From shy guy to don juan. Daily experiences.
"The secret of happiness is freedom. And the secret of freedom is courage."

Friday, May 19, 2006

Bootcamp w3d5

I'm afraid I have to be the first 'real' bootcamp drop-out. I've feel feeling like sh!t for the last week. I sleep about twice a much as normal and still wake up exhausted. "
Wow you should of told me earlier, this is how easily you can have more energy ->
Since I started doing this excercise I don't remember being tired. Also minimize stuff you eat. Eat only if you're hungry not because you have a habit of eating at a certain time or place.

My report for today:
I did 2 convos. The first one was pathetic I asked 2 girls for some directions, they seemed to like me but I just spoke to the them for the sake of it. The second one was in a line for a concert. I opened 2 girls, one of them started talking and talking I was so surprised by this that I didn't know what to do. As this was happening a second group of girls approach us and we all start talking and joking and soon I lose control of what's happening and I bail :D. This was so funny because I can never predict what will happen, I'm still in a great mood because of this.

HB convos: 4/10