From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


"What you can do in this state (actually I don't want to call this a state, what I am right now, writing this, is a state, that one feels more natural, not like a state of mind but more as just what I am, an animal without any state bullshit),"
In that sentence I wrote in Biological Mutation lies the secret to getting rid of Form. I will write about it.


I got back to feeling awesome. It's all related to chakras. I reread my article Introduction to the mind at work and it all clicked after a few days. I opened up my cock chakra. The thing is I don't have enough tools to do this effectively. Awareness doesn't seem to be the only thing. I opened the sacral chakra spontaneously. I might try something. I think you have to occupy your mind with something like reading, or mantras and then do the releasing.
I went out to a club yesterday, there were no chicks I digged. But I was feeling really great and did a couple courages. My new technique is chunk it down. Or do your best. And of course feeling pleasant in my chakras.


I got back from a toastmasters meeting. Chakras are awesome. Work on them!