanious and masterful in bed. I know exactly how to give women
pleasure. I give women multiple orgasms. Women of all ages desire me. Beautiful
sexy women are happy to have sex with me and to give me blowjobs. I don't care
what people think they want I give them what they really want. I experiment sex
with women, all different kinds of sex, positions, anal, oral, hand jobs, one
night stands, quickies, sex marathons, you name it. I am better in sex than
Rocco. I have multiple girlfriends, whom I meet whenever I want to. The girls I
meet are always happy to see me. I am in control of my relationships. I am
completely honest about my relationships. I am single and happy. I have
girlfriends who are bi-sexual. I go out and seek bi-sexual women with my
girlfriends and have threesomes with them. I get a blowjob and ball licking from
two sexy girls at once. I meet with women that know everything about how to give
a man pleasure and they are happy to give it to me. I make women happy. I am
completely individuated. I am myself at every moment. I treat everybody the
same. I talk with the same confident manner to everyone. I always get what I
want. I have extreme Focus. People sense my Focus and instantly submit. I touch
people from the moment I meet them and everytime I want to and they like it. The
people I spend time with help me achieve my goals. I am respected. People
instantly know that I am trustworthy. I am motivated for action every moment of
my life. Always when I get out to socialize I am in a great state. I never lose
my Focus. I am confident. I always do my best. I am impeccable with my word. I
don't take anything personally. I never make assumptions. I am guided by my
instinct which achieves my goals. I never make decisions based on fear. I make
decisions based on what I want and I get it. I am the master of my fate. I am
the creative force in the world. I change and adapt constantly. I never stop
improving. My mind is crystal clear. My mind is only focused on what I want. I
always find a way to get what I want. I always feel good. I have only positive,
motivating, creative, inspiring thoughts that push me forward in achieving my
dreams. I always keep my frame and do it with ease. My frame is indestructible.
No woman or man can knock me out of my frame or focus. When I learn I identify
with the process. I am never discouraged. I never stop learning. I do whatever
it takes to learn and master skills. I can easily talk with people. I am master
in small talk and it is fun for both me and the person I am speaking with. I am
a master flirt. I flirt with every woman I meet. I am courageous in my
conversations. Women have a blast flirting with me. Men have a blast talking
with me. I am natural and skilled in entertaining people. I make everyone laugh,
hard. People love me for who I am. I make people feel special and loved. I love
people. People love me. I enjoy talking with people. I can have long and
interesting conversations with anyone. I tell many different stories, for
whichever purpose I need them for. Speaking is easy for me. I am master in
rethorics. People always know what I say and what I want to tell them. Everybody
understands what I say. I have many trusted friends. I have many relationships
with great people. I meet new girlfriends and friends everywhere I go. I have
the courage to start a conversation everywhere and lead it to where I want it to
go. I am a great dancer. Girls are thrilled to dance with me. Girls enjoy
immensely dancing with me. I get women horny just by looking at them. I
naturally grind and kiss girls on the dancefloor and take them wherever I want
them to go. I always know what I want. I can make any girl smile. I can walk up
to any girl I like and get to know her. I easily attract girls I want to meet. I
easily get women to have any kind of sex with me. I give extremely enjoyable and
orgasmic oral sex. I last for as long as I want to while having sex. All my
conversations are meaningful and entertaining. I am always being my true self. I
always tell the truth. I have the courage to look anyone straight in the eyes
and tell them what I think. I say what I think when it is the truth. I am free.
I am free of bad thoughts. I am free of bad habits. I am free to choose my
behaviour. I am free to choose with whom I associate and live with. I am free to
meet and speak with whoever I want to. I am free to take what I desire. I am
free to choose my focus. I deserve everything I desire. I don't care what
people think of me. I don't care what people say about me. I am free to do
anything I want in a social situation and getaway with it. I am free to tell the
truth. I know the truth about myself and I accept it every moment of my life. I
am always honest about my intentions and desires and I can easily tell them to
people. My body language is perfect, it shows how sexy and confident I am. I
have a beautiful singing voice. I entertain people by playing guitar and singing
and they love it. I have a deep, resonant, sexy, manly voice. I can speak
clearly and people admire me for my voice. I have great pleasure from speaking
and listening to my voice. My articulation is perfect and I am able to speak in
a confident clear manner. I am able to convince anyone to do anything for me. I
have power in my eyes and people know what I want without using words. I am
attractive to people and they want to associate with me. I have the skills to
negotiate anything for my benefit. I lead all conversations. I have a body of a
greek god. I am extremely good looking. I dress great and fashionable. People
compliment me for my clothes. My muscles are big and athletic. I have peak
endurance, both physically and mentally. My physique is ideally proportional,
muscular and sexy. Women desire my body and want my mind. I am extremely sexy
because of my looks, because of who I am and the way I behave. My behaviour
exudes confidence, dominance, well-being and fun. My presence is like the sun.
