From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Friday, November 17, 2006

New venue anxiety

Use your body to change your voice.
To do improvisation, first flex the muscles in the way your character will perform, then you will do it.


I conquered some new venue anxiety today. I went into a dozen of coffee shops in my area. Just went in for 1 minute and to get accustomed to the fact that nobody gives a rats ass about what I'm doing there. Before going I had some massive anxiety, I was overly self-concious. Got over it, just by doing it. The thing I learned is that all the techniques for minimizing anxiety work but you don't have to and maybe even shouldn't use them conciously. They are just training wheels. The thing that works is the DETERMINATION to do it no matter what. When you focus every inch of your thought about changing your thoughts you will succeed. You must know where you want to be. Instantly recognize thought patterns and behaviours that are not congruent with your goal and eliminate them (Acknowledge it: "no this is not helping me"). No matter what the thoughts and fears are, they are irrelevant. If you do that, your brain after some time will realize that you are really gonna do this and it will start helping you. Break through the pain period!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


This is what I'm thinking about lately. My thinking structure is changing, mainly because of "Mode One":

In order to get anything in life, you must be prepared to lose it.
The right way to get something is the way that involves risk.
Without risk you cannot gain anything.

Again... using bold letters...




So... accept the fact that...

if you want to earn big money, you must be prepared to go broke.
if you want to start a conversation with a woman, you must be prepared to lose her.
if you want a kiss, you must be prepared to lose her.
if you want sex, you must be prepared to lose her.
if you want to get a woman you must be prepared to lose all women for the rest of your life.


If there is a way of getting something for free, notice that your thinking is false and not BASED ON REALITY!

If there is no risk involved in your method. If there is no possibility of losing someone (a girl) or something in yourself (like self-esteem) then that way is false and won't get you nowhere.

I've nailed down the AFC thinking. Ha!

Mode One II

"We lie to avoid whatever we perceive as dangerous – to our ego,
to our comfort, to our safety."

“never allow yourself to want a woman ‘too badly’.”

"“Timids” are those Mode Three men who have NO BALLS. They have so little confidence in their social skills with women, and such a low degree of courage, that they very rarely, if ever, even attempt to approach a woman. “Timids” are DREADFULLY AFRAID of rejection."

"If you’re really interested in a short-term, casual sex relationship, you will “pretend” as though you’re interested in a long-term, serious romantic relationship. If you’re really interested in a romantic relationship, you will “pretend” as though you’re totally content with just a good, platonic friendship. Why? Because you’re afraid that whatever your interests are, they won’t be reciprocated."

"Scottish warrior William Wallace, was willing to die . . . DIE . . . rather than compromise his principles and values, or sacrifice his sense of dignity,"

"If you're a "Timid" ... take inventory of what you have to offer, and GROW SOME BALLS"

BEliefs that I need to stick to o matter what and who I meet:


Women don't want to be percieved as desperate and/or slutty in front of their friends. So as long as she believes you will keep it a secret, you will get casual sex.

Wholesome Pretenders:
Some women will pretend that you are ‘offending them,’ and ‘turning them off’ if you are exhibiting Mode One behaviour.

"How can you usually identify a Wholesome Pretender? Anytime you approach a woman, and express a desire to be physically romantic or sexual with them in a Mode One manner, they will typically become very dramatic and theatrical in their response. “Excuse me??!” “I don’t believe you just said that!!” “Do you talk like this to ALL women??!” “You are SO forward!!” These are all common responses from your average WP. A key characteristic of WP behavior is that they will usually subjectively criticize your manner of expression, but they will never make an [immediate] attempt to stop interacting with you. The reason being, is that WPs don’t criticize you because your behavior truly “turns them off,” but they criticize you in order to give you the [false] impression that they are a “lady,” and that “respectable ladies aren’t supposed to be talked to in an unapologetically straightforward manner” (but deep down, they’re aroused and/or intrigued by such behavior).

