From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Friday, July 21, 2006

I must do it

I decided to do 5 approaches today. I didn't do them. I didn't really feel like it, but that is an excuse. I really don't have to be in any state to do it. I just have to do it, no matter what. I have to make a decision to approach NO MATTER WHAT. Then and only then it will be a decision that will be fulfilled. I must be willing to accept any downside, upside, way and state I can be, could be or would be in.
I feel pretty down today, a LONG time ago I felt like this. The reason is because there are girls everywhere in my environment and I don't do anything. Why is my mind beating myself for it, isn't he the one that does things?
Maybe not. I thought today that I and ONLY I can approach. I must do it MYSELF. Letting HIM do it is only a way of not doing it. A method of escaping the real problem. The problem is just me. I've got to JUST DO IT.