From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Fear is wrong

Realize that the fear is wrong.
Maintain the right mind-frame at all times. You never know when serendipidity will happen and the only way to use it is to take action on it.

I have all day put myself in situations where a woman would come up next to me and I would strike a conversation. I rehearsed the lines and was very confident to use it. The whole day I didn't have a single occasion to use it. This method is very ineffective. I think it is a very powerful way to meet a woman but it must be applied for everyday life not for pick-up. So I have the lines in my head and I will use them through-out my life.
For approaching lots of people I need something else.
I'm going to do Thundercat's bootcamp. He wrote something very good: you must do 3 warm-up sets before you can do the real thing. What I did wrong during the past 2 weeks is that I did only the warm-up sets. Now I'm gonna do it Thundercat style.

I am not perfect. I need to learn everyday.