The biggest thing to remember about WPs is that they thoroughly enjoy sex . . . even very kinky, casual, highly promiscuous sex, . . . but they also want very badly to avoid being labeled as “sleazy” or a “ho.” They will do just about anything to maintain the image and reputation of an “innocent,” “wholesome,” marriageable woman."

"Wholesome Pretenders and Erotic Hypocrites DESPISE the effectiveness of Mode One Behavior. They despise Mode One Behavior because they know it has the potential to expose them for who they really are, and what they really want."


I have to get rid of this feeling. It's the same feeling that makes me shy when wanting to perform or show my best self. This is the number #1 cause of my not becoming great. I have the power, I have the potential, I even have the skills. But I have fear of people being jealous and hence not liking me.

"Rejection is not only inevitable, but it is necessary."

"rejection is necessary and beneficial."

I must go out and get rejected.

"My belief is, anytime every woman who meets you has nothing but good, positive things to say about you, that means that nine times out of ten, you’re not really being your true self with every one of them. When you’re truly being yourself, there is always going to be at least one characteristic about you that women are going to find undesirable and/or frustrating to their egos."

The big secret:
"You Cannot Allow Your EGO
To Become Too Attached To
Receiving SPECIFIC Reactions
And Responses From Women."

This means any kind of reaction!

"When you’re being self-confident, and self-assured, the only thing on your mind is identifying a desirable goal or objective, and taking whatever action you need to in order to achieve that goal or objective.
It’s your ego that causes you to become concerned with other people’s perceptions of what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, and when you’re saying it. Your ego causes you to become obsessed with how people respond to you, and your behavior."

"Some men spend their entire adult life attempting to prevent and/or avoid a number of subjective criticisms, opinionated insults, and personal ‘labels,’ such as “immature jerk,” “shallow womanizer,” or “rude asshole.” These “labels” mean nothing. People use these criticisms and insults in an attempt to manipulate you into exhibiting behavior that is more pleasing, flattering, and accommodating to them. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the tiresome, misleading trap of trying to avoid critical “labels.”"



"Talking too much. When you engage in too much trivial, irrelevant small talk, over a period of time, women will begin to look at you as more of a platonic friend more so than a potential romantic companion or lover."


"When you exhibit Mode Two Behavior, you tend to put too much emphasis on being perceived as a “gentleman,” and having a woman “like” you, and say good things about you to their other female friends. It’s these objectives that ultimately weaken the effectiveness of your verbal communication style. In reality, women don’t date you, or choose to have sex with you, because you’re ‘nice’ to them, say all the ‘right things,’ and/or leave a ‘favorable impression’ on them. Just because a woman ‘likes’ you, and thinks highly of your personality and behavior, does not necessarily mean that she wants to date you, or sexually aroused by you."

"Very rarely have I developed a long-lasting romantic or sexual relationship with a woman as a direct result of exhibiting Mode Two Behavior. One reason, is because deep down, women know that you’re attempting to play up to their ego."

"“You're scared, right? The way it works is, you do the thing you're scared sh**less of, and you get the courage AFTER you do it, not before you do it.”"

"Confidence and courage is not representative of NOT HAVING ANY FEAR(S), but rather, it’s TAKING ACTION DESPITE HAVING FEARS.'

"Only concern yourself with your behavior TOWARDS WOMEN.
Don’t even think about, or anticipate, whether or not you’re going to receive a “positive” or “negative” response from women. Concentrate only on expressing your true needs, desires, interests, and intentions. Let the response take care of itself."


From a woman:
"[...]you want to know what really turns me on in a man? What I really think makes a man ‘sexy’?? It’s a man who DOESN’T REALLY CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF HIM."

Technique: Hold the image of having sex with her the whole time. Especially when she is criticizing you or igonoring you. Those are just tests.

"Small Talk: Any conversation that you engage in with another that is usually trivial and meaningless, but to some degree, entertaining; The content of the conversation has nothing to do with your needs, desires, long-term intentions, or true interests."