My focus is like the sun rays lighting everyone up. I am healthy. My skin is
clear, smooth and naturally moistured. Women have pleasure from touching my
smooth skin. I have all aspects of my health under control. My body benefits
from me and I benefit from my body. I feel great all the time. I earn 30000$ a
month. My work is light and fun. I earn money from what I love doing. I earn
money from assets which don't require me working. I travel around the world all
year. I can work from wherever I want to. I meet fascinating people and make
friends around the world. I can easily and efficiently talk on the telephone. I have trusted business partners. Me and my partners
generate wealth and have a great time doing it. I have sex with all kinds of
beautiful and sexy women from around the world. I have a yacht on which I sail,
alone or with my friends. I have sex with gorgeous and fun girls in the middle
of the sea. I have girlfriends and sex buddies all around the world. I am
extremely wealthy. I make profit and people that work with me benefit from it.
Everyone that works with me is happy and wealthy. I easily and quickly find
people to work with me. I can easily kiss a woman. I kiss a girl whenever I want
to. Some girls get kissed by me in the first few seconds I see them. Some girls
have sex with me within 5 minutes of meeting them. I always have safe sex. I am
the most important person in my relationships. I don't care what women say to
me. I don't care what women think about me. I only care about what I want. I
make decisions based on what I want most. I am not concerned about the pecking
order I always choose greatness. I am in complete control of my feelings. I
eliminate feelings that don't help me in achieving my goals. I attract and date
beautiful women I like, ages varying from 17 to 39. I always know what women
want. I always know what to say or do in social situations. I am always the pack
leader. I have all the skills to lead people. I naturally lead people and they
follow me. I am the most fun and interesting person in any group. People admire
me. I am famous and people love me for my work and art. I compose and play music
and I am known for creating beautiful, uplifting and remembered melodies and
songs. Every once in a while I meet an exceptonal woman, a woman of my dreams.
The woman of my dreams I meet has perfect looks and personality that I like at
the time. I instantly meet and connect with the woman of my dreams. The woman of
my dreams makes me laugh, is sexy, interesting, intelligent, she is illuminated
just like me. I share interests, insights and ideas with the woman of my dreams.
The woman of my dreams helps me in my work. I have tremendous sex with the woman
of my dreams. The woman of my dreams has lots of money. I have my own luxury
appartment. I have my own car. I have enough money to live in expensive hotels
and eat in restaurants everyday. I always do what I want. I am happy and
fullfilled. I always know what to say. I always have fun, interesting,
insightful and good things to say. People learn from me and are fascinated by
me. I am a source of inspiration for people. I help people reach their own true
potential. I am in alignment with my unconscious mind which guides me and helps
me achieve greatness. In every social situation I am comfortable and I can do
anything. I have friends which are great in dealing with women and we constantly
learn from each other. I have friends which are wealthy and they teach me how to
generate more wealth. I have inspiring friends that motivate me to work. I have
fun friends with which I have a blast hanging out with. I only meet with people
that make me better. I walk up to groups of people in social gatherings and
instantly befriend them and maintain our friendships if I want to. When I talk
with groups of people I have a great time and make everyone laugh and spend
quality time with me. I walk up to groups of girls and become their star. Every
girl in a group I talk to wants to fuck me. Sometimes I have sex with all girls
that I talked to in a group. I have sex with girls and their girlfriends. I have
sex with girls and their sisters. I do stand-up comedy. I am a succesful
comedian, making crowds laugh. I am skilled in magic tricks and people are
fascinated by me doing them. I can talk and improvise for as long as I want to
and be funny and interesting. I have many social circles. I make social circles
wherever I go. I have friends which help me in every aspect of my life. I talk
about what I want with women. I have a powerful presence. All people treat me as
someone equal or better than them. I am completely comfortable in my own skin. I
date Eva Green and she loves me. I have great sex with Eva Green. I am a
respected and loved member of a high status social circle. I am a man of high
character. I am free to express myself in any way and I am a master in it. If I
see a girl I want I get her, here and now.

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