From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Friday, June 30, 2006

Like a virgin

OK where to start?
I did the opinion opener "Who lies more" for the very first time. Here's the story:
I went out of home and I felt really unmotivated, bad and a little sick. I was basically doing nothing for an hour and I decided to go for coffee. I sat at the corner of the shop. I started reading and drinking and my mood got great. There was a bunch of girls sitting a little farther and I decided that when I'm going out I will ask them for an opinion. In the meantime a group of girls sat next to me. Now for about an hour I was hesitating to start a conversation with them. I was in a great mood to run the opinion opener on them at first but then the more I waited the more nervous I got to the point I couldn't control shaking. And they finally left.
Just 2 girls were left and I just excused them to get pass. Then I cruised around a bit to warm-up. I did ask for the time a couple of times. I realized I cannot run the opinion opener. I said to myself FUCK THIS! I won't go home unless I do it. And I felt at that moment that this is the mindset that is gonna do it. Now for about 4 hours I was walking around the city trying to open with my opinion opener. I was in a really friendly mood with a perma-smile and 2 girls opened me up, but I didn't think of doing anything more (they asked for directions). I tried every single mindset and trick there is. Nothing. I finally decided to cut back a little and just ask "Who lies more" instead of running the whole routine (try something different rule). This felt a little easier but still I got tired and where feeling worse and worse. Finally after cruising the same spot for about the 5th time I spotted behind the bushes 2 girls talking. They were under 30, not my type. I realized that only after approaching them. I didn't even see them well when I decided to approach. The decision is really powerful. I approached them and spotted that they were in deep conversation but that did nothing and I opened them. I blew 500 sets before because they were talking and here I gave a shit about it. Basically my problem is not doing what I WANT. If I give a crap about what other people think or are doing at the moment I will do it constantly. I need to prioritize ME and my NEEDS. The actual experience was really... nothing. I felt good after it but it was no big deal. It felt very unnatural when I was spitting the words out, but hey this was the first time I ever did something like this in my life. This is my new path.