Mode One

Mode One - Let the women know what you're REALLY thinking

"Here is the fundamental truth regarding most male-female interactions: WE ALL WANT SOMETHING. The biggest lie you can tell yourself when you approach a woman who you’re romantically and/or sexually interested in is that you “don’t want anything” from this woman. YES YOU DO."

"When you know what you want from women, and you communicate your needs and desires to them in a confident, honest, and clearly understandable manner, this is representative of effective verbal communication."

"REAL behavior is behavior that is representative of your true and honest needs, thoughts, desires, interests, and intentions."

What women want, not what they think they want:

"[...]The biggest thing was that I kept repeating that comment in my head: “what she wanted to hear, but didn’t expect to hear.”"

"we all are interested in having some sort of need and/or desire fulfilled and satisfied when we interact with others, and in particular, women who we have some degree of romantic and/or sexual interest in."

About being manipulative:

"TRUST ME MEN: If you choose to play "The Game," WOMEN WILL PLAY IT BETTER. Women KNOW the game. Men THINK they know the game."


I'm guilty of MODE TWO behaviour. Very true about my last relationship. I did all the right things to get her attracted and to be interesting. It was like magic, 100% correct. I just didn't let her know what my intentions were. The truth is I really wanted her in the beginning and then I just wanted to fuck her. Things would be probably different if I was just honest about what I think. I wouldn't be a virgin, I can guarantee that.

"Most dictionaries define ‘provocative’ as “arousing, or likely to arouse anger, interest, curiosity, or sexual desire.”

If you want to have anything beyond a platonic friendship with a female, something about your conversations and interactions with women has to be, to some degree, provocative."

"Mode Two men are honest with women only when they’re confident that it will provoke a positive, enthusiastic response from women."

"[...]anytime you’re expressing your true thoughts and feelings to a woman, you’re being SEXUAL"

Monday, November 13, 2006

Why you?

Have always something to say about:
Your neighborhood
Your job
Your favorite food
What you do for fun

Why would she be genuinely lucky to be with you?

I need to rewatch this every now and then when I'm feeling I'm losing touch with reality
If you know on a deep core level that you're great in bed and will give her immense pleasure, you will have pure inner game.

Just a thought: She wants you to be horny, but horny for HER. She must know that it is her that you want, not just sex. She needs to know that you desire sex with her and only her at this moment, not that you want to have sex with a woman that happens to be there.
If you don't put a label on your relationship just say: "I like you and want to see you tomorrow" she will be with you.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

the System

Stanislavsky system

I'm reading about an acting method. Very interesting, Stanislavsky made the same conclusions as me:

"He discovered that there is no inner experience without outer physical expression[...]"

How to get in the role?

"Stanislavski said that “Imagination creates things that can be or can happen.” An actor must develop her imagination and learn to think on any theme; this will help the actor to adapt easily to any role."

"An actor should not truthfully believe the reality of events on stage, but she should believe in the possibility of events. The “magic if” transforms the character’s aim into the actor’s aim. An actor must try to answer the question

“What would I do if I were…” so that she does not have to force herself to believe that she is an actual person in these actual circumstances. The “if” is particularly important, as it does not imply that any circumstances exist or are actually truthful. As an actor has no other source from which to draw experiences from except her own life, she must use her imagination to create events that she has not experienced. Stanislavski developed the use of the “magic if” in order to help the actor develop the imaginary and predicted circumstances."

"The “inner monologue” is the third imaginational technique developed by Stanislavski. This is an important procedure in consciously creating the subconscious thoughts that are the stimuli behind the physical actions. The
inner monologue must exist as inner visions in an actor’s head in order to produce a series of emotions and states of being “by natural organic processes.” I.e., the actor must create the thoughts that lie behind the dialogue."

