From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On belief change

On belief change


I was reading the book "The Four agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. The whole
book revolves around the idea that our reality is a dream, a dream created
out of our agreements. I suggest you read it, it is a terrific read.
Basically you need to change your beliefs in order to live a more fulfilled

How to do that? Don Miguel says that in order to change a belief you must
fight it with the same power that was used to create it. This is a very
important concept. It will help you really change the beliefs that govern
your life instead of relying on techniques that might not work.

[to be continued]



I was rereading my bootcamp experiences.I was wrong, I thought I have to learn everything, because there is nothing
there. All the skills are there, what prevents me from using them are my
I'm interested in FOCUS again, here is my quote that worked:"I must shrink my awareness to one thought - HOW DO I MAKE THIS INTERACTION

Old quote:

"What is game?
Game is being yourself. Period."

New add-on:

"Being yourself is never letting other people impose a frame on you"


PJE:"you're not going to trick your brain by saying thatyou're only going to work on something for a fewminutes, if you don't really mean it."That is why you can't trick it by saying: I'm only going to say hello.


"Here is a powerful way to train your attention span. I had the same problem
years ago.What you do is count the letters on a page from a novel book.
1,2,3,4,5 etc I used to loss track after about 6 lines but if you keep on
doing it, you will get better. Say your first time you only count to 100
then lose day you may do 105 or less etc...however you will get
to the point where you can count the whole page. it seems easy but it was
not for me. It took me a very long time to do that.But it works,Hypnotica"
"Get in the habit of filling-your mind up a little everyday with positive
things whether it be hypnosis, affirmations, reading etc...the long term
benefits are definitely worth it.I hope this helps.Hypnotica"