"Emotion memory is also an important technique that can be used in the creation of a role. Recalling experiences in the actor’s own life which are similar to those the character is going through can help the actor to deepen her own thoughts and feelings, making her conscious thoughts and natural actions more realistic."

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I realized something today.
I can't really get into direct method. I can't get pass my fear just by will-power or whatever technique. I believe Juggler's method is the way to go, but I simply can't do it. I can't even start. The thing that actually gets me out and doing stuff is indirect, routines method. I have a lot of proof that this is not really good. I know that it is just a method of hiding insecurites. But hey, I have insecurities and this is what gets me to do things and makes me motivated. Better something than nothing. FOr the last 2 months I really didn't do anything because I was "training Juggler's method". Bullshit. Deeply inside I want to control people and everything I do in life is an indirect method of getting people to do what I want. Being direct and open with people is my greatest fear and one that I don't know how to tackle with. Probably the solution is to... just do it. You gotta hate self-help books.

Now that I know what to do I'm developing a bootcamp for myself. If it works I will glady help others with it (I'm looking forward to that). The whole bootcamp will be focused on getting outside of your social self (a version of Hypnotica's dildo on forehead experiment). Once in that position you can do things that you would never do and always wanted to. So here is the first task that I succesfully applied today:

#1 Stop thinking what other people think about you

In contrast to everyone in the whole self-help and pick-up community I won't make you do stuff like: "Stop thinking", "Realize that", "Know that", "Think as if", "Apply the frame of". All of this reinforces whatever is going bad inside your head. Thinking about thinking just makes you think more! Use your body to stop thinking. Make specific actions to stop thinking.
This excercise will hopefully eliminate one of the biggest problems there is for people. What you do is look people in the eyes. Every person you meet during the day, at work, at home, shops, street look them deeply in the eyes. On a busy street don't even not look at somebody for a second. Constantly look at people. In a city you should get hundreds of eye contacts a day. This is something that already has reprogrammed my brain a couple months ago but now I'm moving this a step forward. The purpose of this task is not to look in the eyes but to stop thinking what they think of you. The reason why you are not looking people in the eyes is because you are concerned of what they think of you if they catch you looking. To do this succesfully you must find a reason to make eye contact besides making eye contact! Don't ever think about making eye contact! So how?
What you do is get yourself into the state of... WONDER. This is the state that you were in as a child. Before you got any concepts in your head. Before there was a spearation between you and other people. Before you knew that eyes look at you. You get into this state because of the reason you are looking at the eyes. My reason is to simply find out what the color of their eyes is. That's it, that reason does it for me. I just look at peoples eyes and I forget about what they think about. Other reasons might be: making statistics about eye color, checking if they will look at you, noticing the shape of the eye, trying to figure out their emotion from their eyes, trying to make a reaction like smile, manipulating into doing something like facial expression etc.
This takes practice and I will do this daily.


The number 3 top dating advice for women:

1. Be handsome

2. Be attractive

3. Don't be unattractive

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

If you can't do it yourself, let someone else do it

Shit I thought about this a long time ago, but never really made any action. Here's a newsletter from Style:


I recently had dinner with Sacha Baron Cohen, the British comedian
and provocateur known for his Ali G and Borat characters. It was
the first interview he had done for his new Borat movie as himself,
rather than in character. And I learned an important lesson that I
want to share with you.

But before I do, a recommendation: If you haven't seen the Borat
movie yet, go see it. I don't think I've ever laughed so loudly
during a film since Terms of Endearment. And the publicity campaign
has been a work of art in itself.

Now, the tip:

Part of the genius of Sacha Baron Cohen is that he is able to put
himself into awkward situations, and let the tension build and
build without breaking it. For example, singing the "Kazakh
national anthem" (about how the Central Asian country is the number
one exporter of potassium and all other countries suck) to an arena
full of rednecks - and sticking with the song despite the booing
and even the possibility of violence.

Behind the scenes, Baron Cohen said, the police were called on the
crew several times. Yet even when faced with the threat of arrest
and deportation, he actually STAYED in his Borat character.

I then asked him if he'd be able to create all this tension, to
face all this humiliation, to risk even deportation as Sacha Baron
Cohen instead of in disguise as his characters Borat or Ali G.

His answer: No. Probably not.

And I thought: I should share this with you all.

When I was first learning the game, one of my biggest sticking
points was my voice. I talked too fast, too quiet, too mumbly. I
kept trying to speak more clearly and commandingly (even went to a
voice coach), but I just couldn't slow down to a significant
degree. Of course, any time you use the word can't or couldn't,
you're just setting yourself up to be proven wrong.

So Mystery and I decided to solve the problem by creating a
fictional character. He would be a slow-talking, ultra-suave,
super-cheesy lady's man. His name: Manwhore. His nationality: a
little island off the coast of wherever you'd like him to be from.

As soon as I started playing the part of this cheesy Don Juan and
adapted his slow trilling accent, my voice would actually become
completely commanding and intelligible. And so I'd actually go out
sometimes as Manwhore for fun, and use the voice. Because it was a
little silly, I even invented appropriate tongue-in-cheek lines to
go with it. I always thought it would be funny if I ended up taking
someone home without ever breaking from the Manwhore character -
and then shared it as a field report on the community message
boards, so that guys all over the world would start going out as
Manwhore and meeting women. Alas, it never happened.

With good reason.

But Manwhore did have his desired effect, and he showed me that I
could speak more slowly, clearly, deeply, and intelligibly. And
then I took the next step and began training myself to incorporate
the result into my regular speaking voice, a process which continues
to this day.

So...the lesson:

If you are finding it difficult to change - to approach groups, to
improve your posture, to be more sexual, to alter your style of
dress, to think of yourself as someone quality people want to be
around, or whatever your deep internal barrier may be - then have
SOMEONE ELSE do it for you. Find a character to model - whether it
be a character from a movie (or even a cartoon), a real person you
know, or a completely made-up individual. It doesn't have to be
someone who you admire completely: they just have to possess
a trait that you lack and desire.

Then, before you go out, become that person in your head. Walk like
they would walk, think like they think, see the world how they see the

You don't have to go to the extreme of being Borat or Ali G, or
even Manwhore. And definitely don't take any situation to the brink
of arrest or violence like in the Borat movie. In fact, all you
have to do is pretend like you're a new person in your mind alone
- be it James Dean, Johnny Bravo, James Bond, Bugs Bunny, Jay-Z,
The Rock, David Letterman, Paris Hilton, Conor Oberst, the guy in
the infomercials with the question mark suit, or whoever has a
mannerism or point of view or trait you want and believe you lack.

Try it for a day. You may just find that you CAN actually take on
the thought patterns or behaviors you previously thought you
COULDN'T. And once your subconscious realizes this, it will
automatically begin the process of transferring this knowledge from
your fictional alter-ego to your actual self. And suddenly CAN'T
becomes CAN becomes YOU.

Til Next Time,


Use your body

What if you did your thinking, all your life wrong?
What if the body actually changes your thoughts and your states, not the other way around?

I think it is this way and I'm going to prove it.

All my life I want to stop thinking what other people think. Now what I was doing obviously didn't work. I tried to change my thinking... by thinking more. Not very zen. So what do I want to do now? This post gave me a clue on what to do:
I need to look people in the eyes and just become interested in that. If I do that, the moment I'm really looking, I am outside my head and I really, sincerly don't care what they think.

The second thing is: I want to treat everybody the same. This is a recent concept and I want to try it out. How do I do this through the perspective of this post? I don't think about everyone the same way. I use my body to induce this thinking. I place myself the same way in front of everybody. I use the same body language, the exact same posture. I combine it with the above: I stand relaxed and look the person deeply in the eyes. That's all. I will train this, because it is not comfortable. Once this becomes a habit, I believe I will change the way I see the world and interact within.